Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sickie Household

Now let me tell you how it is like living with Third Worlders. By now you will know that I was living with a flat filled with them and that includes the local master of the house.

On the night I went out to Play, Liz, the maid pulled a long face. When I ritualised my facial treatment rountine, she pulled a face again. I was beginning to wonder if she is my mother or my wife! And she can't seem to accept that these are as normal as tattoos or even teen sex these days, especially since we are First Worlders (or at least pretend to be).

As a tenant, I have done my part in doing my own laundry and hanging them out to dry save for the few occasions she helps to bring them in. I flush and clean up after I use the loo and I bag and thrash my own litter and refuse. I switch off all lights and I don't cook.

Heck! I get to wash only on certain days when there is available space on the clothes racks and mostly at night when everyone is asleep. Wash till after midnight and sometimes I fall asleep myself.

Apparently this isn't enough and moi gets the feeling they want be to be looking after their child and teaching him as well!

Things have come to a head where she hoards the washer and shower with her panties and bra.

To hell with good observance of personal habits! I am not flushing, swithcing or cleaning up anymore! And I am out of the house!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Leave Politicking Out Of The House
Look here, whoever you fucking bastards are out there! If you wanna create a thousand scenes, I will gladly oblige you. But make this happen at the workplace and outside. Keep the home out of it!

Home is where you live with your loved ones! You mutually support each other and exchange kind words. It is a sanctuary for peace and rest and refuge.

Women, Only You Can Do This
I cannot understand how putting Wei Zhao to sleep in the night can become such a drama and ordeal. It must only be women who can do this! And it gets worse these days with shouts, screams, beats and crying!

And Liz seems to have caught on to a Singaporean trait. Choping the shower facility with her clothes and lingerie even though she isn't exactly ready yet to take a shower. I have told her very nicely yesterday that if anyone happens to step in to bath, her stuff is gonna get wet.

But she is stubbornly adamant to stick to her old ways. So guess what, besides not being able to hang my towel on that sole rack, I also object to women's lingerie smack right in front of my face! I guess I have just got to keep getting used to wetting her barang barang!

The same goes for the washer! Clothes are inside but not yet washed so others cannot wash.

I understand that she is overwhelmed sometimes by household chores, looking after Wei Zhao and the China doll isn't helping very much. But hey she is paid to do the job and she can be free most of the time.

Raymond is out playing mahjong and god-knows-what-else-he-does, comes back after midnight, sleeps like a log throughout the day and he is off again later in the day!

Liz's ritual looks something like this: wakes up between 630am - 700am. Cleans, washes, cooks till about 9am or later. Then she is free till noon, puts Wei Zhao down for a nap (and she gets to snooze), free again till late afternoon where she cooks again and does some other chores. In between she sits in front of the TV with Wei Zhao.

So really it isn't that bad! She doesn't sweep or mop the floor everyday.

Whatever it is,I am just there to get my peace and rest and I have upped my budget to $500 to see if I can get that! I am not expecting very much because it is essentially the same kinda room but price has gone up.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Sir Elton John And His Band - The Rocket Man Tour

I didn't get wind of Sir Elton John's concert till I flipped the pages of the national newspapers one fine Sunday morning and there it was - tickets seemingly still available for some seats.

I was pleasantly surprised that premium seats that were to put moi diametrically opposite the BIG MAN himself, snugly plonked onto his keyboard seat, were still up for grabs.

Yesterday marked my first time attending a concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Mind you, the Indoor Stadium has existed since 1989 and it is only now, into the 21st century that I got to see what is inside. I had always wanted to poke my nose into what goes on behind that shining stainless steel armour of a pagoda rooftop and this concert presented me with that opportunity.

I arrived early, picked up my tickets and queues were already forming at the ticketing booths. As there was still time left, I went round the nearby Kallang Leisure Park to take a look. Quite nice but nothing spectacular and it helped kill the time I had.

I polished off a ciggy and showed my pass at the "Premium" entrance but was duly shooed off to the North entrance. These premium seats are the ones that face the stage squarely while moi's were the ones that lay by the sides.

The concert hall was filled almost to full capacity. It was nearly a full hour wait before Hamesh Brown and the Flying Dutchman got on stage to make some announcements and not long after, Sir Elton John made his GRAND ENTRANCE, dressed in a colorfully motifed black long coat tail, sporting a nice blondish brown mop of hair, a pair of red-rimmed glasses and a gleaming ear stud. And he is sixty-one.

And Sir Elton John and his band swung into immediate action. The first part of the concert featured songs that moi wasn't very familiar with. It didn't help that a performance like that made some songs sound quite different from that recorded in a studio.

I could, however, identify with songs like "Daniel", "Candle In The Wind", "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word" and "Blue Eyes" and shook my head a little, stamped my feet or drummed my fingers as I soaked up the lyrics, the meaning and the rhythm of the songs.

The band, Elton's perfect mastery of the keyboard, his strong vocals, the music, the dazzling and flashing lights and the stage backdrop all added to the star-light and cosmic nature of the event. Some audience were clapping or pointing into the air or just simply dancing to the songs.

For moi, it was Sir Elton John's last bit of the concert where he belted out all his hit POP songs like "I Am Still Standing" that got me up on my feet and dancing. The last song came out so well with the background music that it ROCKED!

Oh God! It has been a two and a half hour's of super stardom that was well worth it!