Monday, July 25, 2005

Futher Musings on CEOs and their little serfdoms

Have you ever sat there trying to complete your work and M/s Cleopatra beside you shouts into the telephone at her husband about some craggy smoking/not smoking habit. Or your boss is having a tiff with his first wife on the telephone, practically raising his voice several decibels above the norm while his second looks on?

Well this is the kind of stuff what working in corporatism is all about. Imagine for a moment in an open-concept office where all this takes place and there is no running away from it.

The delivery man is not really a delivery man but the chauffeur for the kept one. You have to do stocks , delivery and administration all yourself. M/s Kept stints on everything about you - your reimbursements, your transport, your commission but lavishes on her weekend trysts at clubs, pubs and the shopping malls which include herself - her make-up, dresses and spas.

Ms She-Ape drones on about everything except about how huge her fussocks had grown to obliterate humanity from the real truth while M/s Accident-In-My-Face raises temperature several degrees with her shrill and sharp comments ( mostly unfounded folklores , old wives tales and false truths)

One particularly obnoxious old bulldog I work for actually owns a swanky branded condominium down east and drives his employees like Egyptian slaves at the sweat shops. His only recollection of his illustrious career is that of his time in a huge multi-national where he rules with an iron hand and I am sure where many must have suffered and died at his hardened, wicked and monied paws.

He thinks too highly of his DOS versioned "Accounting" software which he thinks will be a multi-million dollar sell-out. By the time he churns it out, Microsoft Windows was already replacing all these stupid black and green blinking prompts on the computer screen and learn-by-rote keystrokes with user-friendly click me icons.

The running axiom I learnt is that when the bosses are nice, the drones are usually not.

Again they are usually teeming with women. Talking, complaining, conniving and full of issues and themselves. A hump-backed midget turns out to be the little Poltergeist seance herself. Some bitch no end about their everything. They also love talking loudly and screaming. Not to mention tale-bearing and gossiping.

It really amazes me as I sit and look at the flurry of idiocy going on around me, a scene they call "work" which by the way is a seriously man-made flaw-in-the-universe blight.

I can only hark back to the Stone Age to reminisce where men back then only had to hunt , gather and multiply. That was work. They only needed food and shelter.

But what did Man do ? They created science, technology and industry. Once that kick-started, a can of worms is opened.

I can now see how examinations came about. Confucius never had or sat for any examinations himself. However during the Han dynasty, they started the imperial examinations copying his statecraft ideologies as the seedbed for education and imperial rule. This was refined during the Soong dynasty.

Then at the turn of the last century, Darwin and his equally famed (or infamous) cousin Galton went on a line about evolution, eugenics and then intelligence testing. With intelligence testing, came examinations.

When you read about the debacle in the speckled history of intelligence and testing in general, you seriously wonder why we are allowing that shit to repeat itself again.

Examinations are no proof of intelligence. Intelligence is an abstract not a physical reality that can be quantified. I mean people are good at different things in their own special sort of way.

You have examinations and testing and this only tests academic, memory and shit. This is not really innate intelligence but more physiological. If examinations are to prove anything, I really wonder how all the philosophers of Old will fare - Aristotle or Plato.

What about Gregor Mendel? He failed every conceivable exam but he could do all those beautiful and earth-shattering experiments on genetic inheritance. What of Darwin? He didnt exactly get a glowing testimonial but look what a Beagles voyage to Galapagos did for him?

Which is what I think is the crux too. Formal education can only do so much. Informalism in the way of adventure, trips, discovery, exploration and experimentation can do so much more.

Seeing for yourself, touching and experiencing . That phenomenalistic sense can do miraculous wonders for any's self-serendipity.

Those educationally subnormalies are only intellectually incapacitated. But they look , sound and behave the same . They can feel, touch, see and observe as well. Perhaps even with a keener acuity.

All those other people of ancient civilisation never had examinations up till the Han did in China and the 20th century invention of America and Europe. I think we had more invent
ors, thinkers and scientists then than we ever had now.

1 comment:

Amon said...

Ok that is it. Amon dude. That Soong is distinctly Wade-Giles. It should be Song (Han Yu Pinying). And when you said intellectually incapacitated, you should qualify with " to a certain extent". Not all ESN are that incapacitated. It is I guess on a continuum like rural, exurbia, suburbs and urban. Thanks anyway for a good read. Commendable stuff really.