Saturday, January 05, 2008

That Was Hair Therapy?

Hair Therapy - Or Was It?
Of course I still have those long flowy locks that are tousled into a nest of messy hair all over. Except that it has been three months and my hair does need a trim, a shape and a cut.

So with that in mind and to keep my hair growing long forever more, I stepped into this hair salon and a team of two hair stylists promptly drew moi into its sales pitch of either a herbal hair treatment or an electrode-based one on a machine.

A monitor scan showed up moi's 100x magnified mirror image of hair follicles and moi's never before close-up view of his precious scalp.

And what a scalp it was! There were all these white gluey smudges clinging themselves for dear life at the base of the hair canal which the stylists duly attributed to grime and blockage that prevented hair growth and that was precsiely what the treatment was gonna help eliminate!

A bit taken in by all the hype our foreign friends were drumming up and assured that there will be a before and after scan, moi decided to go with it.

Spraying on what seems like an anti-freeze (which they claimed to be antiseptic) and slapping on layers upon layers of gooey "mantana" herbal jelly (both of which were freezing cold), my hair was left to stand for 20 minutes.

Talk about freezing up my scalp, head and brains!

When the time was up, the "after" scan showed up the exact same smudges and the team of two then proceeded to hard sell their package deal of a 6-session hair therapy treatment which of course I declined.

That will be positively the last time I will set foot in this hair salon! Enough already!

That probably explains the trickle of customers it is having!

They Have It All
While sipping tea and waiting for my hair to be cut, I picked up several copies of the salon's Japanese hair-style magazines and what a variety of styles there were! Both long and short.

Compare that to the one style we invariably have here!

Some dictates maybe?

The Conspicuous Consumer Isn't So Conspicuous After All
I have stated many times how we all live in our own worlds and move within our own circle of friends and associates.

It is the same with shopping and dining! Unless you are an avid shopper like moi now is (to a certain extent), you find that the conspicuous consumer is probably just a fashion street consumer!

Price tags usually in the range of tens of dollars!

It is the same with food. The hawker centres and the coffee-shops aren't getting much cheaper.

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