Monday, June 15, 2009

Here, There, Everywhere (New)

Oo I Didn't Really Get Some Things Right, Did I?
My sincere apologies. The Iluma is spelt with a single not double "l" and yes, its facade facing Bugis Junction didn't have its name on it so it would remain a nameless, mysterious, colorful block to many only because its name is signposted at the rear instead. Facing out to oblivion.

And yes again, I forgot one more radiant color to the few I mentioned which Orchard Central emitted in the night. Purple, what else. I found this out when I stood longer at my bedroom window to savour the full display of its spectrum of colors.

Of course Mos isn't the only burger chain serving rice burgers these days. There are Japanese food chains that do and they all look uncanningly alike from the toddler-size portion, the basket they are served in and the styrofoam wrap lined with lettuce.

Sincere apologies once more.

I Love NUM's Newly Designed Colorful PaperBag Carriers
NUM had indeed come a long way as one of its staff reminded me recently.

Its carriers first started off as a piece of brown recycled paper bag with its name insigniaed on its side. This has now become almost like vintage wine of course.

Then it turned into a half blue half green colored pixelled bag with its evergreen logo of the spermatozoan.

Today that carrier has progressed to different full solid colors still embossed with the characteristic spermatozoan logo and the quality of the paper has improved tremendously.

It has become a collectible and is available for purchase at a price.

Oo What The Hell............
The exam results are out for Chris' module on Conflict Management.

This is the first "B" grade I got after a string of "As". I couldn't really accept this fact and I think I have an inkling why.

More Intellectual And Academic Rigor Tied To Practical Experience
First I was skipping lessons more often than I should and that is only because I wasn't enjoying Chris' lessons very much. In fact classes have now become a drag and motivation seems to be drying up.

Why? Because there wasn't as much academic or intellectual rigor as I was expecting. The lecturers were disappointing. If they had concentrated on making the concepts come alive in a fun and humorous way, I think we would have learned better. More so if they linked this to their practical experience.

Instead they veered off course most of the time and exams weren't testing on this.

For instance, I could think of teaching Freud's three human psyches in a fun and comical way while drawing on personal and practical experiences to connect to the concepts.

Broadening Perspectives, Well Said
Chris was still screening quite a few videos and trying to relate concepts to them. I couldn't see much "conflict" issues in "The Devil Wears Prada" but I could in "The Rain Man".

Worse, when I wrote my essay, I based my conflict with him to the book I read and not the models he was personally teaching only because I find that I could relate to the development of the conflict as in the book. Yes, some of his models are useful tools but they do need refinement and there was one or two I didn't find helpful.

He has to broaden his perspectives and understand that there are other CM models and we pick one which we can relate to.

After all the book was written by an Australian professor teaching in a 6th ranked university while Chris graduated from one that is ranked 19th.

Chris did lift material off from the book anyway.

So there...what has he got to say for himself?

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