Monday, November 03, 2008

My, My, You Are A Gregarious Little Creature, Aren't You?

Midnight Tete-A-Tete
Moi: "Ryan, I am really afraid!"

Ryan: "What happened?"

Moi: "There is a party going on in the other room."

Ryan: "Which room?"

Moi: "You know. That Filipino's room."

Ryan: "Oh? The Filpino beside me?"

Moi: "Yeah. You mean there is another Filipino other than the two of you? Jesus! What is this house coming to? A house full of Pinoys?"

Ryan: "Well.....wassup?"

Moi: "You know I am a newbie. I have seen a couple of fresh faces everytime in the two short weeks I am here and up untill now I thought I knew who was who. I guess not huh?"

Ryan: "While I was staying there, I didn't bother. I only brought my girlfriend over occasionally."

Moi (thinking aloud): "Yeah right Ryan! I have heard about all your sexcapades with fat ones, skinny ones and so on....You are monogamous?....Muahahahahahahaha....

Moi: "Besides, I thought it was a Sunday and you gotta get back to work on Monday. So a party on Sunday? And on some occasions I have got up to hear all those strange noises in his room and he was fucking our local boys. Fuck man! What of his beau?"

Moi: "Well.....looks deceive, don't they. I didn't know he was so "gregarious" (a euphemism really, for "promiscuous", much like "Integrated Resort" is for casinos)"

Maybe moi is just jealous he wasn't invited for the party. Maybe moi just wanted to sink his teeth into the jugular of that Filipino dude and his beau. And of course there is Ryan

Just maybe.

After all, moi can be equally gregarious?

I love you to Death (3x)

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