Friday, July 22, 2005

I have lost my marbles

That is it. I have had it. First I can't find the most recent titles. Case in point : Andrew Parker's "Seven Deadly Colors" and even older titles are not in my community or even the next nearest one.

Then the audacity of it all. We have the largest stock of collection? Largest my foot. I wanna know in wat kinda distribution list is that in? Electronic , kids' genre, skins or wat. Have you tried placing a reservation for one.

Type in search and boxes appear against titles. Check one and you can't reserve it just yet. You must "go into" the title, then reserve? Is this the acme of madness and you have 7 copies for the entire reading population of 1.3 million? I wanna read so much and so badly. I have been deprived enuf oredi. Give this guy a break.

As for my review yesterday, I take some back. I think that dude from 3rd rock from the sun is one swell actor wif a beautiful body and oozing wif sexuality. I have always "suspected" him and the whole entire cast of tat show.

MY GOD. He has all grown up and looks so fantastic. His other specky nerdy counterpart makes acting school fame for his straight stare, straight face before, during and after sex and swoon. I like the last part where he shivers and blood pours through his breathing spiracles.

His sweet adoring alien abducted GALL fren portrays her role so well especially the limp ( if that was faked) and her attempt at fellatio and got pushed away. That drop and thud was "so dramatic". ANd it avoided , by jingo, all robotic reprisal of gays in only one body mold and age - sculpted, toned and young.

I really like the fetish-ridden "foreplay" though - fingers sticking into mouth.
Also had a "complete-the-ending-kinda-ending-on-your-own-accord" coda.
That crap or crab bit made it sound like sth else. Some contrivance, that is how I read it. And makes you wonder if any epidemic ever is.

But could we be spared stereotypical "gay" upbringing and bringing it on? Like an overprotective mother, distant father, geekiness and sports-ineptitude, coach infatuation plus slutty and divorced mothers. Also the invariable predestination : DO THE HUSTLE (a popular song of yonks ago by the way) Look I was never felled by my swimming coach when I was young.

God my fone is ringing off the hook, I must disconnect now.

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