Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More Good News, Thanks To You And Your Many Policies And Tests (Fuck You)

Now that the diagnosis has come through, I am left with three different sets of prescription readings. One for my old pair of contact lenses, a recent one for a new pair and today, another one from the eye hospital.

What is moi gonna do with these different sets of readings? It seems that optometry is more art than an exact science and it depends on what you can see most clearly with when you take the test.

It is confirmed moi has cataract. But you have to wait for it to "ripen" before you can go for any op and in the meantime it is gonna be more blurry vision. You should listen to what some patients who contracted it have to say.

An old woman had pus leaking from her eyes before she realised something was wrong. And it was a 4-year wait before she finally could have an eye-op.

It must be the last two years that moi runs under the hot sun and engaging in other sporting activities outdoors that has precipitated it. Look what another shit-ass predicament SHIT ASSES have pushed me to. Another cause and effect thingy.

I would have been comfortable at home like the last time (running a home office) and going for my pre-dawn runs like I always do and perhaps NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.

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