Monday, October 30, 2006

Muiz Darling, You Wimp!

How Can You Compare With Me, Muiz?
Well I actually planned for a bicycling trip with Muiz but changed my mind to a walk in the parks instead. But as it had been raining the last couple of days, I asked for a wet-weather plan and Muiz suggested visiting Vivo. So please, Muiz, you suggested Vivo and don't expect me not to window shop here, taking up precious time that keeps you from the appointment you planned the same day with "Khal & Co" ( I told you this way beforehand and if Khal & Co text you that same day, you would have respectfully declined as I have told you I do not wish to meet you on a rush-rush basis)

I think my underwear have been with me since the early 90s and I had not had a change since . So too my socks and neckties. I did buy some stuff in 1998 and in between a few items here and there and only this year 2006 did I throw out my old wardrobe which has accumulated since my NSF days.

I also started travelling further afield, other than the hinterland, in the year 2000 when I was 35 years old. I know of younger people who have had travelled almost the whole world and on a few trips to the same countries at that!

Public Service Thievery That Shows A Lack Of Creovation!
I am beginning to think that educators are no better than thieves. They ask for program outlines and we never get to conduct the programs. Very likely they do it themselves. That speaks volumes of their creovation!

I had teachers who wanted me to leave behind my demo CDs or they ask me to show them my game cards, things I refuse to comply. Educators or thieves?

Photogenic Fiefdom Right Here In Singapore
Yeah, He-Ape and his wife love holding the annual ceremony cum meetings. It is like a yearly show-off of their little serfdom and fiefdom they command. Everybody watches on as they usually give away long-service awards (to their kins and henchmen/women more likely) as photographic bulbs flash and He-Ape's wife is all smiles for the camera!

It is also that time of the year when He-Ape brags about his "school's" achievements like the attendees he has from renowned schools (most likely the bottom heap of the academic pile or some people he bought over with bribes like money or sweets)

A Nation of Compassion And Love - Pui - I Wanna Spit In Your Face And Gonads
I remember placing an advert in a major newspaper here and I was late in paying up. I was hounded, first by the newspaper, then its lawyers. The amount was just tens of dollars. In its legalistically-fraught letter of demand, it stated that it would not give up till all had been settled.

The same went with the housing authority. I had promptly paid up my mortgage in all the years since 1995 up untill 2004 and thereabouts. Can you imagine it doesn't pay heed to those years I had been dutifully paying my dues but chose to focus instead on the last one or two years when I was in financial straits!

Speaking with the officers was no consolation (pompous bureaucrats - a bitch and wimp no less) and over the counter, the clerk made it a point to deduct whatever little I had in my CPF to settle my dues.

Pui To One And All I Met In The Course Of My Work And More
This include ex-employers, ex-classmates, school-mates, educators and the whole lot. I wanna see you burn in HELL! And you will if Jesus Christ does exist and religion is what you make it to be!

Isn't Anthropology A More Satisfying And Unifying Study Subject For Mankind?
I told Johannes that teaching anthropology seems a better study subject than any religious study. First, its "Out Of Africa" theory seems to have prevailed over the multi-regionalists' theory and that spells a common ancestry for mankind. This is validated by the bio-geneticists.

It is no longer phenotyping that differentiate but genotyping that unify. How can bio-anthropology be a bad study subject in the name of humanity and the milk of human goodness?

Darling Blogger Wee, You May Be Right In Some Respects
Well, I haven't really read her entire blog but from the dribs and drabs, I must say she does have a few valid points. One, if she is correctly referring to all the "old and unmotivated leeches" (does she mean civil servants here?) who seem to be sitting on their behinds and collecting a regular pay cheque every month, she isn't far wrong.

Think of all the ridiculous and senseless policies that have stayed and stood for ages without anyone putting forth rectifications. What are the mandarins doing? Masticating and flatulating?

I have sat in with officials at the Education Ministry and one with a fat paunch doesn't know what the left hand isn't doing that the right hand is. One is a blinktard who is only good at asking for track record. Mind you, she is at the top of the educational pyramid. Well to answer her question, does a timber merchant know a thing at all about a design school or even education? How come he gets to set up a "school"?

I will repeat this once more. Providing education isn't like selling "yong-tau-foo". Anyone can sell the latter, usually the tasteless variety we get to eat nowadays. Keep education out of the "commercial" sphere. There must be that larger social good and noble objective to education other than profits.

What The Bloggers Wees Of Blogosphere Need
First, the educational elites at elite schools need a large dose of realism injected into their Aryan blood. That begins with people like me, someone very down-to-earth and who lives truly among the community, to open up their minds, hearts and eyes to the other side of living life in Singapore.

They can't afford to have other educational elites (scholars and what-not) telling them all the happy side to life. They need people like me, the face of reality, of failure and of realism to face them squarely in the face and level with them.

In fact if I had my way, the top scholars do not begin life at the top. They begin right at the bottom. Like He-Ape's son and all his family members, without any special access or privileges.

Educationists - Ha Ha Ha!
The bitches I met at schools are the combative dominatrixes who play favouritism and are dead set against any who dares to oppose them - that means their charges. When speaking with them, they are so filled with venom and hate, it makes me wonder if these are grown-ups or kids who has lost at a chatek game. Holy Cow Shit!

The disparaging and unkind remarks they pass are enough to poison any wilting rose growing by the roadside.

Muiz - You Wimp!
As for Muiz, yes, it is a different story altogether. I am relating to him on a personal level. I have my very good reasons to hate him. He hasn't proven to be a trustworthy person. I couldn't believe the way he lies to his mother and how he sneaks me into his house in the middle of the night when his parents are at work and his brothers are asleep.

He has snuck out of his house and had sex with men in their cars late in the night! And in various places! And he likes rough sex! The wrestling matches and the sado-macho kind! Most of all, he can't commit to a relationship, he can't settle down with someone and have a relationship!

This is a 17 year old and it scares the hell outta me! I would never have the guts to do this at that age! Looking at him rigged out in his religious garb, you couldn't have told! It doesn't matter if someone is a plain Joe, an ugly toad or a gorgeous hunk! Anyone can be like Muiz and all his ilk!

He was actually hanging out with "Khal & Co" at various McDonald outlets to "study" while he was lying to me that he was conducting study sessions at the libraries with his madrasah mates. And he practises his faith piously! If I were him, I would have renounced my religion straight away as I do now and be an agnostic or atheist! No need to pretend to keep up appearances when I know I can't!

There are more Muiz out there than we think!

Political Drama, Staging And Acting
Politicians aren't so different from actors or actresses. They look really good on print and in broadcast. Charismatic demagogues making great speeches of fantasy. Staging political dramas and theatrics to pull in votes and win elections. The scums of the earth.

Do Politicians Have Our Interests At Heart?
Your guess is as good a hazard as mine. I hope they do. Because despite all the glittery gloss of our city-state splendour, I have witnessed many elderly poor begging and scavenging for food or clothes or household items at waste-disposal bins.

All the money and labour spent on maintaining buildings of grandeur! Palatial public buildings!Deciduous trees that do not provide sustenance! A bloated, fat, pompous and useless public machinery earning nothing but sucking up blood money from the masses! Not even doing its proper job in some instances! Unmotivated leeches earning fat pay packets for nothing at the top echleons! Lame excuses of attending endless ghost meetings to shirk responsibilities! Cheap foreign labor that takes away jobs from the local unskilled! "Talents" who aren't really talents but stooges more likely! Or a political trump card against some paranoid imagined adversarial foreign invasion!

Intrusion into personal privacy and space! Not regulating when it should! Regulating when it shouldn't especially if it has no good reasons or rationale. Guilty untill proven innocent. Complete idiocy and bungling! Third World mentality! A nation built on money!

You have my utter contempt!

Hey Tim! I Can Nag Too
Well, the furniture I am provided ain't exactly first-class. Wardrobes and doors with hinges undone. Yellowed dirty insides. A metal rack good for store-room usage instead of in the bedroom. Stained bed sheets that make my skin itch. A broken rattan chair that makes me all achy and stiff sitting on it. And all that unexplained hair that I dredge into my room everyday. It must come from somewhere.

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