Wednesday, November 28, 2007

See For Yourself - The Place You Created For Us All

Three localites stand akimbo as they give the old man in front of them the eye over.

Localite Mania: "Welcome, Great Leader! I see you have decided to come down from your lofty ivory tower to live amongst us!" (proceeds to kick him in the shin)

Localite Suffer-Enough: "Oo. I hope that didn't hurt too much. But hey, we have suffered enough under your elite rule. Too many years of nonsensical rule, in fact. Enough is enough already."

Localite Fuck-You: "I suggest we take him to his living quarters where there are about a thousand other foreignites and permanites holed up there. Let us see how he copes on a daily basis, dealing with them."

Localite Mania (mockingly): "Oo. Yeah. Next time they need to recreate, you can open up your homes and your gardens for them to recreate in."

Localite Fuck-You: "The beds have bed bugs too. You will just love them. You can loll rught along with them! (laughs derisively) A dose of your own medicine?"

All three localites then grab the Great Leader by his arms to shuffle him along to the waiting transport.

Localite Mania: "As you can see all around you, the people, the environment, the whole works. They are just products of your system. Look how all of them turned out, no thanks to you!"

Localite Fuck-You: "See those foreignites there, gathering together in droves? Or that localite bin scrounger? How would you like to take a closer peek?" (shoves his head out the vehicle window so he can have a real good look)

Localite Suffer-Enough: "I don't think they want handouts. It is just pure circumstantial circumstances. And no dignified human being want to be reduced to that kinda state and I don't think they exactly wanna be in a dole queue or something if they can help it."

Localite Mania: "Look at this Garden of Eden. It actually has the forbidden fruit, no better than the biblical one. And what do you do? A foreignite to clean up after the mess!"

Localite Suffer-Enough: "I am sure the localites would appreciate a harvest and that they can reap this harvest. But do they?"

Localite Mania: "Some of the single localites can't own homes because of the sky-high prices. And they are not only priced out of the market, they get rotten apples for the kinda premium they pay. "

Localite Fuck-You: "Localites are discriminated against. They can't work good jobs that the foreignites are pulling away from them, like in teaching. We don't see very special skills that the foreignites bring with them that the localites can't fill."

Localite Suffer-Enough: "But the localites do the "sai kang" (dirty work) teaching in schools for kids with problems and we don't see a single foreign soul here. What about National Service? But where are the foreignites posted? Premier schools like Dunman High, Bukit Pangjang Government High and Raffles Girls."

Localite Mania: "Most of all, there is a significant number of us who didn't elect you as our Great Leader, Great Leader! What did you do to get elected? Pasang khaki? Shame on you! That is a fair deal?"

The three localites hope that by the end of this visit, "The Great Leader" will begin to understand the kinda situational thingy he has created for his people. And yes, perhaps after this, change is afoot.

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