Wednesday, November 28, 2007

See For Yourself - The Place You Created For Us All

Three localites stand akimbo as they give the old man in front of them the eye over.

Localite Mania: "Welcome, Great Leader! I see you have decided to come down from your lofty ivory tower to live amongst us!" (proceeds to kick him in the shin)

Localite Suffer-Enough: "Oo. I hope that didn't hurt too much. But hey, we have suffered enough under your elite rule. Too many years of nonsensical rule, in fact. Enough is enough already."

Localite Fuck-You: "I suggest we take him to his living quarters where there are about a thousand other foreignites and permanites holed up there. Let us see how he copes on a daily basis, dealing with them."

Localite Mania (mockingly): "Oo. Yeah. Next time they need to recreate, you can open up your homes and your gardens for them to recreate in."

Localite Fuck-You: "The beds have bed bugs too. You will just love them. You can loll rught along with them! (laughs derisively) A dose of your own medicine?"

All three localites then grab the Great Leader by his arms to shuffle him along to the waiting transport.

Localite Mania: "As you can see all around you, the people, the environment, the whole works. They are just products of your system. Look how all of them turned out, no thanks to you!"

Localite Fuck-You: "See those foreignites there, gathering together in droves? Or that localite bin scrounger? How would you like to take a closer peek?" (shoves his head out the vehicle window so he can have a real good look)

Localite Suffer-Enough: "I don't think they want handouts. It is just pure circumstantial circumstances. And no dignified human being want to be reduced to that kinda state and I don't think they exactly wanna be in a dole queue or something if they can help it."

Localite Mania: "Look at this Garden of Eden. It actually has the forbidden fruit, no better than the biblical one. And what do you do? A foreignite to clean up after the mess!"

Localite Suffer-Enough: "I am sure the localites would appreciate a harvest and that they can reap this harvest. But do they?"

Localite Mania: "Some of the single localites can't own homes because of the sky-high prices. And they are not only priced out of the market, they get rotten apples for the kinda premium they pay. "

Localite Fuck-You: "Localites are discriminated against. They can't work good jobs that the foreignites are pulling away from them, like in teaching. We don't see very special skills that the foreignites bring with them that the localites can't fill."

Localite Suffer-Enough: "But the localites do the "sai kang" (dirty work) teaching in schools for kids with problems and we don't see a single foreign soul here. What about National Service? But where are the foreignites posted? Premier schools like Dunman High, Bukit Pangjang Government High and Raffles Girls."

Localite Mania: "Most of all, there is a significant number of us who didn't elect you as our Great Leader, Great Leader! What did you do to get elected? Pasang khaki? Shame on you! That is a fair deal?"

The three localites hope that by the end of this visit, "The Great Leader" will begin to understand the kinda situational thingy he has created for his people. And yes, perhaps after this, change is afoot.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Two Big Tests

We have means testing. We have physical testing. And yes, I understand for civil service appointments, we have some kinda psychological testing. Sounds like a leadership test too, don't you think.

I say there are two biggest tests for everyone.

The test of fairness. For example, did you win the GE fairly?

And two, the test of living the life you advocate for the rest of us. Do not live in your lofty mansions or ivory-towers.

These are the two real tests.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Another Big Joke Big Blather

Out You Go
Let me extend on my argument here.

For the kinda prices we pay, which is approximating First World, if not already First World, many things don't come cheap. But we are paying and paying and still not getting the good service, the quality and worse, it looks like we are being ripped off.

Singaporeans have to say "No" and boycott the shops and the services they know are just overcharging, short changing or just not giving them the kinda service and pass the word around. Blacklist them, get them to change.

If we have to outsource our government, so be it. If we have to vote them out, so be it . If we have to agitate for an ombudsman or a truly independent and non-estab related Council to examine, rectify, veto or pass policies that just do not make sense, so be it too.

More Tsk Tsk Rhemi
To say the least, I have been utterly disappointed with Rhemi.

He is such a wimp and I think the real fusspot is him, not his fiance. And his fiance has a certain power and control over him.

He didn't clean out my room and he didn't get the bathroom light fixed till the following day. He seems to be enjoying his cable television on a big screen TV, he has a water heater in his bathroom and new bedroom furniture.

In short, all the creature comforts for himself and he collects my rent but what do I get?

Cold water for my baths, old furniture and a green color TV (yes, we have tried the color adjustment and that doesn't work because the hue menu isn't working).

He doesn't house keep and it seems like his fiance doesn't either. I purchased a $5 pack of contraband ciggies from him, he wanna loan $100 from moi , so what else does he want?

You Sent This People After Me, Didn't You?
I was out in the buff tanning my butts out to rid them of the tanlines the other day when all I see around me are ethnic minorities.

In fact whenever I walk into a public loo, some cleaners will always come in right after me. As far as I know, I haven't been doing anything that others aren't already doing in the loos and showers.

But hey, if you are gonna keep tabs on people like that, they are just gonna retaliate. And I did.

This must again be one of Big Blather's jokes and doing.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Say "No" To Paying And Paying For Poor Quality

Cheap And Inferior Materials That Go Into Building Our Homes But We Pay And Pay
The one thing Singaporeans can do to help themselves is this: and that is to say a BIG "NO" to everything that is being shoved down our throats here. From the kinda price we are paying to the quality we are getting, be it food, private or public services.

Everyone is babbling about how the construction materials for our HDB flats are so cheap and inferior but how we are paying through the roof just to own one.

Shoddy CraftsManship And Inferior Goods That Can't Withstand Heavy Duty Usage
One just has to look at faulty shower heads, wash basin faucets and hand dryers that do not work or at least blowing cold air when it should be hot or those that start and stop.

It speaks of the tender system which calls for the cheap delivery of goods. With that comes the driving down of costs and thus quality. We have foreign guest workers, most unskilled, and that in turn leads to shoddy workmanship.

Remember that the technical, renovation and construction trades are crafts. You just have to watch how some of the interior decorators work on some of our TV shows to realise that.

Meticulous crafting and handiwork go into good construction work. It is a skill we don't teach as a vocational trade here to our own younger people so that they can actually take pride in a construction vocational career.

Not that I am saying that if you pay a premium, you will get good quality stuff of course. Remember the 'tipu' culture here.

Rhemi, Tsk Tsk
While I don't blame Rhemi for the squat pan, the zinc toilet swing door and the pull-cord water cistern in the common bath or the vanity basin that has torn itself apart from the wall. Nor the leaky basin drainage pipe, I must fault him for poor, almost non-existent, housekeeping.

I mean if he smokes, of course the whole place stinks of ONE HUGE ASH-TRAY. Don't forget the ashes blown astrewn everywhere. And the coffee stains on the kitchen cabinet left unscrubbed or the filthy grimy cooking hotplate stove.

Yeah, that is his irresponsibility.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

And The Winner Is?

Was That A Fair Fight?
I spoke with an Uncle Cabby not too long ago and he related to me how after the opposition win in Anson, the residents were driven away and resettled and of course with that kinda political move, an opposition ward died a natural death.

Shit ass, this how you have never played fairly.

If you are man enough, you would have played fairly. You would have listened to the legitimate grievances of the populace and tried to redress them.

But you didn't, you think you are God and you are above everything and you ARE THE FUCKING BEST!

And Again You Have An Upper Hand Here And You Are Not Playing Fairly - So Much For Ruling Laws And The Rules Of Laws
And another thing. If these people are whom I think they are, please stop your fucking stupid games.

Don't send these people moi's way. People who hang around, follow moi and appears from nowhere. Like Rhemi for instance.

I come home and he comes home. Or I come home and his beau comes home.

If they are some young hunky handsome Chinese dudes, hey, I don't mind. But who do you send moi?

Another one of your disgusting and unfair tactics to scare or intimidate people into submission?

O Lord, How Stupid Can This Get?
Let me add a few more observations about the shower facilities at the Yishun Sports Hall.

The shower taps have to be continuously pressed and once you stop that, no water spouts. It also cannot be adjusted at different angles and there is no hot water.

The doors to the cubicles close after themselves and because our belongings are out on a bench and to look out for them, one has to hold the door open while pressing on the shower tap at the same time.

Why doesn't anyone look at the ones at Bishan Sports Hall to see how good design helps?

Let Us Hope The Sports Hub Won't Be Designed Thus - Have We Learned From Our Experiences And Past Mistakes?
So much for spending X amount of dollars only to be saddled with bad design and planning. The designer and the purchaser have to be gull fully accountable for this.

The same goes with what I mentioned earlier. Yes the overall architectural and conceptual designs for our future Sports Hub look really good.

But let us hope that all the nitty-gritty details are carefully looked into and worked out. These are the same kinda designs that will make or break a First Class sporting infrastructure.

Because at the end of the day it is people who are using and impacted by the designs. Not something pretty to look at but totally unfunctional or dysfunctional.

Maybe if the beauty and healthcare MLM network didn't distract our Sports administrators so much at the ground level, they would have tended to more important issues.

We Are All Actors And Actresses But Not Quite There Yet
Don't get me wrong when I said that the Oscar goes to us in my previous blog. We will probably win a nomination but as to whether we will win an Oscar, I think that target is far, far away.

The Koreans have overtaken us unfortunately and even the Taiwanese and the Hongkongers are already up their at the top of the league.

We will of course top our own local league game for sure. That is all that we are good for. And that is prolly about it.

You Wanna Attract The Best Here To Add To Our Population To Make It 6.5 Million?
One word sums up our whole culture here - one BIG TIPU (malay word for "cheat").

Any discerning visitor or would be investor or future wannabe resident can certainly tell, at one sweeping glance, the quality of our offerings.

Perhaps that explains who we are attracting here. Which amounts to nothingness.

Life Imprisonment But If You Had Goodies, Then Well
I remember how at junior college, we were kept in till 1pm before being allowed to go home or walk out of school. Even if we have free periods. And expressly forbidden to patronise food stalls other than the ones in the canteen.

Well if there were fun activities or a stock of good books in the library or good food, a prison sentence such as this wouldn't be so bad.

Hot And Cold Spots - Highly Inconsistent Log Ins And Surfs
By today, you would have thought that the WiFi hotspots would have been tweaked and stabilised. But this is far from it.

At different hotspots, even for the same establishment and sometimes at the same old hotspot, different sets of problems arise.

Sometimes at the libraries, I can't log on. Even for the same cafe, I may encounter log-in problems on certain days and not on others.

At this particular branch of MacDonalds, I can log in the usual way but when I try surfing into my electronic mail sites, the connection dies and directs me to the Qmax provider instead of the usual Singnet provider I always use.

I have duly registered for this site but guess what, it doesn't connect me there either.

Gosh, man, who are our IT programmers? I can only guess.

Original State And Vacant Possession
I also remember how before I sold off my flat, I had the window grilles removed. Uncle Benji, my purchaser, had wanted to do a TOTAL reno and he has the money and like in all HDB commercial lease agreements, it is always vacant possession.

So sometimes you can see commercial building tenants, when they finish off their leases, actually have the reno people take apart its marbled floors and all the fixtures (all in good condition some more), before returning them to their original state (which is the cement kind)before handing over the properties to HDB.

HDB did not fit the window grilles for moi and for that matter for any of its buyers. So that is my business.

Ethinc And International Quota This
This is further proof I am not imagining things.

Right along Sembawang Road where a row of double-storey shop houses sit, the upper floors serve as living quarters for our foreign guest workers. And they are predominantly Indians. I am sure this is happening in many private housing estates as well.

Maybe the ethnic quota is also above the normal for Chong Pang and that explains the disproportionately higher local ethnic variety here.

Not forgetting that international enclaves are also beginning to develop here because of the freeing of rules to lease out rooms and whole HDB units.

In fact I have been told that Geylang is now a Chinese enclave and we all know that Joo Chiat Road has mostly Vietnamese prostitutes plying their trade there.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Re-Design And Clean up

A Shit Ass Of A Community's Needless And Non-Sensical Add Ons
If you remember Keagan and our midnight tete-a-tete, I have this to say about what he told me.

Keagan's mom teaches in a primary school in Ang Mo Kio. According to him, civil servants like her apparently cannot vote against the ruling elites.

I cannot verify if this is true but I just have this deep-seated gut feel this is another of the community's own shit-trash for excusing themselves from an opposing vote.

Only because most of them are comfortable and doing fairly well and most of all, fed well.

Like those in businesses and those just getting along. But they do have few gripes and it is then people like us who they think they can tap on to agitate their cases for them.

I am so sorry. Everyone fights his own battles. Get this right.

Yes, Please Reno This
In fact I am beginning to think that the community is largely at fault for all that is happening now. They are the ones who add fuel to policies or got them changed. If they had just shut their traps, many of the things happening now just wouldn't have.

There is no doubt the Yishun stadium should undergo a major renov.

The astro needs returfing as the black tarmac are already showing and the algae has eaten into some parts of it.

Bad Design And In Bad Need Of A Good Clean-Up
Now turning our attention to the Gents cum showers inside the Sports Hall. As it is, the only two shower cubicles are already crammed in space and anyone who hangs their sports or gym bags inside would just wet it.

So normally bathers like moi have to step out to change on the bench parked just outside the shower rooms.

It doesn't help that the main entrance faces a corridor and any passers-by passing along this corridor could see nudists like moi drying or changing. It also doesn't help that the Ladies cum showers next door is so next-doory, any gall who screams or shouts inside could be heard from this side of the Gents.

That is what promptly happened once and moi had to scream back at the galls to shut up.

To avoid all these inconveniences, what moi does is to always slam shut the main door which is held open by a brick.

Now I am not sure why the foreign guest worker working here, who also goofs off (he actually sits around on the benches at the swim complex) and works at the swimming complex nearby, loves re-opening it every time I shut it tight.

I would have thought that the cleaner's store shoud be a storage area for his work tools but no siree, he chooses to store a few of his brooms and rakes behind this door.

The walls of the cubicles need a good scrub down and even the floor is always dirty. Taps are faulty and yes a screen of dust coats the windows up above. There is practically no ventilation once the door is shut but there is a wall fan which is operated from without or at least moi can't find its switch inside the loo.

Rest assure, this is not the only sad state of affairs with our public loos or public facilities. There are more. Differents sets of faulty designs or equipment or dirty premises elsewhere.

Shouldn't these contract cleaners be reporting all these faults to the management?

Our SMRT Buses
The only really good thing about our SMRT buses is that they have ample legroom for sit-down passengers. They have a greater commuters' capacity too because of their elongated design in some buses.

Two And A Half World Bordering On Third

Coming Too Late And Relieving Only A Part Of The Problem Areas?
Now I applaud the fact that the KPE, all 9km of it and at an astronomical price tag of of 1.7billion Singapore dollars at every Singapore citizen's expense, and touted as SEA's longest underground tunnel, is indeed an ingenious piece of nifty traffic network that will purportedly free up surface roads and spaces for alternative uses.

It had even moved a river, according to its star billing.

But just like the underground tunnel built near a traffic chokehold along Nicoll Highway, the question remains if even underground tunnels, conceived so late into our land and traffic management strategies, are gonna help alleviate traffic any further or better.

It will perhaps ameliorate the NorthEast corridor traffic conditions but in the whole islet traffic management scheme of things, will this just lead to more bottlenecks in other parts?

In land scarce Singapore, building more underground tunnels to supplement the existing surface road networks just doesn't seem to square with overall good traffic planning.

That kinda money spent seems to have more pressing and urgent alternate uses.

Would other alternatives like maybe building a beltway for a highway that loops all round our 700sqkm natural plus reclaimed land islet, planned right from the outset have been truly traffic relieving instead?

MLM Is Now Available At A Coffee Shop Near You
That is how far reaching and deeply penetrating the beauty and healthcare MLM network has gotten.

While speaking with a lady stall holder at a Ang Mo Kio coffee shop while staying at Andy's, she was trying to sell moi a spa-based bath liquid which presumably has health-giving benefits. She even supported her claim with testimonies from her very own mother who has some skin infection cleaned off her.

You just don't seem to be able to strike up anything meaningful with anyone these days without someone trying to fleece you or sell you something.

God help us all!

Food And Beverage
For SGD3, it is just plain fried rice. A dollar more, the same plate of fried rice but with sambal. There are no real ingredients here save for minuscle shreds of eggs, peas and carrots and god knows what else. For the same amount, I could have gotten chicken cutlet and a sunny side-up whole egg elsewhere.

Public Housing
200K gets you an old run down flat in a 20 or 30 year old estate and it is only 60 to 70 odd square metre of living space. Sometimes this goes up to 250K in some other estates, the central areas.

Even if it has been exteriorly upgraded, interiorly you will have to spend a fortune redoing it.

Never a full body and dick massage and with extras worked in, a pricey couple of hundred. The masseurs think you only have sex on your mind while people like us want a good rub down first before everything else.

Pay and pay but do you get the kinda expected quality?

And The Oscar Goes To - Singapore!!!! Hip Hip Hooray!
After watching all those gorgeous babes and hunks on "Hey Gorgeous" and the endless stream of Chinese talkshow programs on TV, a stream of beauty people no less, I have come to the conclusion that Singapore has indeed a niche industry for itself that doesn't seem to have taken off as much as the Korean's.

A film, beauty pageant, pop-music or hunks industry that revolves around slutting, whoring, camming, more whoring, fashioning, acting and dramaing.

It would be such a great pity if we don't clinch awards for supporting or even lead roles in ACTING and DRAMAING on the INTERNATIONAL arena.

That is really what we do BEST!

In fact acting and drama skills seem to perpetuate every sphere of our lives from the politicking office we work in all the way up to the very top.

And that explains why we won't have very much else here.

They All Do Seem To Be Winners
The architectural and conceptual designs for our upcoming Sports Hub do seem to be a vast improvement over what we had seen for our integrated resorts. Don't you agree?

Now it is just the question of which will be the winning design that will put us on the sporting, lifestyle and entertainment world map.

If I were on the panel, I probably wouldn't be able to decide.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Slick Ass, Eye Candy Hunks That Make My Day And Make Me Sane

So I Lied, Big Deal?
Well, well, well. I know I said that the last blog was positively my last. But hey, I guessed I lied. I wanted to stop only because writing those blogs gnawed at my insides so much, I just needed a breather. A breath of air freshener.

It astounds me no end how Singaporeans could subject themselves to so much indignation and so much outrage and in doing so, subjugate the minority 34% of the oppositional electorate to the same outrage and indignation imposed by the majority 66% propositional electorate.

I can only conclude that Singaporeans are a masochistic lot who loves being brutually tortured and tormented by a stupid, nonsensical, fuck-arse ruling "elite".

But perhaps by the time the next GE swings around and I have finished with my on the ground lobbying and campaigning against this ruling "elite", it won't be so propositional anymore?

If Not For Singapore Calendar Guys 2008
I wasn't feeling too good the last few weeks as you might have guessed.

In fact ever since I moved into Rhemi's, I was suffering from a bout of depression. Usually over the weekend when I stay in to mope.

First I ain'ty exactly living comfortably and whileI can live with some dirt, grime and dust, I can't live with more than an iota.

I have to squeeze past the narrow space between my queen bed and the television table top whenever I need to get from one end to the other and while I am sure my butts are getting a real good workout this way, not unlike the TV commercial touting the hot sauna belt that works miracles on your abds and rumps, it doesn't exactly speak a lot for spacy living quarters.

Yes it is great there is now a TV in the bedroom, but it is a green color TV.

I have ensured that all the parts of the house I touch and do my stuff in are cleaned out but I can't possibly do the same for the entire place. AND I SIMPLY WON'T.

The only consolation must surely lie in the pull-down, glossy colored Singapore Calendar Guys 2008, hanging by my windows.

The twelve pages of hot sizzling hunks, well maybe not all twelve, in various half-nude poses that tintillate every gay dude's testosterone-salivating gonadic glands

If Not For The Kayaking Hunks Near The Lower Seletar Reservoir
Tanned, hot, young hunks from our very own Republic Polytechnic, so I was told.

Some had only their kayaking float vests hugging their tops and their rippling physiques and abdomens shine through. Don't forget their powerful musculature when they row or when they run, for that matter. The galls just don't measure up.

To prove how much of a bluff people can be, the caretaker for the kayak sheds actually told moi that all kayakers finish up by 6pm which is their closing time but gosh, I actually spotted a couple coming in after that

If Not For All Those Gorgeous Hunks On TV
Yeah all those eye-popping hunks featured on the Chinese Program "Hey Gorgeous". It was held at the Republic Polytechnic and that Indonesian Chinese hunk really beat them all.

Tonight there is gonna be more and moi will be home in bed to drool over them on TV at 8pm

Drool drool.

Does Moi Wanna Live Here?
If Rhemi is to be believed, and I am only half believing him, Chong Pang was once a drug-addict and secret society branch members hangout.

That explains all those unsavoury characters bumming around. Apparently there were raids every now and then and even his next-door neighbor didn't seem to be spared. By the way, this next-door neighbor got hooked on drugs and his wife died of cancer which explains the borrowing from loan sharks and he vacating the flat in the end.

I have rung up the neighborhood police centre (mind you, the police posts don't work round the clock and close after 10pm or so) more than once to egg them on to check on the foreign and local Indian dudes always milling around the pavillons outside the shophouses, drinking beer.

And yes those kids, both girls and boys, screaming and laughing the night away in the central courtyard.

Well if it is daytime, I can't say a thing and of course the echoes around the linkways and shelters reverberate all round when they shout or talk loudly, not to mention the soccer match they play.

Can you blame them if there are no soccer fields nearby for stretching out their legs?

Can Moi Afford To Live Here Or Anywhere Else For That Matter
Given the sky-high prices of a couple of hundred thousand just for 60 or 70 odd sqm of living space. Not much space. And don't forget redoing the whole place up means more money. Like those antique fixtures, electrical rewiring and retiling and so on.

What choice for moi except to wait out another year or more and to reinvest my profits.

Only Half Believing Rhemi's Past - The Makings Of A B/Hollywood Block Buster
Rhemi has rumbled on about his past and I am only listening with half-believing ears.

Our local port worker who gambled, wined, dined and womanised even while he was married. No mean-earning port worker but a port worker who earns thousands in a month alone.

An abundance of drugs and guns onboard ship. A lounge and pub patroniser . A materialistic stay-home wife who has a penchant for expensive jewllery. A repeat traffic offender who drove while under suspension. A patrol security officer and range warden for our army. Now turned storehand.

A younger brother who died in a motor-cycle accident while he has gotten into several near death collisions himself.

A drug addict who ruined his marriage, finally ending up in the sad state he is in now. A divorcee with two young kids.

You name it, Rhemi has it in his past life. All the makings of a Hollywood grade-A block-buster.

Can some Hollywood or Bollywood director get hold of Rhemi and have him sell his life story for a fee?

Gays Are Not Harrassed? Another One Of Your "One Bite Of The Cherry" Thingy?
I can't really be sure that this is a truism. At least not for the period between the late 80s to the early and mid 90s.

I have blogged about the police raids on gay haunts like Fort Road and the Bedok stadium. Now another incident just came to mind.

There was actually a road block somewhere near the Fort Road round-about. No prizes for guessing why it is so near the popular gay stomping ground.

I was stopped and the Sikh officer checked my road tax to make sure it was up to date and then proceeded to call HQ on his mobile to see if I was on any of their criminal records. At least this is what I am assuming.

I can't remember when breathalyzers became the vogue but certainly this wasn't a road block for one and he didn't breath-analyze moi and even if he did, I know I wasn't drinking. And there were no clubs and pubs within a several kilometres radii for sure.

After wasting fifteen minutes (imagine the streaker he could have nabbed or the burglar breaking into a shop he could have arrested) of both our time, I was finally let off.

Talk about harrassment and more stupidity!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Positively My Last Blog

We Are Getting To Become Third World Or Maybe At Best, Two And A Half World?
It isn't my imagination either that Singapore is getting dirtier by the minute.

This is in no small part due to the fact that some of our foreign guest workers who seem to throng our parks, our pavillons, our sit-down benches at some of our public places are using them for their eating, drinking and resting havens.

The foreign and yes, sometimes our local cleaners as well, also do not seem to be doing their job as well as they should. Some are but I suspect most aren't. I have witnessed some of them goofing off.

This Is So Filthy Shitty
Our public buses are in a very bad state. I have witnessed roaches and litter and not to mention the really kick-ass state the back panels of the seats are in and the upholstery needs upholstering?

Plus many of our foreign and yes a few of our local workers love trudging along their mud-caked boots and their filthy overalls up on the buses and that explain how some of the mud gets splattered on the floor and seats and yes, they aren't cleaned up and remained there.

Talk about some basic courtesy to show to fellow commuters on a public bus. What about the kinda profit SMRT is making? Where is it going to? Shareholders' profits or into the kitty for maintaining and upgradng the fleet?

If You Live In Yishun. What Is The Fuck Use Of SBS Transit Transport Vouchers?
Which reminds me how the $100 public transport vouchers the transport authority handed out the last time. If you live in Yishun, SMRT becomes the major, in fact, the only bus operator here, other than two measly SBS Transit bus services.

And the vouchers cover only SBS Transit services and I spend on average $50 a month on transport alone.

Proof Of Goofing Off
There was this flyer some fucking shit deposited on Galen's main grilled gate once and it got flown off to the five-foot way. It remained there for weeks which just goes to show how our foreign cleaners are not doing their jobs.

Not Exactly A Place You Wanna Go Home To Is It?
I am also beginning to be pissed to be holed up at Rhemi's.

I have taken to cleaning out the cluttered shelf with shit ass hair brushes and gunk near the vanity basin and yes, this basin's drain pipe leaks.

Not only that, I have also cleaned up his box of flick switches because they were so filthy gunky.

While his master bedroom has a new and nice wardrobe and a water heater in his shower, moi is actually taking cold baths. And he is unemployed contrary to him having you believe that he was just recently robbed of his job.

And I know that fat gall is either his gf, his sister or a friend. And Rhemi can be a TREMENDOUS LIAR!

Anyway I have my way of hitting back. That you can be rest assured of.

Another Of Big Blather's Hare Brained Schemes? They Are Not Looking Out For Moi While I Should Really Be Looking Out For Them
At the void deck, I see this groupie who turns out to be the same one that hung out at the cyber cafe I visited once. A lanky Indian sissy shit is with this group of very young boys! And I have spotted that same young Indian dude who lied and tried to rent out his place to moi before.

For sure Rhemi is in cahoots with his Indian neighbor. I do notice how they burn their incense at about the time I come home and how the "daughter" is out when I am out too. The same goes for the "son". Yes he hangs his bird cage out there at the corridor.

There is a China woman who is looking after a young local boy just round the corner. Another of Rhemi's many strange neighbors. Not sure how she is related to his father. The Indian neighbor's "son" has told me how Rhemi had rented out his whole flat to a China study mama and his son before.

You Are Not David Copperfield Because I Know Your Tricks
I am not even sure if that "vacant" unit next to Rhemi's is really vacant. Perhaps Rhemi's
fat gall fren stays there because there is a scented satchet hanging on the window and Rhemi and she do appear very quickly whenever moi is home.

The unit is made to look like it is "vacant", with even a HDB letter of demand and a town council notice recently. Mind you, the Indian neighbor works at the town council or is it the branch office and these same people must be performing some tricks.

This I am fully aware of.

Again BIG BLABBER must be behind this of course. That explains how all those foreign workers just appear like that whenever moi is at some place. Even our local Indians and Malays.

Drop Dead
Just get this right, I don't really need people to look out for me. In fact these are the same people whom I should be really looking out for. The skunks who intrude, invade and make my living days uncomfortable.

Do me a greater favor by just dropping dead. And that include whoever you are!

You Get A Bashing In If You Pull Some Funny Tricks
And I WILL BASH YOUR FUCKING FACE IN. Whether you are gall or a wimp, a blimp or a bimb if you try some funny tricks.

Don't be a CHAO AH KUA or LAO AH GUA like the rest of them. Fight fairly, one on one. And show your fucking face if you CALL YOURSELF A MAN! OR A WOMAN!

Face me like in some elections and we fight fairly!


Big Blather Knows You Inside Out And He Plays On Them, While Egging You On And Laughing Behind Your Back Because You Are Playing Into His Hands
You are a useless, fucking, short-term, made use of SHITLUMP for Big Blather's pleasure. He is laughing at you because he knows you are playing into his hands and once you are done, you are dumped like the rest of them are!

Or at least marginalised, a HAS BEEN.

My Last Blog
I won't be blogging anymore and THAT IS FINAL.