Wednesday, November 07, 2007

And The Winner Is?

Was That A Fair Fight?
I spoke with an Uncle Cabby not too long ago and he related to me how after the opposition win in Anson, the residents were driven away and resettled and of course with that kinda political move, an opposition ward died a natural death.

Shit ass, this how you have never played fairly.

If you are man enough, you would have played fairly. You would have listened to the legitimate grievances of the populace and tried to redress them.

But you didn't, you think you are God and you are above everything and you ARE THE FUCKING BEST!

And Again You Have An Upper Hand Here And You Are Not Playing Fairly - So Much For Ruling Laws And The Rules Of Laws
And another thing. If these people are whom I think they are, please stop your fucking stupid games.

Don't send these people moi's way. People who hang around, follow moi and appears from nowhere. Like Rhemi for instance.

I come home and he comes home. Or I come home and his beau comes home.

If they are some young hunky handsome Chinese dudes, hey, I don't mind. But who do you send moi?

Another one of your disgusting and unfair tactics to scare or intimidate people into submission?

O Lord, How Stupid Can This Get?
Let me add a few more observations about the shower facilities at the Yishun Sports Hall.

The shower taps have to be continuously pressed and once you stop that, no water spouts. It also cannot be adjusted at different angles and there is no hot water.

The doors to the cubicles close after themselves and because our belongings are out on a bench and to look out for them, one has to hold the door open while pressing on the shower tap at the same time.

Why doesn't anyone look at the ones at Bishan Sports Hall to see how good design helps?

Let Us Hope The Sports Hub Won't Be Designed Thus - Have We Learned From Our Experiences And Past Mistakes?
So much for spending X amount of dollars only to be saddled with bad design and planning. The designer and the purchaser have to be gull fully accountable for this.

The same goes with what I mentioned earlier. Yes the overall architectural and conceptual designs for our future Sports Hub look really good.

But let us hope that all the nitty-gritty details are carefully looked into and worked out. These are the same kinda designs that will make or break a First Class sporting infrastructure.

Because at the end of the day it is people who are using and impacted by the designs. Not something pretty to look at but totally unfunctional or dysfunctional.

Maybe if the beauty and healthcare MLM network didn't distract our Sports administrators so much at the ground level, they would have tended to more important issues.

We Are All Actors And Actresses But Not Quite There Yet
Don't get me wrong when I said that the Oscar goes to us in my previous blog. We will probably win a nomination but as to whether we will win an Oscar, I think that target is far, far away.

The Koreans have overtaken us unfortunately and even the Taiwanese and the Hongkongers are already up their at the top of the league.

We will of course top our own local league game for sure. That is all that we are good for. And that is prolly about it.

You Wanna Attract The Best Here To Add To Our Population To Make It 6.5 Million?
One word sums up our whole culture here - one BIG TIPU (malay word for "cheat").

Any discerning visitor or would be investor or future wannabe resident can certainly tell, at one sweeping glance, the quality of our offerings.

Perhaps that explains who we are attracting here. Which amounts to nothingness.

Life Imprisonment But If You Had Goodies, Then Well
I remember how at junior college, we were kept in till 1pm before being allowed to go home or walk out of school. Even if we have free periods. And expressly forbidden to patronise food stalls other than the ones in the canteen.

Well if there were fun activities or a stock of good books in the library or good food, a prison sentence such as this wouldn't be so bad.

Hot And Cold Spots - Highly Inconsistent Log Ins And Surfs
By today, you would have thought that the WiFi hotspots would have been tweaked and stabilised. But this is far from it.

At different hotspots, even for the same establishment and sometimes at the same old hotspot, different sets of problems arise.

Sometimes at the libraries, I can't log on. Even for the same cafe, I may encounter log-in problems on certain days and not on others.

At this particular branch of MacDonalds, I can log in the usual way but when I try surfing into my electronic mail sites, the connection dies and directs me to the Qmax provider instead of the usual Singnet provider I always use.

I have duly registered for this site but guess what, it doesn't connect me there either.

Gosh, man, who are our IT programmers? I can only guess.

Original State And Vacant Possession
I also remember how before I sold off my flat, I had the window grilles removed. Uncle Benji, my purchaser, had wanted to do a TOTAL reno and he has the money and like in all HDB commercial lease agreements, it is always vacant possession.

So sometimes you can see commercial building tenants, when they finish off their leases, actually have the reno people take apart its marbled floors and all the fixtures (all in good condition some more), before returning them to their original state (which is the cement kind)before handing over the properties to HDB.

HDB did not fit the window grilles for moi and for that matter for any of its buyers. So that is my business.

Ethinc And International Quota This
This is further proof I am not imagining things.

Right along Sembawang Road where a row of double-storey shop houses sit, the upper floors serve as living quarters for our foreign guest workers. And they are predominantly Indians. I am sure this is happening in many private housing estates as well.

Maybe the ethnic quota is also above the normal for Chong Pang and that explains the disproportionately higher local ethnic variety here.

Not forgetting that international enclaves are also beginning to develop here because of the freeing of rules to lease out rooms and whole HDB units.

In fact I have been told that Geylang is now a Chinese enclave and we all know that Joo Chiat Road has mostly Vietnamese prostitutes plying their trade there.

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