Sunday, November 02, 2008

Gay And Sex Busters

GhostBusters (Gay/Sex Busters) - Lyrics Of A Song That Fit What Goes On Here
You should see the things going on around here in this house and all around the streets outside the apartment building.

All the different pairs of shoes every weekend night and sometimes on weekday nights lined up outside the house is LIVING PROOF of what goes on.

I can only think of ONE song that fits the description.

GayBusters (or alternately SexBusters)
If there's something strange in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?

A naked man sleeping in ya bed
Oh who ya gonna call?

I ain't afraid of no gays
I ain't afraid of no sex

I hear it likes the gays and sex

If you are all alone, join in the fun
And call GayBusters

I Love You To Death
I wrote in an earlier blog how I will love my beau to death, whoever he may be once we are hooked on to each other.

Incidentally that forms part of the lyrics of a song whose singer I thought was Freddy Mercury. Anyway, here are some lyrics that I can still remember:

I love you to death (3x)
Oh Baby

Too bad I can't remember the rest which are seriously quite meaningful in this context.

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