Thursday, November 08, 2007

Say "No" To Paying And Paying For Poor Quality

Cheap And Inferior Materials That Go Into Building Our Homes But We Pay And Pay
The one thing Singaporeans can do to help themselves is this: and that is to say a BIG "NO" to everything that is being shoved down our throats here. From the kinda price we are paying to the quality we are getting, be it food, private or public services.

Everyone is babbling about how the construction materials for our HDB flats are so cheap and inferior but how we are paying through the roof just to own one.

Shoddy CraftsManship And Inferior Goods That Can't Withstand Heavy Duty Usage
One just has to look at faulty shower heads, wash basin faucets and hand dryers that do not work or at least blowing cold air when it should be hot or those that start and stop.

It speaks of the tender system which calls for the cheap delivery of goods. With that comes the driving down of costs and thus quality. We have foreign guest workers, most unskilled, and that in turn leads to shoddy workmanship.

Remember that the technical, renovation and construction trades are crafts. You just have to watch how some of the interior decorators work on some of our TV shows to realise that.

Meticulous crafting and handiwork go into good construction work. It is a skill we don't teach as a vocational trade here to our own younger people so that they can actually take pride in a construction vocational career.

Not that I am saying that if you pay a premium, you will get good quality stuff of course. Remember the 'tipu' culture here.

Rhemi, Tsk Tsk
While I don't blame Rhemi for the squat pan, the zinc toilet swing door and the pull-cord water cistern in the common bath or the vanity basin that has torn itself apart from the wall. Nor the leaky basin drainage pipe, I must fault him for poor, almost non-existent, housekeeping.

I mean if he smokes, of course the whole place stinks of ONE HUGE ASH-TRAY. Don't forget the ashes blown astrewn everywhere. And the coffee stains on the kitchen cabinet left unscrubbed or the filthy grimy cooking hotplate stove.

Yeah, that is his irresponsibility.

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