Monday, December 17, 2007

The Hair Has It And Shows Us For Who We Are

Three Hot Schools Training On The Track And Field
Super duper stunning and young good lookers out on the tracks engaging in their athletic training.

I wanna get closer but somehow I got tight-lipped. I hope the other party takes the initiative instead. Even if I do, is my gaydar working (even if it is, I may not be their pick) and will they turn out to be like the many I have run into?

Keeping in touch just fizzles out once the other person throws a spanner in the works, like he is with his girl friend. An obvious hint to buzz off. And I do take the cue and keep my distance.

Sigh, life is tough for gays to get hitched. Maybe more so in my case.

Me And My New Hair Look - Long Is The Word
I have never kept my hair longer than 8 weeks. But today marks the 10th week my hair has been growing naturally into its shaggy tail-ends, tousled messiness and wind-swept untidiness.

And I am loving it and learning to live with it. Once the time is ripe, I will trim, cut and shape into a different style. A style that copes with my NEW LONG-HAIR look.

Schools and throughout our lives, we have been mind-controlled and conforming to the standards to GOD KNOWS WHO set the rules.

Some freaking stupid GOD who thinks he is GOD!

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