Friday, May 19, 2006

Life Is Made Of This

That day must have been THE most harrowing of all of moi's travelogues. I mean it looked like this: LRT-MRT-Bus-MRT-Bus. And this just to whip meself in great shape so that when moi and his beau have sex, we embrace in an eternal wedlock of orgasmic spasm, finally collapsing in a pool of semen. *Winks.

Yes I am still beauless. I cry my stiff erection to sleep every single lonely night on me queen size bed. In between sobs, I manage to text the heartless brute who dumped me on the pretext of being busy. How busy can he be? I mean he just got back from trips to Bangkok and Taipei, reputedly sex capitals of the world. If he were really that busy, he would be home having sex with his dog. Wouldn't he? A dog makes good sex, no?

I am pumping iron every single day of my life now. It gives me the "high" in place of my running high at the central catchment reserve. Of course, the other "high"light would be the hunks. And there were so many many many of them, I have lost count. My only ray of hope of getting close to them was to get into the changing room and watch their "manhood" bulge in all the right places. Oolala. Exotic salami in all kinds of shapes, sizes and lengths. *Double winks.

I am so tired of striking up any conversation or relationship anymore and risk me pride being wounded. Ok? So I am now in this mode of keeping mute and let me eyes do the talking instead. Perhaps for once the Yellow Pages ad tagline is true. The fingers can do the walking soon after that. *Smiles.

Look at this gem of a gymasium I discovered. It is huge. It has an electronic deposit and retrieval locker system (even though it means you have to remember your password and locker number). It is floored by not the usual carpet or astro-turf but some colorful jigsaw rubber mats. And the equipment are first-class (though I wish the triceps extension were the from behind kind and not the front push thingy coz I like to take the bull by the horns from behind? *Wink wink)

The bay windows overlook the pool on one side and the futsal field on the other. In fact a few of the newer gyms have bay windows looking out to the pool or some greenery. Unlike the bunker I worked out in once upon a time. Some of the newer stadia are really shaped beautifully and huge too. There is even glassed-up viewing galleries with one stadium's gallery overlooking the field and sports hall at each end. The sports hall is a gymnastics playground on one side and a badminton haunt on the other. This would, in a blink, be a basketball court. Cool configuration.

Because of the lack of sporting facilities and the costly and tiring journey moi has to undertake now just to be a hunk, moi was scouting for a new place. WHOA! This place I visited was swarming with Chinese national prostitutes, right smack in the middle of the road plying their trade. The four towers were not Block 1, 2, 3 or 4 but Block 10, 18,26 and 34. Make sure you did well for the topic on number patterns back in secondary school maths. Two units even have back doors, literally.

Life has become quite a bore now and as I don wanna be thinking myself silly or noticing too many things, I decided to be a zombie, just like back in the old days. Remember that character with oversized spectacles staring dazedly straight ahead in "Mysterious Skin", the R21 flick. I became that. And I will be that for some time until something exciting pop up.

Like I have a beau. A son. A house to live in. A car. Money to retire NOW. Teach in an all-boys school. Dota. Rock climb. Cycle. Kayak. Camp. In-line skate. Swim. Basketball. And maybe more.

Hey dudes, I am feeling really really really lonely at night. Think you could spare some warmth and huddle? I need a hard bod and a hard ****. *Ogle. Gasp. Oolala. Wateva.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Kids Are A Barrel Of Laughs - Sometimes

I recalled during the CNY period , when I had wandered into town, the day I met Luke and his cousin at the Orchard Hotel. I also discovered an international watering hole there and SUBWAY sandwiches are certainly American portions and a world apart from run-of-the-mill junk food in terms of taste and quality. In fact all the eateries there serve Asian and American cuisnes. I got to eat satay too.

Luke and his cousin and their sisters were racing one another, tearing up and down the hotel lobby, getting into elevators, riding the escalators and so on, typical of kids left on their own while their parents were inside the pub. If you must know, the pub has patrons as faraway as South Africa.

When Luke's cousin tripped and hurt himself, it was a different thing altogether. He was sobbing in the washroom while Luke tried to comfort him and wash his "wound". It was quite a scene with Luke's cousin alleging Luke to have caused him to fall and not wanting his "wound" to get any worse.

Upon my suggestion to have the "wound" plastered, Luke's cousin flatly refused, citing : "But I don't want a plaster!". Luke then supported his little cousin, saying that it was better to air the "wound" to have it healed. These English kids were something else.

Just not too long ago, two Australian Chinese kids boarded the LRT with their grandparents. They caught my eye with their good looks (the usual Asian-American mixed kind) and the distinct Oz twang they spoke. I was taken aback by their razor sharp observations too.

Oz Kiddo 1: "Hey isn't that the driver of the train?" (pointing to commuter standing at the front, peering out the window, quite obviously pulling his brother's legs)

Oz Kiddo 2: "That isn't the driver. He is a passenger. And "po-po" did ask you to hold on to the railings and not spin around."

With smart, vocal kids like that, who wouldn't wanna be a father? Shouldn't I be somewhere in a local municipal office signing adoption papers as a single parent? You tell me folks.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Will My Prayer Be Answered?

Just so you have a feel of how really really really inconvenient transport is, this is how transfers look like: lrt-mrt-bus-bus. And this is only one-way enroute to my destination. There is a free shuttle to a mrt station which somehow doesn't wanna pick me up even though I distinctly saw a senior citizen boarding one.

GEEEZ. This place is ulu. It is a "family" place with married couples and their kids. Or just couples. PUI.

It is also densely congested at the train stations, almost always jam-packed. It was like not too long ago when I rode the NEL that it was a leisurely and quiet affair. Not anymore. I think the bus rides at my former location are so much emptier and pleasurable.

Speaking of which, I sorely miss the "famous" roti prata stall where I sit walloping assorted-flavor roti pratas while sipping teh tarik, the walks and runs at the reserve (although I am sure the terrain isn't gonna be kind to my knees, foot and back in the long run), the sports, the LAN shop/s, the mall, the eateries and yes the canoe hunks. And the quietitude of the place where I stay. The buses that go everywhere except the east.

So it is true. I trained really hard today and I have no problems with me back or whatever. Seems like if I am on the go , I don't feel pain. Maybe I am a cyborg?

I am making the rounds of all the gyms and WOW, the gym equipment are all so different and they work your muscles really well. Of course, the hunks are different too. *Ogle. And the girls. EWWWW (1000x). Grotesque!

I wasn't myself yesterday. I must be under a lot of strain physically and emotionally. And the strain shows up on my face. I was frowning and couldn't smile as much. Especially since I am still without a beau!!! SOB (100x). So when this guy boarded the train with his gf and his work bag kept poking into my rumps, I really wanted to caution him to steer clear of my personal butt space.

ME: Hey buddy! That is my butt hole your bag is poking into! What do you think you are trying to do? Dig a burrow for beavers?

I think I need help. I am lovelorn. I need a MAN (or boy). I just wanna hold him tight especially when I am alone in my room at night. Feel his masculine hard bod. Hear him breathe. Feel his erection and mine. Curl my legs around him. Smooch. Connect bodily and emotionally.

O lord, I am oh so horny for a guy! So help me please!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


This part of Singapore is way off the central location. Getting anywhere is a hassling, tiresome and long journey. It has no sporting facility whatsoever. It has beautiful waters off its coastline though which now lays to waste as it awaits its 15-year upgrading plan. Seemingly it will be made a water-sports hotspot. But in the meantime, I have to find my way to do my sport thingy elsewhere. Inconvenient to say the least.

But I can call my abode "home". So I stay in some part of the time, lounging around, relishing the air-conditioner and watching some TV. The bed is really comfy. At long last to rest my tired back.

Somehow, I can't seem to pick up running on the tracks. I am kinda slow and the kick is gone. It could be I am so used to the uphill and downhill slopes, the rocky terrain, the steps and so on. I am just beginning to adjust and I intend to do my 1-hour on this. But I must admit I have given meself a good rest and I should be able to re-train again, just as well if not better than the last time.

All that running and gymming have strained moi. I know it because every part of me sinew, muscle and bone is aching. The more I rest at home, the worse it seems. So I must really get back on track.

My gymming is really picking up. I can't believe I am bulging in the right places. Oh yes, the hunks of course, particuarly this dude whom I recognise. He is alone. So is he attached or isn't he? I will find out.

I think I should try out living in various parts of Singapore just to sample life.

The GE is over. I was expecting the opposition to win at least a few more seats among the SMCs and the GRCs. This wasn't to be. But the percentage vote does say something about how absolute a win is. Just look at Aljunied GRC or even in some of the other GRCs and SMCs.

There are just these few comments I wanna make. First, no offence meant, most of the new PAP candidates do seem to be of a certain mould like all their predecessors. They talk in about the same manner and seem devoid of any real feelings and emotions. Worse, like their predecessors, many of their arguments I can't buy in. Staid and programmed. Standard replies without much thinking. A wind-up, repeating groove, stuff toy like the Koala bear in "The Wild" perhaps? Second, besides upgrading issues, I think there are a thousand and one other issues that the party has not even begun to broach. A whole spectrum of social, economic and political issues to address and put right.

I hope with the GE over, domestic , regional and international issues will be aired and resolved.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Night Out, Moving Again And The Hustings

It was a night out to a gay club. I got a Filipino dude for company. We got there early and he left early for whatever reasons. After not replying to a couple of my texts, I decided my first night out at a gay club shouldn't be ruined. A Malaysian dude sat next to me and we chatted but he wouldn't want to exchange numbers and we can't exactly chat in a club with loud music going on. Thinking we could dance where we were, I was so dead wrong as dancing can only be had on the dance floor - not exactly the National Stadium floor space. So I decided I should just enjoy my night out, with or without company. And dance I did. The beats were pulsating and rock. I dance whatever I felt to be appropriate to the tempo. Limbs wailing, hips gyrating and head swirling, IT WAS SUCH AN ENJOYABLE NIGHT!!! Some guys were shirtless , some held their partners' hands, they hugged and smooched. It was beautiful!!! I wanted to move away but the music only got rockier and I stayed on till 3am before calling it a night. A young dude was trailing behind me in my efforts to flag down a cab but one drove right out from a back lane and he hopped on to it. WHAT A SHITASS! We could have been acquainted.

On the eve of May Day, I slept in. Mr Psycho stayed on with me. As I was about to go out and grab dinner, he actually asked me to move by midnight. After some yelling and vulgarities hurled his way, I went out to get dinner anyway and decided to garner some support for the hideous crime he committed against moi with the bed bugs thingy. So I got round to talking to the neighbours and the CC's staff. I was glad some were really supportive and understanding.

I managed to get a room in the nick of time. After the stroke of midnight (ala Cinderella), I packed my stuff, let Meowy go (I am so sorry but his eye is healing quite well and he is strong enough) and left for my new home. I was glad Daniel actually came down in the middle of the night to help me with the baggage. In return, I mopped up his place and wiped the tables. I bought a toilet brush to scrub the toilet bowl, biscuits, table wipes, sold his old newspapers for him, got a free printer from the rags-and-bones man, just to show my appreciation.

And it was two very restful days. I finally got to sleep on a proper bed with a proper clean mattress and my back really needed that, after all that sleeping on the floor and so on. The place is in really superb condition. And to reward myself, I actually offered to pay for the utilities (so I can watch TV -especially the hustings - and enjoy the air-conditioner).

Now James Gomez is my junior in my secondary school. I remember him as a scrawny kinda fella, very quiet as far as I can remember , those big doley eyes and tight school uniform shorts. I have never expected to see him give such a powerful and stirring speech. How people change. So don't ever ignore who you think is that stupid ass or that quiet fella sitting in the corner. He is probably someone deep in thoughts and watching everyone else. What they do - is it right or wrong, etc. The other candidate who impressed me was this Kumar lady from the SDA, I think. She was very eloquent.

Well I am gonna be glued to the hustings, I am not sure about you.