Saturday, October 28, 2006

I Slept So Soundly Last Night I Thought I Was In Heaven

The End Of Muiz
A fiery end, that was what it was to me. We arranged to meet at Vivo City and it was just that one special day after a couple of weeks of not meeting. Half the time he was texting on his mobile to his other "friends" and had an appointment with "Khal & Co" at 5pm, knowing full well we were having this day together.

So I gave him a choice of leaving for his appointment and he did, on my second urging, without even glancing back a second. I text him and told him it was best we broke up.

This is my second and last time I will patch up with him. I think he is a two-timing liar.

Look, I have survived so many break-ups before. This is no exception. I will never look back on a failed and ended relationship (if it was ever one in the first place).

Mindless And Self-Absorbed Singaporeans - A Nation Of Cataleptics
A poor old man fell the other day as he tripped over the kerb. Most didn't notice it , two onlookers smiled at him and none went to his aid. I was too far away from him to be able to render any immediate help. In any case, he promptly got up, brushed himself off and shuffled on. This must be the typical Singaporean's mantra of "Move On" (a heartless and brutal one which does not include emotional healing or comfort)

This reminded me of a similar incident when a man slipped and fell at a food court in Punggol. He fell right next to where a yound lady sat. She continued eating without nary a twitch.

This also brought to mind countless others I have encountered, usually the elderly, who beg on the streets, one even near the Sultan Mosque or who just do not seem to be in very good financial shape judging by the way they dress and the way they look and their overall physical condition.

The State Of A Typical Singaporean Family
I can speak on better terms with Auntie, certainly much better than with Tim. Tim is a hairdresser (which means he is a wimp of sorts) and likes nagging. He nags about the toilet bowl being soiled (by Hiro), mistaking me for doing it.

Well, I notice my bedroom always has hair on the floor. His ink-blue hair dye also drips all over the cistern and its bottle. And his toothpaste drips (or is it Hiro's), God, has crusted on the sink.

Auntie speaks softly to me and reasons quite well save for her occasional "quirks". However in the early morning after coming home , she would quarrel with some people over the telephone in her bedroom.

I have never seen Tim speaking with his Mom. I guess this is the state of family nowadays.

What Role Can Religion Play
Speaking with Johannes, we agree that religion has a role to play in modern society. That of uniting not dividing people of faiths. For one, it cannot ostracise and discriminate against groups of people like gays. Monogamous gay marriages, with adopted children even, cannot be wrong.

It should focus on its role of teaching morals , like how abortion is wrong , ridding society of fleshpots and emphasizing the sanctity of a monogamous relationship. And what about gambling?

There is nothing much to believe in anymore. Be it religion or science or education or family. We have been so "economised" that "the economy" controls every part of us, the human soul, heart, mind and body.

I suggest that it is time we abolish Man, intoto, from the surface of the earth. If we don't, GOD will (if there is one). It is that BAD.

Blogger Wee Versus Wee
I fear for Singapore if we have leaders who espouse the kinda views his daughter does (he stood by her, didn't he?). Precisely because he is in that leadership role, he should be undertaking the task of creating a more egalatarian society, for the public and community good.

Of course he can't control what his daughter says but WHOA! Isn't this kinda scary we have such "representatives" "representing our interests" in a "liberal" democracy? Or is it plutocracy?

My Last Stand
I am not marrying, even if I have to die on the streets. I am not going political begging either. I am gonna land a job the usual way. A teaching job. I wanna live my life on my own terms. My own place, my beau (not blimps, bimbs nor wimps) and my son (optional).

Political Staging And Lip-Service
Don't forget how this could be more pervasive than we think it is. The media is inundated with it. Sometimes it makes one wonder if politicians are even governing? Or are the technocrats the ones?

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