Thursday, December 27, 2007

Braces For A Better Future Life And A Tension-Relieving Sex Therapy Session

What A Smart Investment For One's Long-Term Well-Being
I have always thought that as we grow in our years with age, our teeth will all drop off and we will all end up looking like Old Mother Hubbard, who sat on her tuffet (or is that a line from Miss Muffet instead?), muching porridge with a set of teethless smile.

Ha ha ha. I just love the word "munching" because it just shows how age can really eat into your enamel.

Therefore I thought nothing of dentures as being a GIVEN. That was until I paid a dentist a visit that day and he shook my long-held mistaken notion to its very core.

I was told that if I keep up with my flossing and brushing and engage in a little shaping and aligning along the way, with the help of braces of course - in short orthodontics treatment - I may just get to keep most of my teeth till my old age.

Guess that just woke me up to the fact that all those kids with their thousands of dollars worth of red, blue and green-colored aesthetic braces paid for by their RICH PARENTS are JUST ONE HECK OF A SMART KID WHO ARE INVESTING IN THEIR FUTURE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING!

Lucky lucky lucky rich kids!

An Assembly-Line Kinda Feeling
On the big day I decided to proceed with THIS BIG DECISION TO wear braces for the next two to two and half years (oh yes, I chose red for my aesthetics), I had my mouth probed into, my lips torn apart, my teeth checked and rechecked, photographed and X-rayed, wax for moulds shoved into and outtta my mouth and all these happening while signing on the dotted line for some consent forms.

I felt like I was some product moved from one assembly line to another. Efficient and professional -yes but nothing much else. And I acually consented to the X-ray films and photographs being used for academic discussion and teaching purposes.

Oh WOW! I want royalties for that!

My mute sister will be next in line for her set of false dentures.

My First Full-Body Sports Massage And Physiotherapy Patient
It has been almost a good 20-day wait for my first sports massage and physiotherapy patient to turn up!

When I got his booking and outcall, I was almost numb with the long wait (not that all that bad things that had happened to me didn't add on to my feelinglessness). But I pulled myself together and managed a short session of a gym work-out before scooting down to his place.

At his door-step, I noticed he wasn't much of a good looker and that was only because of the pimples and scarring that marred his otherwise tanned and relatively good physique and youthfulness.

He was topless and dressed in a pair of knee-high bod shorts so I could tell instantly what he looked like.

I stripped down and seeing that I did, he did the same. He had a nice long dick and it was half-erected.

And with that I began a session of a hot massage in his bedroom. Though the air-conditioner was turned down quite low, I was actually sweating because I was giving my all and I was variously straddling him, squatting and standing over him on his queen-size bed so that I could rub in my BEST for him.

The last stage was that nice long dick standing its full length gearing up for a full frontal view massage which I couldn't resist a massage and putting my mouth to.

It was MORE THAN JUST delicious!

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Hair Has It And Shows Us For Who We Are

Three Hot Schools Training On The Track And Field
Super duper stunning and young good lookers out on the tracks engaging in their athletic training.

I wanna get closer but somehow I got tight-lipped. I hope the other party takes the initiative instead. Even if I do, is my gaydar working (even if it is, I may not be their pick) and will they turn out to be like the many I have run into?

Keeping in touch just fizzles out once the other person throws a spanner in the works, like he is with his girl friend. An obvious hint to buzz off. And I do take the cue and keep my distance.

Sigh, life is tough for gays to get hitched. Maybe more so in my case.

Me And My New Hair Look - Long Is The Word
I have never kept my hair longer than 8 weeks. But today marks the 10th week my hair has been growing naturally into its shaggy tail-ends, tousled messiness and wind-swept untidiness.

And I am loving it and learning to live with it. Once the time is ripe, I will trim, cut and shape into a different style. A style that copes with my NEW LONG-HAIR look.

Schools and throughout our lives, we have been mind-controlled and conforming to the standards to GOD KNOWS WHO set the rules.

Some freaking stupid GOD who thinks he is GOD!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

That Is Just Me

An Eye Feast For A Lone Foreign Man
This Indian man (ok so maybe he is Bangla or someone else) sat right smack in the middle of the train on the plastic seats.

While his body was almost motionless, his eyes were twinkling and following the galls on board the train. Galls in various stages of undress with exposed abs revealing navels or butts showing their cracklines.

At some point he was slapping his forehead and you could tell that he was squirming and feeling very uncomfortable in his seat.

He was very, very distracted (for whatever reasons) by the sea of young galls and women who boarded and alighted from the train and who chattered and squeezed themselves among the crowd of commuters.

Galls who would, to a foreign man from a Third World, seem loose and too immodestly dressed.

Did the galls raise his testesterone a few notches higher? Were they tempting him into adultery when he has a family back home to feed and loof after? Was he desperate and alone?

Is he seeking solace in the midst of this relentless commercial grind that bears no meaning for him except that he needs the money? Is this too much of a culture shock?

Only the foreign man himself will know.

Nothing Old Or Too Traditional For Me Especially If It Is A Bad Habit Or Tradition
I eschew everything old and traditional especially if it is bad.

Therefore there shall be no sniffing and the rubbing of axe oil for me to ward off giddy spells or in the heat or in crowds. No Vicks VapoRub. No biting into a cane of sugar with the bare teeth that can only jag the edges if not crook the teeth.

I eschew almost everything old and traditional especially if they are bad practices that can harm one.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another Rare Blog

A Change For The Worse
That is how I am all my life.

From home to school and then to work. I have never given anyone any problems but it seems that starting from home, then school and finally at work, the people around me were constantly giving me problems instead.

Not to mention the state. Its policies and a myriad of its state-related administration blackhole. A whole slew of nonsense thrown up by the ruling "elites" (sounds a lot like idiots if you ask me).
Every bad life event that befalls me just hardens my stance against humanity. You can be sure of that. In fact I am committed to doing one bad deed every day in this EVIL-dom.

You bet, I change, starting from my life in school.

A Big "No" To Things That Runs Contrary To My Fundamentals
But the fundamentals for me remain largely unchanged. This has strengthened my resolve especially in the light of the kinda women, wimps and blimps I have been leasing places from. Oo and don't forget the foreign and local thrash!

No to all three. No to local or foreign thrash. No to the ruling idiots. No to living with people of a different ethnic group and of a Third World kind (for obvious reasons of different religious practices and habits and lifestyles).

JUST A BIG NO. Everyone has a choice as to the kinda friends and beaus they wanna keep company with or start life on.

Fuck Off, Get Out And Drop Dead
Three things I wanna say to whoever it is who is putting me in this predicament. One, FUCK OFF. Two, GET OUT and three, DROP DEAD.

Come up to me, tell me in the face you are the one and I WILL SMASH YOUR FACE TO SMITHEREENS.

Before anyone plays GOD, let us all look at ourselves real hard and good in the mirror.

Which Can Be Worse?
Once I got to know Rhemi better, his character just sucks. If not for his smaller size, I would have had a slug-out with him. He is such a wimp! Going back on his every word!

Like all the wimps I ran into. Wimps who are gays, bis or ex-gays turned straight. I am not sure which of the three categories could be worse.

The ex-gays who are now holed up with bimbs prolly would fit the worst category followed by the bisexuals. I guess they are much to be feared and loathed too.

And that just goes to show their ambivalence. Anyone who can't stand firmly behind his sexuality despite knowing better, is just someone you can't trust.

Deceit begets deceit. Then more deceit. And before you know it, you become the government of the day!

Only The Young Courting Couples And The Young Families Are Happy (For The Time Being), After That A "Happy" Marriage Just Declines When The Couples Realise Life Is More Than Just Reproduction And Conforming To Societal Norms Contrary To Their Own Knowing, Deep-Seated Gut Feel
Look at Andy. I susupect he is bisexual. So he has turned straight. But is he happy in this marriage to "The Woman"?

I don't think so. He works till late at night, usually past midnight and even on weekends. I suspect there is just something going on. "The Woman" and Ashley are left to their own devices.

So you call that a happy family life together?

Can They Say UV Is One Cause Of Cataract?
Ok so my cataract is congenital. But the medical literature has not mentioned one shred of UV being a cause.

I guess they can't because if they do, Singapore, being somewhere in the tropics would be inundated with cataract cases wouldn't we?

Maybe we are but we ain't getting the statistics.

Other Eye Ailments
On top of my cataract, I have presbyopia and my eye prescription reading has changed drastically.

Gosh that means new lenses all round and I have to resolve what I should be purchasing. Would it be a full-powered pair of lenses or one that is progressive (or what is still known as bifocal) or a strictly presbyopic pair of glasses.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. In fact, I had to revisit the eye consultant twice just so that I could get his professional opinion as to what he thinks I should do with three different sets of prescription readings.

And more money and funds for a future eye-op and what about that L2 compression thingy I had? GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE life may throw down my way?

No Second Look Or Chance - I Just Turn My Back On Them
I have been bumping into some of the previous landlords (or whoever) I rented places from.

Psycho - his characteristic head scarf still wrapped round his head and yes that Malaysian slut of a wimp (my very first taste of a foreign place owner and what a bitter aftertaste).

He is with some security services tending to emergencies at one of our entry-exit points. Imagine someone like that working at one of our high-security places and he phishes at home!


No Easy Search And Countless Rejections - So What If I Go For Someone Younger?
Searching for that elusive beau!

The good ones don't cross my path and I am not just talking about the good lookers but without a slight hint of personality or character. I am talking about people with both. A rare gem it seems! And yeah, most are not gay OR SO IT SEEMS.

A ploy perhaps to throw moi off their trail.

Guess I am not their type. And I also pick and choose I suppose. No need someone SO FANTASTIC but someone in between will do.

If I have to live my life alone, SO BE IT!

The hunt goes on.

First You Deny Me A School, Now If You Deny Me This As A Means To Eke Out A Living, I WILL KILL YOU!
If there is gonna be another accreditation scheme for physiotherapists or masseurs and this is gonna deny me my ricebowl further, I WILL KILL YOU

Like optometry, it is not an exact or precise science and all the paper credits and academic courses will NOT DO ANY FURTHER GOOD.

As it is and as part of our entrenched TIPU culture here, you don't usually get a good massage therapy anywhere, AT LEAST not the full works from head to toe and from front to back.

You get only part of the whole works AND sexual prostitution seems to be under the guise of a massage these days.

When I do a sports massage, it is a holistic therapy and yes, full body massage (plus a dick massage) and sex therapy if so requested, the latter being optional.

Everyone is doing it and then you wanna deny moi his?

One Lone Man Versus A Groupie And You Pick On Him? Where Is Your Sense Of Judgement?
I bought a packet of black carrot cake and proceeded to Mcdonalds to tuck into my breakfast.

Before I know it, the supervisor came round and rattled on about non-halal food being expressly forbidden to be consumed within its premises.

In fact someone even called in the police only last week, according to MR FATSO and right after that, a team of three of our blue squad members actually sauntered by. I have spotted three or more of them only a few nights ago besieging a poor lone man sitting at the void deck.

Contrast this with the groupies (of certainly more than five of different races and ages hanging out at the central courtyard right up to 2am and beyond).

Gosh I actually got out that night to see what actually goes on below the block. Other than groupies all over, two guys accompanied a gall to her home and all seemed tipsy. I understand from the punk's neighbor that they are moving out following numerous complaints.

Makes one disbelieve the kinda patrols our blue squad chooses to go on.

And yes because of the arena and the high walls (some acoustic thingy), the beep on their mobiles or their chatter actually echoes and reverberates all round in the dead of the night.

Truth is, it takes only one laughing hyena and that mirth irritates you to the bone because of the reverberation.

A Night When A Big Fight Occurred
Just like Miss Fat Gallfriend of Rhemi who purposely slams the door one night when she comes home and because the door is really hollow, it shakes. Just like when the copters hovering close to the blocks did the same thing once to my door.

In reply I did the same and she had the cheek to confront moi. On top of her other accusations that I bath in the toilet without locking the door (I never once did and she had never come round that close except Rhemi).

In the first place, she shouldn't even be in the picture because Rhemi owns the place and we signed the contract in the presence of the real estate agent as the witness.

If it is to be the way she wants it, then Grand Aunties and Uncles can all come in and have their say on the matter.

So what if I turn on a night lamp every night when I sleep? Who wouldn't under the kinda circumstances I am living in?

The Punk has readily admitted he is fickle-minded. There you have it! And letting an old man bathe in cold water while he enjoys the creature comforts of a hot bath in his own room IS JUST DOWNRIGHT DESPICABLE.

The McDonalds' Incident
Back to the story of the Mcdonalds' incident.

I am not sure what pork or lard he was referring to. The carrot cake was fried in vegetable oil. There are restaurants touting "Non-Halal" food but no pork or lard so Muslims can actually dine in them. And where is the Halal certificate that should come right along with it at its premises if it so pronounces itself to be one? So what do you make of that?

Golly what about its staff members who actually take out the thrash and then handle food or clean out the toilets and then handle food? Wouldn't that be a sure way to contaminate food? What if they don't wash as thoroughly as they should? Another Prima Deli food poisoning case just waiting to happen?

And yes I have spotted houseflies on its other premises before.

And I was outside in the al-fresco section so "No outside food is allowed" just doesn't apply because I am already outside?

The Community's Doing And UnDoing - Stupid Fucking Fools
I was in fact stung by one of its auntie staff member who when I requested for a new styrofoam cup for a tea refill insisted that I bring back the old one.

Despite telling her that the old one was dirtied, she chose to launch into a tirade.

I brought this to the attention of the McDonalds supervisor.

This is the doing and the undoing of the community. The company has its policies. Please do not add on your own. The saka king or queen that you are. Just shut your trap and the company knows no better.

In fact I think that at the ground level, the community and its leaders have more discretionary power than they choose to exercise.

This in short sums up how deserving the community is for all that it is getting.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More Good News, Thanks To You And Your Many Policies And Tests (Fuck You)

Now that the diagnosis has come through, I am left with three different sets of prescription readings. One for my old pair of contact lenses, a recent one for a new pair and today, another one from the eye hospital.

What is moi gonna do with these different sets of readings? It seems that optometry is more art than an exact science and it depends on what you can see most clearly with when you take the test.

It is confirmed moi has cataract. But you have to wait for it to "ripen" before you can go for any op and in the meantime it is gonna be more blurry vision. You should listen to what some patients who contracted it have to say.

An old woman had pus leaking from her eyes before she realised something was wrong. And it was a 4-year wait before she finally could have an eye-op.

It must be the last two years that moi runs under the hot sun and engaging in other sporting activities outdoors that has precipitated it. Look what another shit-ass predicament SHIT ASSES have pushed me to. Another cause and effect thingy.

I would have been comfortable at home like the last time (running a home office) and going for my pre-dawn runs like I always do and perhaps NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

One Of Those Far And Few Blogs Nowadays

Another Big Clean-Up Of A Health-Care Industry? I Understand An Act Is Gonna Be In Place Soon
If you remember from my earlier blogs, I walked into this eye-lenses dispensing shop and subsequently how at two of its branches, I spent close to a $1000 on a pair of permanent contact lenses and three pairs of glasses.

An optician (who dispenses or sells glasses and eye instruments, it seems) attended to me and did the work of an optometrist. He was an older chap (a blimp) and I didn't like him the minute I set eyes on him. Apparently he was formerly in the car trade.

For me, it doesn't matter who you are and as long as you work in an optical shop, you should be able to do the work you are assigned. If you can't, then don't do any eye tests or measurements on any patient. It is his eyes you are fooling around with and his eyes are not guinea experiments for your new-found optical career switch.

A few months down the road, I notice how foggy my contact lenses have become and at the same shop, an opto did a fluroscent-strip test (for whatever reason).

Today, my right eye has deteriorated to the extent that it has become blurrer and cloudier than my left.

Visiting another outlet of the same optical company, I did a thorough test with the opto and she diagnosed that my degree had gone down while my astig had increased. My glaucoma test was a little on the high side and I had mild cataract. Another optical shop pronounced the same cataract verdict.

There are now several postulates as to what had happened.

One, as the opto had claimed but its HQ people now deny, the optician had under-corrected my vision and any drastic change in eye vision could not have happened within such a short time. That is what the opto had put to me.

Two, the contact lenses (which is an in-house brand) is defective.

Three, it is really the mild cataract that is causing me my blurred vision.

I will now have to consult an eye doctor to clear things up before deciding if the HSA should step in in investigating the goings-on at the optical shop and if it is indeed the optician's mistake or the lenses' defect.

As far as I am concerned, there is simply no compromise on a person's health and safety. We don't want another dragon boat tragedy especially if it is preventable. And we don't want to wait for 20 years for young lives to die before an inquiry on safety standards kicks in.

The People I Ran Into And The Total Disregard For Human Safety, Human Health And Human Well-Being
A young hot stud with legs as huge as an elephant. To me this is elephantiasis but he mouthed a scientific term which I can't remember and he couldn't spell it. He got it from birth and I know for a fact that if it is elephantiasis, it is a kinda worm infestation and I thought this could happen at any age. So does this have to do with hygiene standards of the environment?

A Filipina who slipped and fell on a rainy day and despite landing on her spine (like I did) she crawled back to work. What madness is this? Isn't health more important than work?

A local dude who is waitering and has this itchy eczemaic fingers. A check reveals he got it from work. Work-related health hazards. How many of us have not worked at places that were less than safe? He Ape's had his wall socket hanging loose with live wires exposed.

What about those metal canister pesticide sprays that the pest-busters are carrying around? Those are petroleum-based sprays and don't they make the surface they are sprayed on slippery sloppy?

Not to mention motorcyclists tinkering with their bikes at void decks or car-parking lots, leaving behind grease on the floor.

And those grass cutters whose machines do not have a cover shield and the real danger of flying objects emanating from them. Or of the diesel they leave behind when the cutters refill the machines.

What about cleaning, construction, blue-flame welding and electrical wiring works that can just happen anywhere anytime at high human traffic areas? Don't they pose hazards to passers-by?

What about fixing washing schedules at public places (and even private commercial places) where they splatter soapy detergents and water everywhere, making those places one HUGE SLIPPERY SLOPPY SLOP!

Our Sports Halls' And Swim Pools' Changing Rooms - A Feast For Sore Eyes
Dirty, foul-smelling changing rooms and shit in one shower cubicle. Jurong East Aquatic Centre has it all.

Not that Yio Chu Kang is far behind. The state of total disrepair of its hand dryers, shower cubicle doors, hooks and many more.

The choice of metallic parts at the swim pools' changing rooms. Rust follows that splatter everywhere. Look at Choa Chu Kang Aquatic Centre and Tampines.

Hooks that are off their places and now replaced with sharp barbs instead of the rounded ends. Tampines has it.

Urinals that stink and are so filthy.

What about what lurks inside and in between the mat at Bishan? Not exactly clean is it?

Time for a BIG CLEAN UP? Please follow Jurong West's example. It is new and well-maintained. And Tampines is not too bad save for those things highlighted.

Spare Me Your Problems, I Have Enough Of My Own
By now you could have guessed that I am so sick and tired of the kinda places I am renting and the kinda people I am renting the places from and the kinda company I am have to keep, I just yearn for my own place more than ever.

An assortment of characters but if they were reasonable, logical and rational, HEY WHY WOULD I HAVE PROBLEMS? Worse, different lifestyles, different habits, different religions, different era, different thinking, what can I say?

As I mentioned, sure everyone has problems but I don't see myself throwing out mine. The problem is "THEM". They are the ones giving me the problems.

A Stay For The Night, A Day For Rest, A Shower And A Wash - That Is All I Need For A Room
I have indicated to the new place owners I am moving to, that I am just there to sleep for the night, shower, freshen up, wash my laundry and rest. I am not the least bit keen on the bisexual owner nor his China gal-friend, wife, whatever. Nor the maid they hire.

Maybe their 18 month-old toddler I might just like.

Strictly no BLIMPS, BIMBS and WIMPS. Especially wimps and galls in any shape or hue or color.

Of Refuge And Rest
Everyone wants a place of their own where they can retreat to. And with full-facilities within range so you don't spent so much. Transport for one.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Fewer Blogs From Now On

All-American Breakfast And A Hot Neck Massage For A Hot Young Dude
Here I am, tizzy after a hot night out at the men's club after their nudists' event, on an early Sunday morning, sitting down to an all-American breakfast at a local outdoor cafe.

More on this night out a little later on.

In between polishing off two hot sausages (and the men's club had so many of them, I feel so horny all over again) , a slice of kaya toast, two fried whole eggs and reading a copy of The Sunday Times, I noticed a hot young Malaysian Chinese guest worker sauntering by.

From the way he hung his neck and do the occasional twist, you could tell that he had a neck ache.

Harboring hopes of being a sports physiotherapist (especially for hot young sportsmen and yes sportsboys) and looking up several massage manuals recently, I immediately offered my services.

As it was only a small neck area to work on, I didn't have the whole body, head to toe, full-blown kinda physical therapy that I was hoping for.

Nevertheless, I did my very best. Tapping, kneading and pinching, I digged my fingers into his flesh and bones, explaining to him that I was a sports masseur of sorts and how I hope this will help relieve him of his pain from Hell.

When I was all done, I asked if he felt better and he said a BIG YES!

That made my day! More than my night out at the men's club if I must say.

What else can I say? It is nice to know a fellow human being had benefitted from my healing touch and I didn't charge a cent and he wasn't even Singaporean!

A Holy Crusade
It was after breakfast and while waiting for Calif to open its doors that I stumbled upon The Scape.

The Scape, if you must know, is THE hangout for youths.

And this morning there were several young dudes from HCI, who because of the NYAA thingy, (which I have blogged before about it being wrongly predicated on unsound and skewed premises) were actually putting together a creative event for the public.

The creative event was namely to dress up and redesign the drab mono-color litter-bins dotting our clean, green and beautiful island.

Political Indoctrination Amidst Idle Chatter
Someone put it down correctly (ok, ok, so it was MM Lee himself). For me, it is now no longer a vocation to teach and educate, it has become more of a crusade. A crusade against what I see as the so many wrongs here.

So while I chatted up a dude, I crusaded, what else!

The Standard Chartered Marathon Run
It had been a long day and a long night.

First I went for my ritual daily run and then a dip in waters at one of our aquatic centres (and yes, the staff usually can't tell you what the difference is between a normal swim pool and an aquatic centre) where moi promptly left behind his fav, white striped boxer swim trunks (boo-hoo, boo-hoo but hey I got two HOT low-cut skimpy white swim trunks for replacement).

Then it was gymming and more run-around before a night out at the men's club. Literally a overnight night-out.

The next morning while moi went human-fishing at the shopping mall, there were all these cute hot tanned young runners in their short running shorts and tanks.

I thought canoeists were hot. Swimmers and gymmers just as hot. But what? Runners too?

Oh Lord! Is this another one of your many HOT MEN (and boys) temptations?

Anyway, one too many was sporting a limp or a shuffling foot after their marathon run!

Poor dudes! I wished I could have massaged their tired feet for them! And yeah, some consensual hot full-body therapy!

A Nudists' Night Out
Incredible experience.

At first I hesitated when the recept told me there were 101 men (which turned 103 when moi finally relented and caved in to his subcutaneous sexual desires).

WOW! 101 hot sweaty and horny men (and boys). I wasn't sure how they kept track or if he was pulling my leg.

I shied away from the upper floor (that is where all the nude action was happening) and hung around the saunas downstairs. Once the mood struck and the full-moon shone, I discarded every doubt or hesistance I ever had.

It was A FULL-MOON alright!

But there were just too many familiar faces. Usually older and more matured people. Makes one wanna try other hot spots for younger, tauter, smoother and fresher-faced MEN and boys! And I just dont do it with ANYONE!

And that someone is usually hard to find or is already taken or we just didnt cross path or it was just too crowded and so on.

Fewer Blogs From Now On Not For Want Of Issues To Blog About But Because There Are Simply Just Too Many! If I Chose To Blog All, They Will Overwhelm Me