Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hypocritical Oath - An Allegiance Of Vows

Wilde's Indiscretion
After reading Wilde's anthology of plays and prose, one gets an inside glimpse of the Victorian Age which at once is prim and proper superficially but thoroughly decadent at its core. Wilde exposes this hypocrisy through his subversive satirical plays.

It is indeed to Wilde's injustice that he should be prosecuted and jailed for his homosexual crime (despite a willing consent on the part of both parties who were married anyway at some point in their lives) as much as raise an eyebrow in today's state-sanctioned gay-marriage friendly England.

This shows how times have evolved and I can't help but relate this to what we are seeing here. The same state of denial and hypocrisy which the current literature and social norms do not support.

I can't agree more with Wilde on many of his observations.

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