Friday, July 22, 2005

Mind Blowing, Memorable and Haunting Scenes from Mysterious Skin

Guess what, the show just grows on you. The more I reflected the more I like the show, its subtleties and nuances.

Scene 1
Sex-omphed swaggers of Joseph Gordon Levitt as he approaches "clients" or in his jacket, jeans or one-piece singlet

Scene 2
The roughed up prancing, shoving prelude to sex of a seemingly "top and bottom" role playing till with an ironic twist, the 'client" asks for a fuck by a hot teen dick

Scene 3
That inimitable limp wif a pikestaff of the alien abductee GALL fren. Where did she pick that up from? Acting school or my grand daddy?

Scene 4
The fisting of the cow's udder amidst missing innards akin to er hem.......fisting for rectal stimulation...only an imagery mind you please....

Scene 5
The touching, sensitive moment of a AIDs-afflicted aging homosexual as he hungers for that elusive ultimate healing touch over his Kaposi-sarcoma ridden body and rotting teeth

Scene 6
The way Joe flickers and lowers his eyes and looks suspiciously at this KS "client"

Scene 7
Straight ahead, expressless look of Brady Corbet before, during and after sex, swoons and sports (the 3 asses) . He has what they call the swooning disease lol (Shakespeare: Julius Caesar)

Scene 8
The gory, bloody sex scene in the bathtub to the resounding slap and admonition of "You slut!" Hey why do I have this feeling this show is so much directed at me? Did someone here in Singapore know the director over there in LA and sold my story for a dime?

Scene 9
The dramatic shove , drop with a thud as the alien-gall gets rejected by her amorous offer of fellatio

Scene 10
The sluttiness of Joe's mother as she takes her son on a baseball trip or at home slumped on the couch exposing her shaven underarm and tat of her son's and his slim but slightly torsoed body

Scene 11
All the older and almost invariably moustachioed "clients" in different shapes and hues.

Scene 12
That unmistakable smirk over the telephone conversation of the word play "crab" and "crap". Makes the Aids epidemic look like a contrivance.

Scene 13
That wicked blue eyed high browed slightly girlish look of a younger Joseph

Scene 14
Beautiful, pearly white naked skin of Joseph , front and back with genitals unexposed and butts squeezed tight

Scene 15
The soul searing eyes of the handmaiden portrait overseeing the sex-bed

Scene 16
The almost business-like air of the sex transactions and all the twists in occupations of the "clients"

Scene 17
The straight-faced bitchy look of Brady's mother as she denounces the alien-abductees' stories and the way she puts off the gall fren of Brady over the telephone

Scene 18
Joseph as he lays and gets blown to smithereen, flushed, spasmic and relishing every single moment of his irrumation.

PS: Just for the record again, I remember someone on the ST desk actually referred to the epoch of the epic "Beowulf" as being Medieval. Just as a geologic time correction, I think it is more Anglo Saxon as this is in the beginning of the AD rather than the middle AD ages. Just so for the record ok.

1 comment:

Amon said...

Hey I am that ST reporter and guess what. I think you are absolutely right. I didnt have any sense of time or rhyme i guess when i wrote that article. I must have been lost in the triassic period of the Menozoic era. Wish me luck on my next assignment. And I hope I wont be reporting any mass extinction of theropods in dinotopia. Ha ha ha. OOps serious mistake here. Buai.