Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thank You Once More My Lord, My God! Now Help Me With These Other Requests (***Updated)

I Am Well Again After A Really Bad Swell And Rest For Two Days, Thanks Once Again My Lord, My God
I have to blog about this yet again.

My prayer got answered. My mumps have receded and I get to exercise and go back to my usual routine once more . If this is because I have wronged HIM, then so be it!

You will remember my past personal prayers in my heart when I had an excruciating back pain, a new medical condition and my cataract operation.

I can only sing praises to God in my heart and here on my blog!

But Gerald Was Harassing Me To Move
I had given him notice to move because of the NEW tenant. I am seriously not into this NEW TENANT OR Gerald's brother. The faker!

And he called the police like BULLDOG did. Which was good because once again I can reason with them that I need an extension because of the CNY festivities.

Though it was really irritating coming on top of my illness. He will get his just desserts one day if not now, maybe when he is older. Then he will know.

This Is A Collaboration For Sure
And I am pretty sure the NEW TENANT is his friend. Gerald can't possibly got him so fast and this NEW TENANT is from the uniformed group I think.

There you have it! Our very own uniformed personnel! Just get outta my sight and way PIG! He was harassing me this evening by smirking and dirtying the loo. I will let him have it if he tries it again.

If this is Gerald's gameplan and he is doing anything behind my back, he will get HIS KARMA. Like cracking my Iphone and getting contacts. I will pity those who hook up with him. They should know better how unstable he must be if he is REALLY DIVORCED as he claims.

I already have other postulates that this is YET ANOTHER DRAMA scripted and staged.

Not Bad But There Were Still Several Laughable And Regrettable Statements Made
This HOME team whom Gerald called is good.

The one that handled the "assault" incident was not too bad either but there were several things the police officers said which I know they/he will regret in their lives one day.

First, he said that I was nothing to HIM so why should I care and second, this "assault" term he brought up. I wanted to kick down the ERP gantry and laugh my fucking ass off at this.

O God, Doesn't AnyOne Knows About The Affairs Of The Heart?
I can assure you he must have never loved anybody in his entire life before just like that sissy ass-hole poly gay. One day it will befall them or someone close and they will know. Or that they/he will NEVER KNOW WHAT LOVE IS!

I have more than enough of my share of broken hearts. So enough is enough!

There were a few more regrettable statements but I won't blog about them as they
were so passe.

But still they handled the whole incident not too badly.

There You Have It Folks! Age Isn't It!
After this incident, I will try and think if Gerald is still cute or HE IS JUST AN UNGROWN UP father of a toddler girl (like The Punk who is already in his mid-thirties) who still wanna engage in trickery and games.

Like Fat Bloke who is so much older and still immatured to be doing what he is doing. Or my brother or those really old dudes who are misbehaving at cruising spots.

Oh please Old Farts, enough already!

I Knew What I Wanted Long Time Ago
So stop scripting this for me. I will know the correct BEAU when I see it.

I will live for TRUE LOVE and not any conveniences. Happiness is very important to me.

From the outset I already know what I wanted in my late teens to my NSF period. So get this very right.

Missing Him And With Much Pain In My Heart
I am missing HIM very much. I had enjoyed bringing him meals when he was working. It felt good taking care of someone you love. Those were the only times I got to see him as he won't let me any other way.

As it were, I was already restrained by all his impositions of time and he wasn't communicating clearly the best time to bring him food then.

In fact if this had continued, I was contemplating cooking again and bringing him home-cooked food.

But alas look what had happened!

All Your Fucking Environmental Stresses Did Me In
It was really all the stresses that made me do what I did that fateful night!

All those losses and thefts by your people. Then relationship problems and all those QUEENS at my school. Followed by living at those places I lived in.

How Can I Win Him Back?
HE has said he doesn't wanna see me again. At least through the police officers. Why does he hate me when I love him so much? Does he wanna see me dead before he will even wanna contact me again?

I have done most of what I think I should do and I really do not know how else to fight for his love.

Well we really didn't have a relationship in the first place and I was "nothing" in his eyes.

If he is a faker, then SO BE IT and we aren't meant for each other! And he will face his KARMA.

I Will Have To Pray Over This
Sigh. I have to pray over this as well.

Lord, you have granted me my prayers in earnest so far.

Grant me that I will get a job or some projects soon in the education/training field. That I will move to a better place than this and that I will buy back my house soon. And that a loved one will appear if it isn't HIM.

Or at least guide me on how to WIN HIS LOVE? I am really pathetic and bad at this sorta thing.

That is all I will pray for.

However, These Remain Steadfast And UnChanged.
I will not turn back to any former employers especially He-Ape. There will be NO politics for me.

My beau will NOT BE AN ETHNIC and those I mentioned before. Unless of course it happens to be HIM (he can be any creed as I already know him and I love him).

I will not get in touch with my family anymore and I have severed all ties with them. In fact my third sister called just when my phone battery life went off and so it is meant to be.

And everything else I said before stands.

It Is Just My Life And One Life And If I Can't Live It The Way I Want It, I Will Have To Die For It
I will die for them if I am ever pushed into marrying a gal and doing a job which is NOT MY VOCATION! And all those other things.

Let the wimps do it and suffer for it.

I will die for MINE!


Miss ely's letter said...


Indian khushaboo said...
