Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Re-Design And Clean up

A Shit Ass Of A Community's Needless And Non-Sensical Add Ons
If you remember Keagan and our midnight tete-a-tete, I have this to say about what he told me.

Keagan's mom teaches in a primary school in Ang Mo Kio. According to him, civil servants like her apparently cannot vote against the ruling elites.

I cannot verify if this is true but I just have this deep-seated gut feel this is another of the community's own shit-trash for excusing themselves from an opposing vote.

Only because most of them are comfortable and doing fairly well and most of all, fed well.

Like those in businesses and those just getting along. But they do have few gripes and it is then people like us who they think they can tap on to agitate their cases for them.

I am so sorry. Everyone fights his own battles. Get this right.

Yes, Please Reno This
In fact I am beginning to think that the community is largely at fault for all that is happening now. They are the ones who add fuel to policies or got them changed. If they had just shut their traps, many of the things happening now just wouldn't have.

There is no doubt the Yishun stadium should undergo a major renov.

The astro needs returfing as the black tarmac are already showing and the algae has eaten into some parts of it.

Bad Design And In Bad Need Of A Good Clean-Up
Now turning our attention to the Gents cum showers inside the Sports Hall. As it is, the only two shower cubicles are already crammed in space and anyone who hangs their sports or gym bags inside would just wet it.

So normally bathers like moi have to step out to change on the bench parked just outside the shower rooms.

It doesn't help that the main entrance faces a corridor and any passers-by passing along this corridor could see nudists like moi drying or changing. It also doesn't help that the Ladies cum showers next door is so next-doory, any gall who screams or shouts inside could be heard from this side of the Gents.

That is what promptly happened once and moi had to scream back at the galls to shut up.

To avoid all these inconveniences, what moi does is to always slam shut the main door which is held open by a brick.

Now I am not sure why the foreign guest worker working here, who also goofs off (he actually sits around on the benches at the swim complex) and works at the swimming complex nearby, loves re-opening it every time I shut it tight.

I would have thought that the cleaner's store shoud be a storage area for his work tools but no siree, he chooses to store a few of his brooms and rakes behind this door.

The walls of the cubicles need a good scrub down and even the floor is always dirty. Taps are faulty and yes a screen of dust coats the windows up above. There is practically no ventilation once the door is shut but there is a wall fan which is operated from without or at least moi can't find its switch inside the loo.

Rest assure, this is not the only sad state of affairs with our public loos or public facilities. There are more. Differents sets of faulty designs or equipment or dirty premises elsewhere.

Shouldn't these contract cleaners be reporting all these faults to the management?

Our SMRT Buses
The only really good thing about our SMRT buses is that they have ample legroom for sit-down passengers. They have a greater commuters' capacity too because of their elongated design in some buses.

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