Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Least You Can Do - Discretion And Clean Up After Yourselves (Updated)

Gays, Please Clean Up After Your Sex Act Especially In A Family Home (Or Any Home For That Matter) And Can You Be More Discreet About It
I feel I have to write this as a matter of social conscience.

Right here where moi is now living, there live an old couple together with their "happily" coupled gay son (who knows what goes on in the middle of the night when everyone sleeps - visitors and with each fellow tenant).

I feel very sorry for this old lady who must be cognisant of what goes on around the house from the various conversations that I have with her.

First there is this hot muscular Filipino IT (and it seems someone holding a very senior position) dude living in one room. I have, on my first week living here, witnessed his very young and equally hot local school-boy type companion visiting him.

His companion actually uses the loo and they shower before their sex act and then right after, right under the nose of this old lady. The old lady has even told me he brings groupies over to booze and he has other sex visitors too.

Then this loo isn't exactly very clean - with moi cleaning up faecal smudges and what-nots that lurk around.

At least if you wanna sex, keep the common areas clean. Clean up after yourself and after your companions. In fact beaus are for just that. Helping you clean up. Worse try not to let your companions compete with paying tenants who also need to use the common facilities.

The same goes for the other Filipino 'hetero' couple. He has many female companions it seems.

Most of all, can you try not to hurt the feelings of the old couple (especially the old lady) living here or at least put her in an awkward and difficult position.

Oops, I Thought Old Uncle Is Only Visiting And Old Aunty Is Rotated Among The Three Siblings And Not Permanent Fixtures? Otherwise I Will Think Twice Before Shifting In Here
I know I have committed many faux pax when I moved in here.

First the loo's walls, toilet bowl and surrounds were coated with slime and faeces and I gave it a good scrub-down. I accidentally knocked over the suction plastic soap dish holder but promptly bought a brand new replacement.

Then I replaced the old bathroom rug which even though it could be washed, it won't be clean, grimy as it is. Just like Ah Yong's. Except that Ah Yong's had his two Chihuahuas shitting on them before and they are in worse condition (that is why we have diposal diapers nowadays).

Finally I bought a new rug for placing outside the bathroom.

These were to prove to be contentious with Old Aunty. I had knocked on her door to ask for her permission but she had gone on a trip across the causeway. She thought that they didn't soak up water well enough and wasn't very anti-slip. So I bought another.

The gay Filipino leaves thick toothpaste smudges in the wash basin which can't be washed or hosed down unless you remove the pothole. I don't like competing for the loo with his gay lover on weekends.

And Old Aunty is probably unhappy with all his many gay visitors, just as she is with the other "hetero" Filipino's female companions. He has been accused of being a playboy but I have only seen one girl so far.

This Filipino leaves his razor blade filled with hair on the wash basin's rest. I am not sure if he or Old Uncle is the one who leaves the faecal smudges. Everytime either one uses, the loo has them.

I have bought myself a bedroom LCD TV set and a laundry rack. I really do not want to hang them in the laundry area which is a small space above the air-condensing unit and the bamboo poles are grimy and dirty (like Ah Yong's) and a rusty iron netted mesh rest below it.

Imagine your washed laundry falling below and getting dirtied again. And competing with 6 other people in the household for that small space.

The bathroom door isn't closing properly (just as Ah Yong's, except that Ah Yong's is worse, the door is off its thread and you have to shut it really loud and tight).

I know from the few conversations I have had with Old Aunty, to know who she really is.

As long as I do my part and I do my own stuff in the privacy of my own room, they can live in their own worlds too.

Save for washing and bathing, will moi ever venture out.

And oh yes, the mover who shifted my stuff here was the same one I used at the hot young masseur's. Guess what? He told me "hot young masseur" actually asked him for sex.


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