Thursday, December 31, 2009

You Can't Seem To Hear (Updated Updates)

Why Are You Doing This To Me, WhoEver You Are!
I cannot begin to blog about my deepest sadness today on the eve of a New Year.

Someone is trying to script my life, I think.

They may go on and on about something in their lives that dissatisfy them or that they are suffering from some termnal illness or something.

But the fact is I am NO BETTER THAN DEAD. I can'tself-actualise myself in teaching, my vocational calling. Or own a home or have reasonable good companionship. Good company and friends are hard to come by.

You won't find it at clubs, pubs, spas, chat rooms and the rest. And when you do, something terribly goes wrong.

All I get is a bunch of people stuck in a rut full of gripes. Different interests. No communication skills. No connection and I get sucked into their world.

Let It BeFall Them, They Deserve It
If you wanna let things befall someone, let it be those well-off , rich kids and EVEN THOSE who are NOT (keeping up with the Tans) who have it too good and blow their money on every material good they can.

Who aren't making use of the education opportunities their parents are bestowing on them.



This Is Me
For me I am just concerned about work, education, a home and a future beau and or kid. And I like nature and sports. Is that wrong?
To spend some chilling moments cafeing with real friends and so on. Is that a SIN too?

I am just concerned about me and my future beau/kid's lifestyle and well-being. I hope he shares my interests and ethos and I am remotely interested in what other people do.

That Is Him, Not Me!
I don't wanna be in Gerald's position, the current landlord of my place.

Divorced for wateva reasons with a toddler daughter. Stacks of probability gambling slips and invitations from an overseas casino.

After harassing me for the rental prepayment, now he wants a loan and advance for his "mom's operation" (Sounds more like gambling or loan debts to me).

And I don't trust his "brother" because he does not seem trustworthy.

In fact I am not even sure if he instigated his breakup because "his brother" is not on good terms with his own set of parents and puts up at Gerald's.

Or Gerald is relying on "his brother" for his next home as "his brother" is one year shy of age to qualify for a resale.

I am not interested in their lifestyle or intrigue.

Past And Present Familial Life
All I remember is that I was born into a kampong, grew up in a 2-room, then 3-room and finally 4-room flat. Never had many material things in my youth and never hankered for it.

This may be a culture shock to some. For me I live with culture shock every moment of my life. Small living quarters and very little material goods.

I was more concerned with my studies and work. But my family wasn't supportive and I am not sure if they were dragging me down as a result. On purpose or otherwise.

School, NS, Family Again And Then Work
Then in secondary school it got progressively unhappy and became worse in JC.

It didn't end there during National Service and continued through with all the family, female, regional and SME set-ups.

It is just a job but boy, the people around you have other ideas. From She-Ape, Black Widow and Shrill-Voice-Accident-In-Her-Face to the rest.

What about Daryl Chan the Eunuch? He sucks lollipops in school just like Chris did. In full view of the students. Defying one and all and coming late at times. And he is an "educator".

Career DeadBlock And No Home
I can't get the job I want. This is my vocational calling. When I thought I could have it at my fingertips, I lost it all and now I am like loboing.

Just When I Thought This Was It, Then It Got Taken Away
I can't get good companionship and just when I thought I did, I had to see the other side of him. Someone who is preoccupied, playful too, playing the field and just a tad too sociable.

He is decent, clean-living and well-brought up but his friends have to corrupt and destroy that for him. And he has his own foibles like stealing out his family car for rides (when he hasn't got a license) and wanting to buy a second-hand car in the future.

And it isn't out of necessity for work (like sales) or family, it is gonna be for transporting his "brothers" for clubs, outings and to school. They have a family car already so why add on another liability? To show off and the convenience of a private transport.
And he still cannot understand the precarious position of his turning familial fortunes. I hope he gets round to it.

Fuck his friends and the company he keeps! What he needs is people to anchor him to the ground. Otherwise the rest of the ding-dong gang will be his downfall.

These Are The Clubbers Who Get Drunk, Emotionally Manipulate Others, Emoting Drama Courtesy Of Soaps And Wants To Be Taken Care Of Like Being Sent Home, Etc (The Fucking Slimy Gay Community)
I have seen his "brother" (and I can guess the company he keeps) and I know who his "brother" is and I don't like HIM.

They will "jio" him out - clubs, drinks and so on. Get high, drunk and go into stupor and pitiance, expecting others to sent them home and emoting DRAMA like soap operas.

It is like dealing with my Chinese ex-roomie all over again and his "brother" and that dude who lived with me at AMK.

I have to share him with HIM. I think his "brother" is old enough to take better care of himself and his brother is just trying to snatch him away from me.

It Is Called "Tough Love" Especially On Excessive Addiction Matters Like AlcoHol, CyberGaming, Gambling And So On (Simple Truth Is I AM NOT A PARTY-GOER OR CLUBBER)
We have to say "NO" to this kinda emotional drama and script and PUT OUR FOOT DOWN.

They have to be responsible for themselves, know how to hold their drink and if THEY CAN'T, THEN THEY FACE THE CONSEQUENCES on their own.

Nobody is gonna clean up after them or bail them out if they REPEATEDLY DO IT.

Otherwise GO for REHAB!

If with a family full of sorrows myself, I discipline myself NOT TO GET INTO REBELLION back when I was their age, SO CAN THEY! They are just manipulating their family sob stories to gain sympathy and advantages!

Including SEX!

It Must Be The Gay Community Again (Like This Gay I Met Recently - Emoting, Drama And Wanting To Be Sent Home With A Script Full Of Sorrowful Family Dysfunction)
When I did, he was on the phone with so many other of his "brothers" who wanna send him home.
I just do not know what the whole point is? Was he like trying to feel loved or something? Or just making use of them? Or two, three, four or multi-timing to feel great? To stupidly wanna test their love?
I still don't see the you?

Someone is scripting this on purpose.

I know I am being monitored and they are trying to shove the "matured" people onto me whom I can't get along with, remotely interested in and disconnected (the FAKERS as I call them - the likes of FAT BLOKE, BULLDOG and Gerald's BROTHER NOW), then they are wrong.

You Still Don't Understand This?
I Just Want My Job, A Home, A Like-Minded Beau And A Higher Education. I don't wanna have to worry about my beau.

And It Is Not Age As Ben Would Have You Believe It Is . He Says The Young Are Emotionally Unstable . But there are young ones of any age (yes, even the secondary schoolers) well-brought up and share my ethics and ethos.

But I Think He Is The One - The Faker- And At Ben's Age, It Is A Crying Shame. He knows he is mouthing all the rubbish without even knowing what he is saying or having ever experienced it. All the cliches.
Yeah what about Vic, his beau? He is emotionally unstable too. He still hangs out at spas.

Yes and buying a new flat is fluke because it is by balloting (so you have no say who your neighbors are) while you have control over a resale flat - meaning the neighbours you live with - subject to the availability of flats at the point in time.

What Am I Clinging On For?
With no projects on hand, no jobs, no home, no nothing, I just don't know what I am clinging on for.

Fuck You! Mother Chao Chee Byes! Enough is enough! I just want to move on and live my life out. Can you understand this?
**This Is My Final Resolution
There will be no turning back. I am prepared to die for this. No return to any former industry or employer. THEY CAN GO TO HELL! It is only gonna be EDUCATION!
Please keep the education industry free of all the SHAM with the likes of "educators" like The Eunuch, She-Ape, He-Ape, Chris and all the rest.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Explained And Unexplained Mysteries Plus More Fucktards (Updated)

The Least And Minimum You Could Do
At least allow older singles like myself to buy new flats... That would be a reprieve and concession while the age limit remains for the rest for resale ones.

Resetting The Network
Perhaps resetting the network for internet tethering isn't that unusual.

Remember back in those days when we actually had to reboot our comps? Or even now, refreshing or reloading our web pages!

I suppose that is the same reasoning.

Explain This Mystery Of The Appearing And DisAppearing Prefix W3
Unfortunately I cannot fathom this.

As far as I understand it, the URL is that string of address we always see in the title bar preceded first by the protocol (which is kinda like FTP) and W3 is always the host server .

But excuse me if I still don't get it when an official website cannot be accessed when prefixed with W3 and can only be when it is prefixed by the protocol. Other websites can be either. So how do you explain that?

Someone Explain These Terminologies - Standby Time And Audio Playback
Can someone also explain what it means by standby time?

Coz some batteries are claiming hundreds of them but I don't see it yet on mine. And tens of hours of audio playback. Again, I don't see it.

I guess that counts out FM radio streaming then. No wonder my IPhone is constantly drained!

No Extraction! Faster Time! And Perhaps Self-Ligating Braces Would Have Helped?
And I was absolutely pissed with my dentist!

I think I didn't need braces for more than 2 years as my teeth was relatively straight forward. I just need that recessed tooth to be brought to the fore and perhaps 6 months to a year would suffice to straighten everything out!

And extractions were unnecessary! Because four of my teeth were, I had to wear braces with ties to close the gaps!

More time and money spent.

What Trauma, Stress, Disturbances And Dissonance Can Do To You (Plus.... Oh Yes....Shifting For The 15th Time)
Because of all the recent traumatic events, disturbances, noise and dissonance, I am stressed and when you are stressed, you don't think or listen very well. I find myself asking others to repeat themselves several times. I am beginning to be impaired like Chris was.

And I had to approach my SAVIOURESS and her compatriots a few times too for help with the computing. Once I am settled down, I could think and read the literature myself and figure how to do the computing stuff.

That is how it is!

Get This Once More To Your Head, Fuckers!
Gerald, the owner of this place, may claim whatever he wanna claim.

For sure, this place is jointly owned. He could be separated and awaiting custody and a divorce trial. Or this place isn't really his. His sister's? His "borther's"?

As it is, he spends nights away and according to his "brother" who lives here, he is at his sister's.

I have a deep feeling in my bones that the duo are just interested in some tips for financial investment. And really to harass me for the 1 month rental prepayment EVEN before I move in is really disturbing and a harassment!

I may find Gerald cute but it will end there and I am remotely interested in his "brother". And I just wanna know what is the agenda.....

Go fuck and drop dead pigs!

More Bimbs At My Ex-School
As it is, I have enough of my ex-classmates at Kaplan.

The ethnics. The fat gal. Sabby. The rest.

I keep running into some of them at school when I wanna settle down to my studies the last time and I know it was purposeful.

A big female chinese student of a new intake I ran into (and I knew this was planted and these people may even be working at Kaplan) suggested I volunteer for APEC or the UN and help out the foreign women.

Fuck you! They were the cause of all my current predicament and I haven't even solved my own problems yet.

And I promptly ran into her again the next day at a nearby Hotel. Coincidence!

And Wimps At Calif
The long-haired retard is trailing me. So is that Hindu Arab or wateva.

Go fly kites and drop fucking dead! Pigs!

If I don't like you means I don't like you, Brothers! That is such a misnomer!

Other Reasons For Ditching Alvin
And there are other reasons why I ditch Alvin. He was beginning to be like his mother or mine (and my brother), nitpicking on my eating style and habits and he was way too sensitive about himself.

I suppose these fucking people think I should sit at home, wait to be fed and served their kinda food they cook.

And smile and wait on them.

We Are On A Bronze Standard (If There Is Even One), Not Gold - That We All Know
We all know what kinda standards we are working on.

From working for He-Ape and the rest, I know this. Point is I am just happy to go on doing my work, especially when dealing with youths in an education setting, but the other people think otherwise.

Brags about their impeccable standards and worse, disturbing me and making me look like I am sub-standard while they are of "GOLD" standard.

Just shut your fucking mouth and let us all just do our part of the work.

Fuck You!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I Am Sick And Tired Of All The Drama And Fucking Shit

Number 15...What More?
If it isn't already clear the "drama" I have to face each day, let me put it across to you very lucidly.

I have moved! Yeah! This is number 15 and I am not sure if I have to count down to more in the near future.

Emotional Manipulator
Old Auntie probably wasn't happy about the utilities usage and she must have some "issues" like the generation of her era. Save electricity, save water, save everything except a life. TADA!

And we all know Ben is a reincarnation of her. He feels and behaves the same way. He is making use of her to talk to us because of her age. Like I was told this "across the causeway" woman emotionally manipulates the banks into giving her loans by using her old grandmother as a crutch and sob story.

Just as Ben uses Vic (his whoever...buddy, beau, ONS, etc) to do all the dirty work for him. Clean the house, dismantle the bed, look for tenants, teach at his "school" etc.

Every time I talk to Vic, he is like looking over his shoulder to see if Ben approves. Not that Vic needs very much prompting as he is already very careful with his words and way too guarded.

When I wanted to find out what kinda internet subscription they are on as the WIFI connection at their place was really good, Vic was even tight-lipped about this. What? Even a simple question like this? What harm can it do?

Drama King And Actors All
As I have lost all my contacts, I was recommended this house mover.

He was a drama king all right. First he came about 3 and a half hours late. When he did, there was this motley crew (mostly ethnics) who were dramatists and noise makers all rolled into one (empty vessels make the most noise). They sure were "professionals" all right, standing around, not knowing what to do and feeling their way to do the job.

Evening traffic was beginning to build up at that time because it was almost after-office hours. After loading my home stuff, he unloaded them again and two other trucks promptly came into sight. This guy was drama mama alright!

Shuffling to and fro and making a lot of noise! There was delay after delay and I was overcharged. Worse I sat right next to a driver and cargo-handler who were dramatists in their own right.

You deserve nominations for the Golden Globe awards, boys! That is as far as I will give you.

Neh Neh Ni Pooh Pooh (15x) (And sticking out tongue)

Another Divorcee With A Toddler Daughter - Is It Just Me Or Is Singapore Teeming With Cute Young Male Divorcees Who Have Had Enough Of Marriages And Their Spouses?
As if that wasn't enough, I had to move in with a 20ish cute young divorcee having custody of his toddler daughter over the weekend. I only like the room and the location wasn't too bad, being near to eating places and the MRT.

Though I couldn't stand the "table" he gave me which stink of cockroaches smell like Old Aunty's drapes at "home" (looks like a slaughter table or altar table to me) and it isn't very clean. Probably picked off some throwaways at a dumping ground.

Enough already!

Wei Zhao and Ashley I can handle. But a girl kid! Ewwwwwwwww! Just get outta my way and sight!

Pre-Purchase Of IPhone
Before the purchase of my IPhone, the demo sets at different shops were not homogenous and yes, sales people tell you different versions and know different things. For instance one may know about this feature while another knows another but not necessarily the other.

Post-Purchase Of IPhone (The Carrier Man Cannot....Apparently)
After getting it, there were other issues to contend with via call-up support, in person and over the website. That was because knowledge was imperfect or lacking and language proficiency wasn't there. Yeah call answerers were mostly ethnics again.

Yes, they don't know what they are saying because they don't understand the information and I was misled. Or they were trying to pull a fast one by circular expression.

PUK and SIM codes (get this right, the former is 8-digit while the latter is 4-digit). Choosing the right data plan (I might as well switch since price for price it is about the same). Everything.

Information Not Expressed Correctly And Imperfect Knowledge Again On The Part Of The Carrier Representatives
I have since learnt that the Bridge DataRoam is automatically deactivated at midnight and you might as well remember to call at that time to reactivate on a daily basis to utilise the benefits fully. Not the 24-hour thingy the operator will have you believe.

Just as I infer that "streaming" FM music over radio frequencies can't be chargeable.

And we have to distinguish between excess charges and pay-as-you-use charges and yes, subscription does not necessarily cover ancillary data usage charges.

And the way the information was expressed, it looks as if Mobile TV and live TV viewing were two different thingies when it should have been made clear that the 2-hour free viewing was given after the unlimited promotional period till March 2010.

IDD services are applicable. Not the normal v019 or 013 services though they apparently have value-added applicable v019 auxillary services.

One Consolation Though - I Love My IPhone - It Is Literally "Hot, Hot, Hot" Sitting As It Did In My Trouser's Pockets (I Hope I Don't Get "Infertility Syndrome")
It is so hot, battery life is short! Ha ha! So I need a backup and it doesn't seem to work as it claims thus far.

Users, Beware! The Carrier Man Cannot Again!
Yes, Internet Tethering service can appear and disappear like a magician's act! So you have to reset network settings every now and then.

And if you have no data plan or limited data coverage, make sure your GPRS network is disabled or you may just get a SHOCKING BILL at the end of your billing cycle because of unanticipated charges.

But I am glad! The IPhone is such a fun and useful gadget! And it looks really good too.

Hip Hip Hurray for Apple!

Language Proficiency And Circular Expression
That reminds me of how much it can be an issue of language proficiency. Sometimes of course it is the way the information is expressed. Because of muddled thinking, circular expression is the only route to take . That is because the person knows nuts about the knowledge.

Like Chris when he teaches "Conflict Management". He was really saying nothing when he taught that module or even "Ethics" because he doesn't know or understand it. Or in the case of "ethics" there wasn't any (mua ha ha ha ha). So it was circular expression.

Or my ex-classmates (ethnics again, like the police officer who kinda interrogated me eons ago). I could see them talking among themselves and sometimes asking what the lecturer was saying when the lecturer in question was crystal clear. They could even interpret the assignment topic differently and thus wrongly.

Particularly this ethnic woman who insists on referencing when we know for a fact that that is required only when it is a word-for-word direct quotation from any source.

Creating a big hoo-ha! Over nothing. If you are creating noise for something positive and good, why not?

Oh and my beloved Sabby. She failed her last module, asked me to email her my assignment and I know she isn't cut out for this kinda academic work and I never hear from her again!

There, transactional relationship!

Don't Come To Me, Get Lost And Fuck Off!
Please don't come to me with your woes and sob-stories! I have enough of my own! I didn't create this mess. Ask THEM!

I will only listen to those I wanna listen to.

Our Foreign Friends (Fiends)
So far I have had largely positive experiences with the Viets, the Thais, the Koreans, the Mynamese, some Taiwanese and yes the Indonesian Chinese to a large extent. I can't really speak for the Japs as I have far and few contact with them. Not so much for the others.

And here I refer to the menfolk.

My question is: Do we have to bring in the rest and we are also bringing in Malaysian Malays and Indians and Indonesian Malays.

Enough already!

Other Asides
If there is fear of a class divide, then let us all become egalitarian. Starting with the elites. Get off your high pedestal and live here among us.

Yes, my star sign is symbolled like Cartier's, Chanel or Celine. Therefore those luxury brands are my destinies.


What Is Your Mission? Crime-Busting Right?
Remember that the mission of our crime-busters is simply this - to protect lives in cases of assault, theft, murder, rape and what have you and to prevent and track down criminals.

What is the point of being cooped up, keying in data into a burgeoning computer system filled with crime cases, filing reports, shuffling paper, sitting around and the mission statement is not met!

In the meantime, valuables are criminally misappropriated and stolen! And killers escape!

Another Consolation - An App-solutely Swell Guy!
I met this really swell guy.

Alvin, you know why I ditch you? You are not too bad but I find you cold, distant and uncaring at times. Yes a little selfish and self-absorbed even. I can't connect. Sorry.

Like all those money bois! Not just those rent-for-sex bois but the likes of Ben, Vic (his whoever), Old Aunty, the house movers, the rest. At least if you want money, give your patrons and customers what they deserve and not shortchange them! Money, money and more money!

But this guy is different! I see a lot of good things in him!

Enough Of Drama Shit!
Get this one more time into your thick head!

I will seriously jump off a building and kill myself if nothing pans out the next couple of months. I need that peace with a place to call my own. I will not live with anyone except my beau. And I am not staying with the low income, old folks, ethnics, women, wimps or whatever.

I have nothing in common with them. We don't speak the same language or have the same thinking. At best we are just friends.

As it is, I was estranged from my mom and I don't get along with my two sisters and elder brother.

Get this real right, YOU FUCKTARDS!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Uninformed And The MisInformed Or MisLed Among Us (***Updated)

One Smart Card For EveryThing
The past two months after losing my laptop and my belongings, I realised how lax and lacking the security system is. Very little in place to prevent or track down theft.

I still think that there must be a way of tagging valuables so that they can be traced in cases of loss. Maybe like the RFID thingy as long as it can't be peeled off (assuming it is a sticker).

And a all-in-one smart card that becomes our identification card, bank card, transport card, travel card and with the options to add on new membership identities (like clubs or shops) all rolled-into-one

In the event of a loss, everthing gets terminated automatically and it renders it useless for thieves.

Can You Trust Them?
And I am not even sure I can trust the people I live with. Could they be monitoring my movements and know where I was hanging out?

Old Aunty for one, Ben another.

And was it linked to the gym? Because Ben seemed totally unperturbed by the loss of his house keys and security access card.

More Bungles
And our dudes can extract wrong reports and give out wrong information and so on.

Considerations For The Only Piece Of Contactable And Storage Device
The loss of my mobile proved to be the most challenging. As it was up for re-contract and I needed it to be contactable (especially during this "crucial" period), I had to get hold of a new phone (perhaps too quickly).

Then there was the slew of considerations to make as the next place I am shifting to has no INTERNET connection and Internet Tethering seems like a likely choice though I am not sure if this will disable all calling and browsing functions on my mobile which is acting as a modem.

And the speed and connection.

When Will These People Tell You The Right Thing And Even The Webby Is UnClear Or Outdated
Information is scanty and outdated both on the web and in person. And there is seriously that lack of language proficiency and understanding or knowledge which leads to the wrong information. Plus muddled thinking.

Usually I get misinformed and apart from this Filipina and local? operator, the mobile retailer and my Saviouress, the rest of them were mostly quacks or non-sense spewers.

Strangely I thought FM radio means just that....transmission over radio frequency, so should it be chargeable on a GPRS network?

Excuse me if the literature is not clear about the protocols, GPRS, 2G, 2.5G and 3G.

***Nah....Correction. The literature is clear. The missing link is GSM and I have since learnt that is what is responsible for the cellular network while GPRS is more data-oriented. I didn't seriously read it carefully enough.

Because that is how it is now with all the bundled data plan.

Most wireless is free. If it isn't it would be locked and secured with pass-codes in the first place.

You are making me hate you more each day! And that is because you are just adding to the confusion.

Never Entirely For Love
And nobody lives for love alone. We all have aspirations, ambition and needs.

For me, a career in higher education (where I deal with the individual and the individual alone) and I can make my biggest contribution here. And I live for my beau (and or adopted boy kid) and yes I need a place of my own in an appropriate location.

I can't be a vegetable staying at home, become a house-husband and grow fat each passing day staring at the four walls.

Get that into your thick head!

Friday, December 04, 2009

AnOther Game Plan And You Die! (**Updated Updates)

Proven Theory Going On To Become The "Law Of The UnHoly Trinity & The 2Fs"
If by now people cannot understand what my issues are with the UnHoly Trinity and the rest, let me repeat and relate my past experiences with them

The blimps are still stuck up there in their ways and thinking. And their past baggages. Remember Sim Mong Chai, He-Ape and you will know why.

The bimbs like Black Widow and fellow ex-colleagues have again proven this. And then there are wimps. The money bois (foreign and local), many of the gays I ran into like Daryl The Eunuch and oh, Chris (blimp and wimp).

Religious fanatics (She-Ape and some of my classmates) and foreigners (the employers I worked for and the people I stayed with) have again proven this theory very well.

Imagine on home ground and I have to constantly watch my back. Large numbers of foreign workers and our own people. Even manning our critical and security positions where money and our physical safety is concerned. From call centres dealing in telephony and banks to information technology.

And if our boys-in-blue can't do much, it does seem like a system is not in place to prevent and track down theft.

So what is the point again? Like the example of that cleaner at the pool?

Unless I see a change, this law is upheld.

First, All The "Incidents" At This Constituency (And I Can Only Guess Why)
Holy Mackerel! This is impossible!

I wrote about the various incidents at Tampines where the senior gym instructress kick-started a chain of bad events. Then there was my stolen pack of ciggies while showering at the gymnasium followed by the old Malay uncle who will always come in to clean up the showers at the Community club only when I step in.

This cleaner at the Community Club is almost like the old Malay uncle at the other public swimming pool who does that. And you just have a feeling he and the previous tatooed old Ah Beng cleaner before him was doing it on purpose. Anyway he just wets the floor, really. Just making it slippery and dangerous for users. Never really scrubbing it.

So what is the point?

While at the swim pool once, I left behind a pair of trunks and only when I got home I discovered the loss. The next day I found it on an ethnic swimmer and an argument with another ethnic lifeguard ensued who was his friend. So was this a collaboration?

Don't forget an Old Chinese uncle actually took my travel bag away when I left it on the arena steps and went for my jog. And I know my wallet was rummaged. He may have good intentions (or was it under the pretext of safe-keeping that he wanted to know its contents) but were they really?

UnBelievably! Beware! Jurong West Stadium Is A Danger Spot!
Guess what! And I could lose my travel bag right under my nose!

I have blogged before how Jurong West stadium and all its other facilities were left in disarray only after opening for not long.

And that is because the foreign cleaners I noticed at that time were making the store their home and seems to be pre-occupied with listening to their ethnic music and what-nots.

Unbelievably, There Could Be Thieves Like That In Broad Daylight - Beef Up Security If It Is A Known Danger Spot And ForeWarn All Users! And This Had To Happen On Home Turf!
Today, I lost my travel bag and all my valuables in it. You name it, I had it. Wallet, mobile phone, house keys, all forms of identification cards, security card, membership cards, my travel bag, polo, jeans, sunglasses, spectacles, cash, transport card (to name those I remember).

I had to borrow money to go home in a cab and again it poured like cats and dogs!

And when I got "home", I was locked out for several hours because Old Aunty wasn't in. She is home most of the time (providing guardianship to all of us older adults at our kinda ages, cooking meals for us to eat and preparing our hot baths - snigger - wait long long) and of all days, she had to be NOT at home!

In fact, she didn't prove any help at all when I lost my lappie last. And all she wanna know is where you eat, how much you spend, where you go and so on. I suppose if I happen to be at Jurong, I should travel all the way down to Ang Mo Kio and pay for a "delicious" meal of a $2.50 "longkang" wanton mee at a hawker centre!

I travelled all the way to Jurong today because a school called and I am not even sure if I got the job! And this had to happen! FUCK!

Insider! Can You Trust Them?
I have a funny feeling it is an inside job. First the whole place was empty. The moment I changed and got ready, there were a few others who joined in. And it was lunch-time, mind you!

An ethnic female "teacher" (according to the cleaner and I feel it in my bones she is a single mom as she claimed to be using her daughter's mobile), then someone in "army-sloganed" tanks and his friend and even the kindergarteners and families were passing by the area for whatever reasons.

And yes I have noticed the foreign workers milling around here. Sitting around, people-watching and at the playground. From the MRT, I already notice an ethnic who kept looking at me and where I went to smoke, he followed. And yes, foreign workers donning the exact same brand of clothes I did! How they got them I can't be sure! If it isn't theirs!

But of course it can be anybody! One of us, Chinese, male or female, young or old, local or foreign, about anyone!

Who Can You Believe?
In fact it seems that these people are more the culprits rather than the heroes they make themselves out to be. Inevitably they always seem to make it like the rest of us are the suspects. The so called "educators", the cleaners, the washers, the public transport staff, maybe even people meant to protect us? The counsellors?

Like this ethnic "teacher" who postulated that whoever it was, was probably eyeing and observing me. She IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! FUCK ! Maybe she was too! And she was on her daughter's handset which she claimed she was listening to music. Maybe she was giving out instructions to the thieves? Just a postulate!

Even kids would hover around me when I hang a soft-toy on my satchel. Holy Shitty Tornado! And I could see his Mom in the distance breaking into a smile. Another one of your drama-mama scripts you are staging?

Cuss You Even More! Another Of Your GamePlan And Pranks!
If you think you wanna stage another drama like this and script my life further, YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG! There will be no change in my set direction. YOU CAN GO TO HELL AND DROP FUCKING DEAD! Get it?

The more you do this, the more I will hate you. The community (young or old, local or foreign, gay or otherwise, gender-based, ethnic, rich or poor, wateva), and the rest. GET this into your fucking head! Motherfuckers!

Thieving! And These Things Are Mine And They Won't Look Good On You!
This is the last straw. Theft! And whatever I own will not look nice on you! And they are not yours! My cusses remain! You are CUSSED forever....