Sunday, October 29, 2006

You Die, Muiz!

Sunday chores
Hoovering up all the hair and gunk on the floor and mopping it up. Not least, because my room is just right next to the main entrance, all kinds of dirt, dust and grime get swept up to my doorstep. The fan needs to be wiped off its dirt too. Quite a choreful on a Sunday morning.

Vivo City
Its frontage is a slab of chocolate brown but its side has a steely nice wave-design which overlooks the Keppel Harbour and part of the South China sea enclosed in a bay, with the cruise-ship STAR VIRGO and the Chinese restaurant junkship anchored off its harbour. Quite a view.

Shops, shops and more shops. What about a community library here? Or a Borders or Kino bookstore?

Muiz - You Will Regret This
Well he seems pretty cheeky and playful these days. Hanging out with the "gays" from SGBOY who in my opinion do not provide good influence or company especially for "study group sessions". He is gonna regret this BIG TIME, later but not sooner.

And I know for some time, he hasn't been telling me the whole truth. If he thinks that "Ang Mohs" make good companions, he is gonna be in for a rude shock. I think most are in for the fun and going by marriage statistics in the hetero community, many end in divorces with naive locals having to return home and in tatters, some physically and emotionally abused.

Bananas, Oreos And Apples
The men's clubs have significant foreign holdings and I am not sure if this tells us the kinda filth the white men are dumping on our shores which we, Asians, have all but lapped up with great earnest.

That includes their governance, education and culture. Can Asians think? I am afraid the answer is an emphatic "No".

Antiquated Job Application System
It makes one wonder if the administrator really knows what he/she is doing. Sending a CV exceeding a certain byte size cannot be passed through. This is preposterous!

You Ain't No Educationist To Me - Blimps, Bimbs and Wimps
I have scant respect for educators these days. Making my rounds and speaking with them just last year did not leave me a very good impression.

Yvonne fed me this. She had noticed "bonzai" growing in her son's secondary school. Imagine the labor and cost to prune these. Not to mention the "lake" a school has. These funds would have been better utilised for stocking the school's library or something.

Are We Really Better Off These Days
Sure, the agrarian days of old require back-breaking work, toiling in untold climes. But now, it is mental stress that is taking its toll on our health.

So what do we need? Physical exertion or therapy to work this off. Isn't this the same?

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