Sunday, July 24, 2005

To All the Women and Men in My Life - Get the Hell out

This brought on memories of all those bitches and male vamps in my life. They are everywhere. Well it is really really going to take a lot of time to just get this off my chest. So be sure you tighten your seat belt and I am going to take you on a spin, back to my life. The land of the sulky bitches and vampish vampires.

I remember quite a few of them. There was this "knowledge economy" gall (not exactly a gall but well she works in the knowledge economy and I am not sure if she has that much knowledge, the shallow bitch that she is, and no prizes too for guessing what knowledge economy she is sloughing in).

She made me do a "knowledge" session for her and then wanted me to take a few more on, after paying her for my edification. Wait. If she opens her mouth and I know that knowledge was really really flowing out, I may contemplate subjectng myself to being knowledgified.

You would have imagined with the riches she has amassed ostentatiously being flaunted around her : landed property, car, servant , well-off professional husband and two knowledge workers (one of whom has up and left because she has an irritating lisp I swear) that she could go on living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. But to actually have to stoop to this to finance her lavish lifesytle?

The same too with this bitchwax whom I have the misfortune of working for. Cold calculating miserly but always masking a terrific impish wicked smile, she was one among three Soong sisters of the Mayan dynastic empire they had co-founded thriving on sucking off poor innocent inheritors of the Kingdom of God who know no better except to try to imbibe knowledge because of the stinking education system we have built around examinations, a one-examination approach and grades.

The spectre of her sitting up, counting her takings like a vulture would on its rotting carcass of a meal and that wide-ass-grin of the wicked witch in Cinderella and her umembarassing wear of see-through attire (who is she trying to attract? the ah peks from the kopi-tiam I suppose) really really eats into your guts. The way she puts her nails up for scrutiny and the way she portrays herself as the Mother-O-Bitch, interfering over the smallest things in everyone's lives.

No wonder she had a bad marriage and is a widow. The black widow as I call her. I have this strange feeling she may have poisoned her husband. And I know her butchy daughter has the same genes she has. All bad and mutated. Like mother like daughter. A chip off the old hag.

Her older dizygotic evil twin looking like Empress Wu is not much off the mark either. Hoity toity , nose up in the air facade puts people off the instance they can smell her coming.

You should see the place I worked in once, teeming with several of these bitchwaxes. One was a big-eyed secretary of the company who has such thick lips and big mouth, I think jaws would have been zoilic. Another blinkers like a no-brainer (I think she has a case of electro-convulsive brainworks) and cackles connivingly in synch with being a timeserver, usually in tandem with that of the bosses (but a really smartass skiver).

A younger vain Hatsheput actually brings along her pet doggy to work on a weekend and talks incessantly about laser surgery for her keloids which hangs dewlap-like on her pectorals. The Cleopatra who sits beside me skives all the time and puts up a front of a marriage on the rocks with new-borns on the way which incdientally are all accidents - her second by the way.

If it is such an accident, why doesn't she hospitalise herself for good so that accidents don't happen to her all the time and she can just enjoy her life to the hilt in the wards?

I think she knows who she can shove her workload to while taking leave like what she did to her co-worker one year ago who must have left the company for precisely the same reason.

She yaks a lot too of some squint-eyed local actor and the way she shoots off her mouth in the elevator about everyone else proves she is a Queen Bitch. But when it comes to responsibility, she shirks it and skives.

Another purportedly is sleeping with her boss and is the focal point of a male bitch who finds every opportune moment to discredit her because she seems to be getting away with many things (being late, not doing her work, skiving, having sex on the side with the boss) while he cannot.

And then there is this other old male fart who has been with the company for eons, knows all the juicy gossip about who is who and doing what. He has sparkling eyes with an equally diabolical smile to match and seizes every chance to snipe at people and slime their character and reputation (some of which are brilliantly true by the way but just that it really clouds and colours others' pereception of all these malingers even more).

Bitches galore. Their tones are usually the shrill, high-pitched, crass and irritating siren type. They do sometimes come in extra-large sizes too.

Like this other religiously garbed fat-assed dominant she-ape . And her tall, M/s Shrilly-Ass-Had-An-accident-on-my-Face-Ugly fellow compatriot. Both talk unrelentlessly on a whole range of issues about each other, the management, their work (you mean they actually do work? Christ! If that is work, then shitting is a meal) and themselves. Looks like education didn't get to them early enough or sufficiently for that matter. How could anyone talk like that?

Worse Miss Fat-Ass wants to impose her religious code on her own kind and has issues with administrative duties (which she has been rightly assigned to do at times) , whisperings , noise, other people talking while she generates so much herself. I have never seen ayone yak so much in my life and argue so much just to put across a point (which is a wrong stance anyway)

Above all, I think it is just all their posturing, attitude, thinking, reasoning and talking. Crassy buttheads. Some are all nice on the outside but all bad on the inside. Like a rotting apple at the core or a pitcher plant.

So good luck guys, you must really be lucky if you are ever so blind to not see through their ploys, charms, diabolics and cruelty.

Well I guess this is only one part yeah of a really long story. I could go on, about my previous bosses and all.So there. I hope you will like this musing very much. Ha ha ha.


Amon said...

You did it again you asshead. The Soong sisters were never founders or chain-slavers of the Mayan Empire. Why did you say that?

Amon said...

Ok. Let me clarify this. The Soongs were never the Mayans' slavedrivers. But I used this term "Mayan" only because it rhymed with the name of the empire they founded here in SingLand. OK and for litigious , legalistic and ethical reasons, I couldn't divulge the "empire" they have amassed. Hope this clarify things a bit.