Sunday, November 09, 2008

InFidelity - Only For Some Of Us? (Updated)

So That Is Why I Smoke?
I guess the reasons I smoke are manifold. It isn't addiction, for sure. I can quit anytime.

It is a question more of boredom, refuelling and thinking and of itchy fingers.

Then there is that issue of sitting alone somewhere in some smoking zones of a public place. If moi just sit there and stare and observe, he will probably be mistaken for a kook (if he isn't already).

The cops would probably also wanna know what moi is doing down there at that time of night. If he isn't gonna be questioned, handcuffed and taken away (OO S&M fun), he is probably gonna be accosted for sex (being mistaken for a sex whore) -not that that is too far off the mark - and carried off to be gang-raped (I look forward to this). *Smiles*

Smoking takes away that stigma. You are there for a legitimate reason - to puff. That is ok. It is cool. It is reasonable. You won't be arrested.

That Old Generation Of Thinking
The Wet Wet Wet Floor
I have a funny feeling Old Aunty hates me to the guts. You know she is pissed whenever she sits in the hallway, writing into her little Buddhist book of sins, I think.

Everything I do seems to grate on her. First the shower area floor are the slippery kind when wet. The crevices throw up dirt whenever water is sprayed onto them.

I have bought not one but four pieces of those stick-on anti-slip rugs to cover various parts of this floor. Even if they hold water and turn dirty easily (I will help wash if necessary), they are still far better off in preventing slip-ups.

Everyone (there are altogether 4 of us and that excludes the visitors and the beaus and the playmates who use it too) bathes here. So expect it to be wet. I can't apologise for that.

There is another small cramped loo which is hardly utilised. That loo has a nice rough anti-slip surface however.

In fact I think all the playmates who come here to play should just use this loo.

Someone has been smoking near the balcony and leaving ashes on the floor. That is not moi. Someone is trying to nail and crucify moi (Oops, haven't I already said that a long time ago?)

It Is Wet Wet Wet Out Here Too
This reminds me of the gym, the shopping malls and the swimming complexes where washing seems to take place at anytime. Usually when moi visits. Strangely.

Ben, the owner, should have let Old Aunty sleep in the master bedroom with its attached bath.

She is cognisant of the visitors here and of her own son. But whether she is accepting or not is another matter. Even Ben isn't sure if she is when I asked him.

Since she monopolises the kitchen moi has taken to washing my cups and what-nots in the loo save for filling up my kettle jug which is just too tall to go under the tap. That has to be done in the kitchen.

Why Buy When You Can Borrow? Question Is, We Do Need Some Reference Books And Some Books Can't Be Had For A Long Time
I have bought a couple of books for my upcoming program of learning. She asks if I had not bought them from Popular. We all know that Popular sells mainly school textbooks and assessment books.

The books I bought are of a different nature. She must also be thinking I could borrow from the library.

Books go on loan and they can disappear for a long time.

There are only so many copies and so many branches that stock them. I have actually visited more than four outlets to hunt for this health exercise book I borrowed once from a branch. I was never able to lay my hands on it again untill I spotted it at a bookstore and promptly snap it up.

Besides I do need some books for reference from time to time.

Eat Fresh
I have written about how veggies like lettuce or cabbage and fruits like tomatoes or bananas (and they come in their plastic wrap foil too in some cases) just do not keep well (even in the fridge) for too long. They turn soggy and rot.

I know because I have bought French loafs from Delifrance before (yes the bread doesn't keep well for too long too and we don't eat sandwiches everyday) and do my own sandwiches myself.

If aluminium foil helps, then add this to the cost.

That Generation Again!
Imagine that Old Dude I met when I wanted to lease a room. He was actually using a huge urn for scooping water to wash and flush the toilet.


Level The Playing Field And Make Equality Of The Sexes Truly Equal
It bears repeating this.

If out-in-the-open solicitation in public places is allowed for the bis and heteros, then gays must be allowed the same shot at equality of the sexes.

Most of the time, we do it out of sight, discreetly and away from the prying eyes of the public. How dare the rest be allowed to do it unabashedly, blatantly and openly!

I guess it is also this discreetness, the speed, the quickie and the amazing array of nooks and crannies to do our "stuff" which spells stealth that moi doesn't feel safe with a gay dude because of fidelity issues.

The best hope for moi is someone fidel outside of the well-known cruising gay circle.

But the same must go for the bis and the heteros too, married or attached who stealthily have fun on the side at the same time.

Let us then make this on-par for all and don't moralise for one segment of the population only.

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