Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Day Another Blog (Updated)

Isolate, Contain, Confine And Sectorise
Maybe I haven't made myself very clear with my recent blog on the sleaze that lurks here.

Well, there is a proliferation of KTV Disco pubs here, which are just front covers for prostitution and sex. Some come with show performances. Nothing really wrong with that, you say. It has been around for ages.


Unfortunately, moi's 30 year-old apartment building (and as the security guard told moi, when he first started work, it was all nice and pleasant here untill sub-letting to foreigners began and the whole place turned to sleaze) is housing some of these show-girls and the hostesses (who are just plain streetwalkers).

There are families, singles and foreign students living here.

What the hookers do is in full public view. The scantily clad dresses. The solicitation out in the streets. The pick-ups. The pairing. The whole works.

Ah, foreign students. What does that conjure up? Read: young, virile and testesterone-driven males - alone, without parental control and holing up with their fellow young, virile, lonely, testesterone-driven peers.

What can possibly happen? If they aren't already doing it in the comfort of their hostels, this sure adds another piece of SEX temptation.

For that matter, any foreign worker. Alone, young and male.

It does seem like the foreigners are having it all. First our jobs, then our homes, even education and now it seems SEX AND FUN!

For most local boys living with families, they are more restrained and they usually defer sex.

To top it all, there are 24-hour Internet and cybergaming shops here. So many of them that local and foreign students flock to them and if they can't see what goes on around them, they must be BLIND!

A budget hotel sits right next to a private school in another street in this area.

Yes hotels are for tourists and locals. But we also know who else uses them. And schools do operate till late in the night.

Urban planners, do have some good sense in you.

Can you please isolate, confine, contain and sectorise SEX establishments (and that include both hetero, bi or gay oriented ones) in one development area with all its attendant ancillary services like accomodation, hotels, beer-drinking cafes or pubs, eateries and what-nots!

Especially those operating in full public view - the open solicitation, the congregation and the beer-drinkers and their sexily and scantily dressed companions.

Bangkok seems to have done better than we have!

OO Maybe That Is Why - Now I Know
Maybe that explains who is crucifying moi.

I have banned visitors especially female visitors for all my previous tenants.

This must be a HOT POTATO issue since they wanna bring their playmates, their toy boys, their beaus, their sex partners, their mistresses in for HOT FUN and SEX.

They wanna play and sex but they won't clean up after that.

And I was looking for an all male, all gay (maybe bisexual) household when I rent.

But for living, I just prefer my own beau.

Guess what, they were jealous and they were angry and they were restricted and sexually frustrated. Imagine underaged school-going foreign tenants who are here on STUDY PASSES!

Not FUN and SEX passes!

More Asides
I possibly didn't explain too clearly what I blogged about the last time.

First, looking at some of the noxious state of the refuse receptacles (meaning dust-bins) and the litter that fill their brims, it makes one wonder why the Environmental Public Health Act doesn't kick in to clean up these public loos.

And these are loos of our public places.

Second, I am sure there are issues of eating sandwiches at Subway. People will tell you that you can always make them yourselves.

Yes I certainly can and I have done it before. Question is I don't eat sandwiches everyday.

By the time I do, the cabbage, tomatoes or lettuce probably doesn't keep very well. Therefore when I do need to eat sandwiches, I eat fresh,

Third, the same reasoning goes for bananas. It is more expensive paying for single bananas rather than a comb of them. But again a comb doesn't keep very well.

Yet again when I do need to eat, I eat fresh.

You can imagine how people do not know about contracted names anymore. Like Liz is for Elizabeth or Joe is for Joseph.

I think Asians are in a dilemma. Asians who wanna build their bodies for example. Thus far all the health literature and research on all those health supplements do not study Asians. So is there a difference? More importantly do we still follow the kinda recommended dosage? How much is enough and how little is too little?

Finally three to six small meals a day. What constitute a small meal? For Asians we still like our rice with vegs and other dishes. Is this a small meal?

By All Means Reuse And Recycle But There Comes A Point In Time It Has To Be Disposed Of And Replaced
There comes a point in time that something has to be replaced.

The table wipes can be washed and rewashed but there will come a point in time that it is just dirty and grimy and a new one has to be bought.

The same goes for a sponge wipe, the mop-wipe head and nappies.

Remember nappies have babies peeing and shitting in them. Reusing again and again after washing and rewashing just won't do. Therefore disposable diapers were invented. For hygiene and sanitary reasons.

Our underwears are only stained with urine or faeces (we don't purposefully defecate or urinate on them) but that is ok. It can be washed and rewashed and reused. But I suppose we will one fine day also replace them.

Get This Right Pigs!
That roof over my head has been constantly under threat. I have moved 14 times. I need to buy my own place but given the sky-high prices of public housing and the financial crisis now, I am put on hold.

Even when I do buy my own place and I am with a beau, I wanna be financially independent. No handouts, no dependence on human vagaries, NO NOTHING. Totally self-reliant.

I can't plan for my studies until now. I can't settle down to a good read or study. And even then this REALLY isn't home. I anticipate problems with an older generation living under the same roof. I can't be sure about the rest.

I don't wanna spend too much time and money given my age. And I am not even sure I am employable after graduation. Especially to be employed in an industry and vocation that I am passionate about. Pointless to spend your whole life doing something you don't like.

And money is always an issue. I am paying out of my own pocket.

Get this into your thick heads, PIGS!

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