Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Biomimetics and Archaeological Repeats

Many people I speak to think that studying the past on historiography and archaeology is a sheer waste of time. And ecology is like so passe and backward as compared to the spick and span pristineness of city living.

I have BIG news for you. You cannot be any wronger than Ptolemy and his geocentric thesis. Or even Spearman's tome on IQ testing. And even George Bush's declaration of war. On himself that is.

I mean we are bio-mimicking nature, history and archaeological finds all the time. I mean look. When we write a biography (sometimes this degenerates into a hagiography), aint we spinning a web like a spider does?

The Wright Brothers must have got their inspiration off the birds in the sky or the bees in a bonnet?

What about modern paintings? Surely we took a leaf off our ancestral ones of bisons and hunts in the caves.

Axes and stone implements just got better now with our screw-drivers and hammers.

Or when we pitch those nice little tents for camp-outs (or so the school thinks) ain't we mimicking the Mohawks' tepee?

Arrrr. And I know some naughty boys adopt the Mohawks' hair (or hairless) style too. That run in the centre of the skinheads.

And the tube of today ( I mean the fashion, not the subway) is like a rag off the Kadazan's women tribe.

Eyeliners - strictly Egyptian. Cosmetics - Egyptian too.

And if you think our Gregorian calendar has it all, wait till you see the Mayan one - it has everything right down to the last pinpoint decimal accuracy.

What about the mud dauber wasp? Didn't it inspire the potters of today and yesterday? It must have, otherwise how do you explain the chararacteristic dabbing?

What about some of our eyes structure? Bulbous ones I mean. Didn't that like look a lot like the stalked eyes of the crustaceans?

Are we not repeating Galton's eugenics and Hitler's Holocaust all over again or even the now discredited craniometry or phrenology with our IQ tests and exams in general?

IS man ever gonna learn from history or are mistakes gonna keep repeating themselves. Like they are in all my paragraphs on my blog. Tee Hee Hee.

Take the cue man, it is now or never (think this is also an Elvis Presley ballad of yonks ago too)

So there. Proof enough? Good. Historiography, archeaology and ecology are all gonna have their day soon, anytime now.

Any butt heads who think otherwise better have their brains examined by some brainologists or they could donate theirs to the brain museum. Which I am sure will spark another scientological research of sorts - into our fine convoluted neuron structure.

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