Thursday, December 27, 2007

Braces For A Better Future Life And A Tension-Relieving Sex Therapy Session

What A Smart Investment For One's Long-Term Well-Being
I have always thought that as we grow in our years with age, our teeth will all drop off and we will all end up looking like Old Mother Hubbard, who sat on her tuffet (or is that a line from Miss Muffet instead?), muching porridge with a set of teethless smile.

Ha ha ha. I just love the word "munching" because it just shows how age can really eat into your enamel.

Therefore I thought nothing of dentures as being a GIVEN. That was until I paid a dentist a visit that day and he shook my long-held mistaken notion to its very core.

I was told that if I keep up with my flossing and brushing and engage in a little shaping and aligning along the way, with the help of braces of course - in short orthodontics treatment - I may just get to keep most of my teeth till my old age.

Guess that just woke me up to the fact that all those kids with their thousands of dollars worth of red, blue and green-colored aesthetic braces paid for by their RICH PARENTS are JUST ONE HECK OF A SMART KID WHO ARE INVESTING IN THEIR FUTURE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING!

Lucky lucky lucky rich kids!

An Assembly-Line Kinda Feeling
On the big day I decided to proceed with THIS BIG DECISION TO wear braces for the next two to two and half years (oh yes, I chose red for my aesthetics), I had my mouth probed into, my lips torn apart, my teeth checked and rechecked, photographed and X-rayed, wax for moulds shoved into and outtta my mouth and all these happening while signing on the dotted line for some consent forms.

I felt like I was some product moved from one assembly line to another. Efficient and professional -yes but nothing much else. And I acually consented to the X-ray films and photographs being used for academic discussion and teaching purposes.

Oh WOW! I want royalties for that!

My mute sister will be next in line for her set of false dentures.

My First Full-Body Sports Massage And Physiotherapy Patient
It has been almost a good 20-day wait for my first sports massage and physiotherapy patient to turn up!

When I got his booking and outcall, I was almost numb with the long wait (not that all that bad things that had happened to me didn't add on to my feelinglessness). But I pulled myself together and managed a short session of a gym work-out before scooting down to his place.

At his door-step, I noticed he wasn't much of a good looker and that was only because of the pimples and scarring that marred his otherwise tanned and relatively good physique and youthfulness.

He was topless and dressed in a pair of knee-high bod shorts so I could tell instantly what he looked like.

I stripped down and seeing that I did, he did the same. He had a nice long dick and it was half-erected.

And with that I began a session of a hot massage in his bedroom. Though the air-conditioner was turned down quite low, I was actually sweating because I was giving my all and I was variously straddling him, squatting and standing over him on his queen-size bed so that I could rub in my BEST for him.

The last stage was that nice long dick standing its full length gearing up for a full frontal view massage which I couldn't resist a massage and putting my mouth to.

It was MORE THAN JUST delicious!

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