Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Complete Suite Of Luxury Brands All Housed Under One Roof

All I Can Do Is Gape At Luxury Goods And Their Astronomical Prices
More recently, I have taken to gaping at high-end branded goods at luxury stores.

The range of brands and products bedazzle. There are so many beautiful works of art and masterpieces, it is hard to pick. The prices are way out of reach and poor me will never be able to afford one. Even if the GSSS (Great Singapore Super Sale) is on.

It will be nice to own a few sets of formal and informal luxury attire complete with matching accessories.

Are We Missing Something Here?
However the way I see it, the luxury brands offered here do not carry their full collection.

Take for instance, Armani and Fendi. Both are Italian brands.

We see the likes of Armani Jeans and Armani Exchange (the lower-end collection for younger customers and urbanites) being sold here but not Emporio Armani (the higher-end Armani line catering to young adults) or Giorgio Armani (the 2nd most expensive Armani line of collection)

At best they are limitedly available here and we only see Emporio Armani's eyewear and timepieces sold here .

Armani Casa, Armani's home collection is also not available here. Don't forget that Armani also invests in fine dining within their stores plus bookstores and flower shops and we can picture how much we are missing out on the entire Armani fraternity.

With the Fendi brand, we don't see the Men's collection and Fendi Casa is at the other end of Orchard Road near Tanglin while of course the French Chloe was always only a woman's brand.

The New Or Revamped Luxury Stores Holds Out Hope
But there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon . I thought I glimpsed Emporio Armani coming our way soon when the new Mandarin Gallery opens. The billboards even feature young blondes togged out in its apparels.

I am even surer that Ion Orchard will change all that as I begin to see Louis Vuitton and Dolce and Gabbana along with other luxury brands fronting its grand entrance.

This Is Fast Considering The Time Span Between Announcement And Action
When it was announced that there will be an overhead bridge linking Iluma and Bugis Junction, I was telling myself that I didn't see anything going up in that area.

It will be a great relief as that narrow traffic island sure gets squeezy when the crowd swells even though there is a crossing junction just down the road.

Today, the whole bridge is up and this must have been done in record time too.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Bare Bosom Versus Bare Pelvis - Is One Any Better Than The Other?

Frolicking Gymnasts' Bare Antics Derided While Cleavaging Or Almost Bare Bosommed Femme Fatales Are Let Loose
A writer to the Forum pages derided the loose-fitting knee length trunks that exposed the pelvic bone and pubic area below the waistline of our local gymnasts while they were frolicking about their acrobatic stunts.

I have personally witnessed women in bikinis removing their bra straps and basking at our public swim pools. What about cleavaging femme fatales frolicking at our public spaces like our shopping malls and public schools?

As I have pointed out, which are private parts that need covering up are well-known and unless equality of the gender is respected, I think it is gonna be a free-for-all.

Republic Polytechnic's Mantra Of "Every Student Is A Customer" Decried But We Are Really Missing The Crux Of The Issue Here
It is true a student is not "always right" but then again neither is the teacher.

The writers who decried RP's mantra could be empathised but the whole crux of the issue is missing here.

Education has nothing to do with attire or appearance. I do not see how students feeling comfortable and possibly allowed to snack or eat will detract them from their concentration in class.

I am doubtful discipline in that arena is key. Certainly discipline in self-reading, motivation, behavior, attitude, handing in assignments and attending classes are.

That is only education rigor coming from the students. There is that other part that hails from the guru.

The rigor I wanna see is the intellectual exchange part. The knowledge both old and new part that truly fits reality. The debate and the questions. The critical analyses and thinking part. The language proficiency. The content material.

The teaching methodology and delivery that link knowledge concepts to everyday practicum so students are knowledgeably illuminated.

No more cliches. No more standardised answers that fit every unique individual and circumstances. No more generalisations and gender-stereotyping.

That will be true education.

Ever-Changing Shopping LandScape From The Art Installation To The Cars On The Road
Everytime I walk into OC, it promises some new art installations in the making only because it hasn't completely open yet.

Just yesterday, it featured these black mannequins togged out in the latest gears and fashion cunm electronic accessories illuminated by neonic blue tubes hung on a grid mesh.

Then there is this gigantic steel woman standing on high-heels and clutching a handbag. She is at least five storeys tall.

Just like the few Ferrari (or are they Maserati) sports cars that zoomed past OC along Orchard Road, they were sights to behold that take your breath away if only for a moment.

I can only expect more when Scotts Square (incidentally when is this opening and will it have a shopping mall or art gallery ?), 313@Somerset, Grand Park, Mandarin Gallery and Heeren opens or re-opens.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Slow Coach To A Schizophrenic "Suku" (Mad) Island Filled With Tortoises (New)

An Unsearchable And Mysterious Renoma Brand
Try googling "Renoma" and it draws a complete blank.

Other than sites advertising sales of its bags and underwear, there isn't a farthing information about the company, its history or an official website.

Other brands like Skinxwear, Diesel, BUM. 2(x)ist and C-In2 are readily found but not Renoma. So what the hell is it?

Sexual Minorities Have The Same Rights As Ethnic Minorities And A Comprehensive Sex And Sexuality Education Will Acknowledge Just That
In the light of the recent AWARE saga, I only wanna highlight a few salient points.

One, there is nothing wrong with providing a comprehensive sex and sexuality education program. It is not about promoting homosexuality but about education and acknowledging homosexuality.

After all just like ethnic minorities, sexual minorities must be accorded the same rights to be heard and understood.

That is all we are asking for - to be heard, understood, acknowledged and accepted. We are no different from anyone except for our different sexual tastes and preferences.

Orchard Central's Other Attraction
Of course. You always hear it from me first.

If you didn't already read about it from the press, Orchard Central boasts of a brand new, world's tallest indoor vertical rock climbing wall which has iron rungs known as the Ferrata (Italian for "iron road").

You can also do the normal climb but purportedly the iron rung way is more difficult.

By the way, after doing a little research of my own, I found out that the world's highest natural ferrata and Asia's first is located on Mt Kinabalu or what is nick-named Mt Torq, which is none other than our East Malaysian Sabahan neighbor.

What OC has for adventure climbing reminds me of the Kallang Leisure Park where you can bowl or ice skate. This kinda shopping mall concept is also endemic to Kuala Lumpur and BangKok.

If you have visited Times Square in KL, you will remember it for its roller-coaster ride of a theme park set within a mall.

Thus it is nothing new, just that we are much slower, that is all. Like having a light-up train itinerary on our subways or a foreign university campus on local shores.

Even our malls' lighting up like the OC and the Ion Orchard are nothing new when compared to Japan, Taiwan and HongKong who with their combined late night neonic flashes probably beat us hands down.

Is Singapore Fast Becoming A Schizophrenic Nation With Multiple Split Nationalities?
When I peeked into a Fitness First branch at The Cathay, I couldn't help noticing how it was largely staffed by Filipinos.

The same thing recently happened at California Fitness too. They congregate and chat among themselves and in loud tones at that.

At Jurong Point, the new wing has opened but the foreign workers are still here. Within the mall and milling outside its periphery, sitting, eating, drinking and chatting or just hanging out in big groups.

An entourage of SMRT staff consisting of China nationals and only one Indian national filed past me in the mall.

So when will the national sovereignty of the people ever see the light of day?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bric-A-Brac (Latest)

Where Have All The People Gone?
As I sit in class these days, I begin to notice the dwindling number of students.

Some have consistently skipped classes and only turn up on exam day while others are just erratic in their attendance for whatever reasons. There are a couple of them who may have deferred or who are exempted while others have dropped out altogether for reasons best known to themselves.

Among them are two people I know. One has dropped out and his "close" friends have apparently not cared enough to call him to find out what happened. I have taken it upon myself to find out.

Another I have not seen ever since Henry, the lecturer, picked on him and asked to utter the words "I wanna die". I am trying to get to this person as we were chatting happily one minute and the next thing I know, he has completely vanished into thin air.

Seriously I am amazed at the callousness of some of the personalisation the lecturers can engage in and their "close" friends who don't really seem to care.

Fair-Trade's Hall Mark Of Fair Trade
It started with a jar of lemon curd I bought from Marks And Spencer.

It bore a label with the "Fairtrade" mark that purports to give Third World producers a fairer deal so that they will have a better standard of living, acknowledging the sugar ingredient it uses is from such a country.

More recently I have been noticing a whole range of products from coffee to tea bearing this "Fairtrade" mark with diverse countries like Kenya and Ethiopia of Africa, Sri Lanka, India, Colombia and Brazil of Central/South America and Aceh, Indonesia of South East Asia.

This is a good start and I am sure it will extend to other tangible and intangible products in the future.

Men No Wear Flowery And Colorful Clothes? Desigual And Spanish Men Must Be In Big Trouble Then
If men are typecast as humans who cannot don flowery and colorfully designed attire, then Spanish men are in deep trouble.

More specifically, Desigual, the Barcelona-based Spanish fashion design store would have to close shop and Spanish men would be looked upon as sissies.

At least that is the impression I got when a female Malay classmate enquired about my yellow colored two-toned tee and the flowery Hawaiian long-sleeved shirt I wore very recently. She was kinda taken aback, I guess, from this flamboyant display.

Truth is, my few working shirts have laid crumpled and creased for years in my luggage, waiting to be worn and see the light of day but my unsuccessful school interview recently has absolutely crushed this wishful hope.

So I bought a steam iron recently (and it seems they all now come with "steam" function) to iron out the creases and treat them as casual wear instead, coupled with jeans of course.

Sexually-Charged And Connotated Conversations
"Cut, wash and blow" - what a male hairdresser would say to a gay client.

"This iron got steam" - what a male sales assistant said to me.

"This display set has been touched, fingered and mauled so many times, if I were to buy it, I want a discount" what I said to a young handsome sales assistant, alluding to sex workers or the like.

Allusory Movies
If you had watched "Transformers - Revenge Of The Fallen", the backdrop of the story and the plot look a lot like the war in Iraq.

The desert, the desert palm trees, the storm troopers and the allusion to getting at the energy source (more precisely "The Matrix") underneath the pyramid all seem to point that way.

"Terminator Salvation" is a remake of the Terminator series minus Arnie who makes a very brief appearance towards the end the film.

It was action-packed and promised no end of thrills and spills as the cyborgs go about their mission to terminate humans.

A mission perhaps, that is all too appropriate?

More Than One Display Pattern, More Color Changes
OC has more than one display pattern.

So you will excuse me if I wrote about the changing colors of one such pattern the last time and not taking into account the hues of the other display pattern.

In fact I like the new display I saw. It had more hues and vibrancy to it.

Help! Help! Help! Any Fit Young Handsome White Knights Decked Out In Branded Fashion Togs And Riding On A Pure White BMW To The Rescue?
Even as I prepare for any eventuality, I am ensuring I look my best and do most of the things I wanna do. Too bad trips to Europe and Egypt cannot be fulfilled.

From my hair, to my facial skin to my finger nails to my clothes and accesories and the food I eat, I am not letting up on trying things I have not tried before.

Not that I really wanna die, but hey does poor me have a choice? I can only pray for a miracle. And that does not include going back to past employers, turning to the UnHoly Alliance Of The Trio or signing up with any political party. It has got to be a pure and simple case of unconditional help with no strings attached.

I only hope I live long enough to see the opening of some of our newest attractions like the shopping malls, the casino resorts and so on.

Please someone, help! I really dont wanna die!

Sob, sob, sob, sob, sob ($$$$$1 000 000x).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Essential And Non-Essential Services

In these times of economic depression, radical measures may be needed.

We have to examine what are essential and non-essential services. I count those environment officers nabbing litterbugs as being non-essential. Where in the world does the state employ 2000 odd such "people" for catching others who litter.

To be better deployed, they should be retrained as cleaners instead. That way, it engages them more productively.

Schools should be shut and students can learn from home. There are always books available and online resources.

From my experience for the learning program I enrolled in, I was actually looking up to the lecturers for that extra "spark" but this was so wanting.

I found a better substitute in reading and surfing the web for learning resources. Especially good books written by practitioners and authoritative sources.

What about security personnel save those who have to ensure the safe accompaniment of huge hoards of cash? And others in the armed forces? Can they be rotated and more effectively employed on a tighter and smaller workforce?

Every nook and cranny should not be overlooked as we trim down costs for non-essential services and redeploy resources for other essential projects like infrastructure and tourism.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fuck Your Mother Chao Chee Byes

Yet again, they have closed another door in my face.

And a very critical one. Especially at this time when I need a job badly. A job I am comfortable and familiar with, has a reasonable vocational interest in and it pays quite well.

Plagued by on-off back pains and a less than sharp vision (and it seems like my knees are giving me trouble too these days), I am not gonna veer into other jobs save teaching and counselling within an education setting.

With the looming prospect of losing all my money plus a roof over my head (and a place to call my own), there is seriously nothing left for me to do.

They are seriously pushing me into a tight corner, leaving me with no options but death.

It is like at the job interview facing a panel of 3 distinguished female "educators", a panel who must be living well under the auspices of the civil service and who knows a farthing about the world outside except their own.

One posed me a question why I didn't opt for relief-teaching. Woman, my data is on their registration system and I renew it yearly. But I haven't got a single farthing call so far save one year eons ago.

Fuck you, chao chee byes!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Here, There, Everywhere (New)

Oo I Didn't Really Get Some Things Right, Did I?
My sincere apologies. The Iluma is spelt with a single not double "l" and yes, its facade facing Bugis Junction didn't have its name on it so it would remain a nameless, mysterious, colorful block to many only because its name is signposted at the rear instead. Facing out to oblivion.

And yes again, I forgot one more radiant color to the few I mentioned which Orchard Central emitted in the night. Purple, what else. I found this out when I stood longer at my bedroom window to savour the full display of its spectrum of colors.

Of course Mos isn't the only burger chain serving rice burgers these days. There are Japanese food chains that do and they all look uncanningly alike from the toddler-size portion, the basket they are served in and the styrofoam wrap lined with lettuce.

Sincere apologies once more.

I Love NUM's Newly Designed Colorful PaperBag Carriers
NUM had indeed come a long way as one of its staff reminded me recently.

Its carriers first started off as a piece of brown recycled paper bag with its name insigniaed on its side. This has now become almost like vintage wine of course.

Then it turned into a half blue half green colored pixelled bag with its evergreen logo of the spermatozoan.

Today that carrier has progressed to different full solid colors still embossed with the characteristic spermatozoan logo and the quality of the paper has improved tremendously.

It has become a collectible and is available for purchase at a price.

Oo What The Hell............
The exam results are out for Chris' module on Conflict Management.

This is the first "B" grade I got after a string of "As". I couldn't really accept this fact and I think I have an inkling why.

More Intellectual And Academic Rigor Tied To Practical Experience
First I was skipping lessons more often than I should and that is only because I wasn't enjoying Chris' lessons very much. In fact classes have now become a drag and motivation seems to be drying up.

Why? Because there wasn't as much academic or intellectual rigor as I was expecting. The lecturers were disappointing. If they had concentrated on making the concepts come alive in a fun and humorous way, I think we would have learned better. More so if they linked this to their practical experience.

Instead they veered off course most of the time and exams weren't testing on this.

For instance, I could think of teaching Freud's three human psyches in a fun and comical way while drawing on personal and practical experiences to connect to the concepts.

Broadening Perspectives, Well Said
Chris was still screening quite a few videos and trying to relate concepts to them. I couldn't see much "conflict" issues in "The Devil Wears Prada" but I could in "The Rain Man".

Worse, when I wrote my essay, I based my conflict with him to the book I read and not the models he was personally teaching only because I find that I could relate to the development of the conflict as in the book. Yes, some of his models are useful tools but they do need refinement and there was one or two I didn't find helpful.

He has to broaden his perspectives and understand that there are other CM models and we pick one which we can relate to.

After all the book was written by an Australian professor teaching in a 6th ranked university while Chris graduated from one that is ranked 19th.

Chris did lift material off from the book anyway.

So there...what has he got to say for himself?

Monday, June 08, 2009

You Are A Film Critic, We Are Movie Goers - Get The Roles Right (Newest)

This Noodle Shop Had Closed But There Was Always Another Similar One Just Down The Road Anyway
I was sauntering past a row of shops and hoping to catch a quick eat at my favourite noodle shop (which had since closed) when I noticed the naked picture of popular HongKong star Edison Chen fronting the cover of The New Paper.

Oo What Is Edison Doing, Gracing Yet Another Cover Of A Tabloid? And A Local Tabloid At That! And We Thought That Scandal Was All Over Already, Didn't We?.......
Edison, if you do not already know, is the victim of a sex video scandal he had secretly filmed of himself with various famous HongKong starlets. Whoa Wee! Isn't Edison just cute naked? I mean he is slim fit, smooth bodied and has nice teats to match. Very seductive, very pretty boy, very fuckable!

Naturally I snapped up a copy at once.

A Nonsensical, Mindless And Brainless Piece Of Junk
It was then that I chanced upon a ridiculous piece written by a journalist about the 3D movie "Monsters Versus Aliens" she had watched at one of our many local cinplexes.

First she lamented how bad it was to be wearing the 3D goggles as she had to juggle writing down notes and reading SMSes in between watching the movie. At the end she had such a huge headache, she almost wished the animation wasn't screened in 3D.

She even dreaded more 3D movies in the pipeline and apparently "Monsters Versus Aliens" is just the first of a string of new animation movies that will be produced in 3-Dimension from thenceforth.

All I can say is that being the film-critic that she is held out to be, I empathise with her predicament. That is an unenviable job I suppose. Fortunately for the large majority of us who are mere movie-goers, not film journalists, we do not do what she does.

Therefore the note-taking, the SMSing simply do not stand.

In fact, for me, I enjoyed this animation movie in 3D so much that I am actually looking forward to the next one, Ice Age 3, which will also be screened in 3D.

So please, woman, you don't speak for the rest of us.......

I Love Orchard Central
It is gonna take at least a month more or so before this swanky high-end shopping mall is fully open.

But already it is beckoning to me from my bedroom window at night with its shimmering glow of blue, green, red and white.

Just like the Ion Orchard (40 odd days more to go before its grand opening) and The Illuma with its sweeping flash of white lights, these new malls are actually emitting radiant glows in the night. A totally new concept.

Speaking of new concepts, the Orchard Central has plenty of it. First, there are two basement levels of a Med concept which I initially thought meant Medical but soon learned it was actually Mediterranean. Though I don't see how the moniker actually lives up to its name but hey the label itself is enough to dazzle.

Then there is the Discovery Walk. I don't think this is open yet.

The Runway is really just that. With shops snaking its way all along it, customers could imagine themselves as fashion models sashaying down the runway while shopping.

The Ramp is a spiral of inclined walkways offering good window views of the Orchard Road shopping belt.

The Verandah is a balconied area where people could lean out, get a whiff of fresh air, sunlight and wind and also catch a good view.

Finally I am pretty sure two floors of a roof terrace, much like the Illuma's (though the latter offers a better view of the South China Sea and the Marina Bay area) would be a welcome city garden respite from the heat and the crowd (this is not open yet too).

Don't forget that not too many shopping malls offer tired feet several floors of cozy, plush, cushioned sofas to lounge in (that is like such a welcoming change) and you can be grateful the developers actually thought things through and have their customers' interest at heart.

Well done, Orchard Central! I can't wait for you to be fully open and I am sure I will be your loyal patron.

I Love Carl Jr's And Mos
Once I got started on their burgers, I just couldn't stop.

At Carl's, the beef and chicken patties were charbroiled and I suppose that was what made them juicy, dripping, tasty delicious. They were unlike any other run-of-the-mill patties I have ever tasted.

Mos has the best rice burgers ever. Of course this isn't the first time I ran into them. I had my first taste of one at Macs during a CNY promo of its rice burgers light years ago.

Small enough to feed a toddler, the rice burgers were, nonetheless, a class of its own. Tasty lip-smacking sauce that tickles your taste buds along with the various meaty patties.

Yummy yum!

Yes, You Too, My Boy! *Wink Wink*
I must admit that sometimes it isn't all about looks and appearance.

Take for instance, my class right now.

There is this guy who if I had just taken him at face value, would never ever have made it on my "MUST SEX WITH" list.

But after a day of working with him on a class discussion project, I discovered that he was kinda charming, nice and cheerful despite all that we threw at him. In short, a pleasant and good-natured disposition and humorous to the end.

You know what, he is now on that list of mine, in addition to the other five.

Watch your butt, my boy!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Another Drag

Once More With Fuck, Mother Fuckers!
If they think I am gonna have the drive, ambition, passion and energy to start all over again by taking away everything I have, think real hard. It is not going to happen. Nor am I gonna be driven to anyone or anything. Save for people I love.

And yes, any feelings I may have for my ex-roomie are already gangrously dead. I was asking myself what I saw in him and did we even have anything in the first place when I ran into him twice. At best I am just indifferent to him.

Meanwhile, I am watching what the end entails and I am prepared. I come with nothing, I leave nothing and I will just go. As it is, life holds very little existential meaning for me right now. I can't even find a suitable roomie up till now.

I am almost half dead, what with physical health problems and the constant spectre of my financial woes looming over me the last half year. Just when I thought my life was picking up its little pieces, they TAKE EVERYTHING away from me.

Fuck you!

Henry, I Have To Agree To Disagree With You On Occasion
Henry is one BIG TALK COCK KING! He does of course speak with some experience (of his counselling work, for sure) and I do agree with him on many occasions. I tolerate and bear with his funny anecdotes , sick as some are, only because they ARE FUNNY and I do laugh along. But it stops there!

Like Chris, if he thinks I am turning to him for counselling, he is dead wrong. It is one cliche after another that shows very little understanding of the unique circumstances surrounding each and every individual case. In fact, I don't think he has experienced very much himself on other facets of human life.

Being theologically inclined, he was quoting Old and New Testament and I thought for people with different religious faiths in the class and a secular education that we are receiving, that this was unwarranted.

It isn't very pleasant to speak with him on a personal basis because he really shoots off his mouth like anything. Shrewd or whatever you wanna label it as.

I am sorry I can't identify with him very much and teacher-pupil we remain.

And unless I am surer what this school and class people stand for, I will remain very cautious. Since my class have a fairer than fair proportion of people of different religious faiths, I can guess how they probably have some anti-gay and gay-conversion agenda.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Movies Galore

Angels And Demons
I thought "X-Men:Wolverine" and "Star Trek" weren't exactly as exciting as their predecessors were. But then again I was never a fan of "Star Trek" and therefore had no precedent to compare it with.

I only watched "Dive" because of the three cute, young, hot Japanese male stars who were in skin most of the time and had hot butts which they variously exposed. Plus the rest of the cute, young, hot Japanese boy stars.

However the sequel to Ron Howard's "Da Vinci Code" , "Angels And Demons" didn't disappoint. The pace was fast as Robert Langdon (aka Tom Hanks) raced against time to locate and rescue the four cardinals captured by the "Illuminati". He had to finally find the anti-matter they stole and destroy it before it destroys the whole of Rome. But alas, his efforts only saw the fourth cardinal surviving the ordeal.

Three people in the plot met their fiery ends. The 3rd cardinal was thrown into a bonfire. The van that one Illuminati "terrorist" drove exploded into a ball of fire. And the adopted son of the dead Pope, hoping to be the heir to the Papal throne, self-immolated himself.

The movie's end had a telling moral - All men (and women), are flawed and fallible. Nobody escapes this inevitable truth, not even the Holy See.

Monsters Versus Aliens
What makes this movie stands out was its 3D animation.

All the action and drama literally popped out, leaping out at you into your face as it happened.

The plot was simple enough with monsters on the one side fighting against aliens. Monsters, as we were to know it, weren't really monsters at all. Take the case of Susan. She got hit by a meteorite on her wedding day and was infused with a meteorite gunk. So she glowered and just grew and grew in size.

She met the rest of the gang of monsters, Dr Cockroach, Insectivore, The Link and Bob and together they fight the evil alien who has ambition of conquering Earth. In the process Susan learned about her strengths and finally ditched her jerk of a fiance.

What can I say? You ain't see nothing yet if you didn't catch this 3D version.