Sunday, October 25, 2009

Real Education For A Real World (Updated Updates)

Bonkity Bonkers
I am glad my recent shopping and window-shopping spree have not been in vain.

It is the only thing I have got, by the way, in lieu of all the recent traumatic events that had happened.

The financial crisis, all my losses, all the psychopathologies, living conditions, the various personalities I meet and the nonsensities they spout.

Chew On This
I mean what is the point of dwelling on psychopathologies and labelling someone as such. Is it gonna help him in any way?

That is the thing about friends (or is it fiends) too isn't it? Gay or otherwise. We sit together, eat, watch a movie or a soccer match, talk no end but what is that gonna lead?

Am I gonna recoup my financial losses? Get back my home? A job? Anything?

Positive Psychology - Love, Art (And Here It Can Mean Designer Or Luxury Brands), Beauty, Sports, Health, Food,The Works
I am kinda practising positive psychology now.

Appeciating beautiful objects like young Asian Chinese (here it embraces Koreans and Japanese)and Western men (and boys), art, luxury brand apparels and leathergoods and laying my hands on whatever new knowledge that I can .

To work off all those negativities, I am running and walking and boy, is it therapeutic and mind-engaging!

The Latest Cigarette/Cigar Lighter Technology
For one, cigarette/cigar lighter technology has advanced to the stage that there is no need for a flame and it is completely smokeless. Much like smokeless tobacco.

That means being environmentally friendly with none of the pollutant and contaminant that is soot. Designer brands seem to have gone miles ahead here while luxury brands are in a lull.

The new technology does put across a science concept of the bunsen burner more clearly than what my teachers have ever done in school.

And yes the Pickens Power Play Plan is certainly at work here. Gaseous fuels is always friendlier than liquid fuels and clean energy is the way to go forward.

What's more the bigger issue of the needless transfer of wealth especially to your nemeses. In fact this concept should be extended and studied more thoroughly and applied to other equally disturbing "transfer of wealth" issues. All countries please take note!

I am fully behind you Sir! May you be that old world force I need to get back on my feet like in the movie "Transformers - Revenge Of The Fallen"

Newest Pen Technology?
Again designer brands reign. It is amazing enough that they have an all-in-one pen. Rollerballs, ballpoints, fountain and mechanical pencils. Others claim to function as styluses, highlighters (I was told about this but wasn't shown any) and one luxury brand even has a USB device attached.

Now the consumer has to decide which is a more worthwhile proposition - a singular function pen or a multi-purpose one. Plus the fact that the price for each pen may just add up to equal the price of a all-rolled-into-one pen.

And if twist or click versus cap and uncap would help in cases of ink leakages.

You will be surprised that in both the above cases, the sales staff may not know any better and try to get away with it.

Where Have All The MensWear Gone? (Peter Seeger's Song "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?")
The women are having a ball here. What with multi, strictly Amiga only brands and multi-assorted new designs and colors.

Poor amigos like us are stuck with black, chocolate, grey or white (especially the underwear section) for color choices and the few deemed classic designs for men. Not to mention that menswear are MIA for some luxury brands here.

Liz Claiborne would be yet another example and all the while I thought it was strictly only womenswear.

Hijacking What Was Traditonally A Male Symbol NeckWear
The Romas have even hijacked our Boy Scouts' neckerchief and claim it as their very own fashion neckwear! Shame on you if that has left us empty-handed!

So What If I Turn A Sweater Wear Inside Out Or Upside Down Especially Here In The Tropics

And who cares if here in the tropics, I turn a sweater (at least to the Americans, that is what they call it just like a handkerchief is called a pocket square) into a daytime wear minus the apparel inside. Just as long as it isn't too knitted-looking or see-through or thick wooly woollen.

Finally A Little Male Fashion Wear Reprieve And Concession

Thank god, Mango has just recently started its Homini Emerito line at a local department store.

By "local" I mean sited here in Singapore and not of local origins - in fact, this store is Japanese.

Which brings me to my point of how we should reconcile the two, like a foreign domestic maid, oxymoronic as it sounds or should I then re-phrase it as a local foreign department store.

Are we poor Amico souls having a bad deal? Like we aren't already in other respects?

Who Says The Social Sciences Is An Inferior Science When Compared To The Hard Sciences Or Maths?
The social sciences especially languages or business is a dynamic discipline that cannot be like the Maths or the Sciences where it is neatly right or wrong.

Higher Maths like Calculus is highly abstract and probably good for building mental agility, speed and aspiring to lofty but purely academic mathematical pursuits.

But in the long run, the social sciences is more "application and hands-on" much like Information Technology, a hard science.

I just realised that about myself. The books I read are usually of this kind. Software application packages, psychology, financial investment, fashion, sports and gym-training.

A Condensed Comprehension Passage And Graphic-Stimulus Passage (Extracted From A Text Published By Our Local Foreign? Education Publishing House) For A Primary Fiver Just Boggles
Read these condensed materials, the questions asked about them , the sole model answer provided in each case and let me know what you think.

By the way the whole action happened underwater in a bayou for the comprehension passage.

Is A Scenario Like This Possible? Is There Only One Correct Answer Or Are There Other Possibilities?

".......... The rescuer got hold of a knife and tried to cut through the nylon strap but it was futile......the baby rescued was hanging like a limp blue doll.......rescuers tried resuscitation.....and just as the medical staff were about to give was miraculously revived........"

Q: "Why do you think the rescuer couldn't cut through the nylon strap?"
A: "The knife was blunt"

Here Goes Other Possibilities
What about another possibility that the underwater pressure and current was just too overwhelming (*yes, quit staring at me again, this in fact employs science to answer the question).

Or that the rescuer was feeling tired, weak and effeminate at that point in time.

Or the nylon was just too tough or that the knife was too small or the rescuer was diminutive in size?

Another Stumping Question
Q; "Quote the phrase to show that the baby's revival was a miracle"
A: "Like a limp blue doll"

And Another Possible Answer?
How about "medical staff were about to give up"?

We know that since a phrase is needed, "miraculously" is most probably out.

Is This Testing English Language Proficiency In The First Place? Or Is It A General Knowledge/Geography Question And How Is "Region" Defined Anyway Especially In This Case - Asia Pacific Region?

".......Stand to win attractive prizes like a trip to the region........."

Q: "Where will prize-winners get to go away to?"
Choices: "Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Indonesia"
Answer: "Indonesia"

This Would Be The Purview Of The Education Ministry And The Educators
And please, don't give me that dirty look. I am not responsible. The educators are. The publishers are. The ministry is. They should have highlighted this, asked and debated on this and put things right.

A bigger question is: will such questions be set and if so, will the ministry accept other possibilities or JUST ONE "RIGHT" ANSWER or at least what they deem to be "RIGHT".

Should publishers screw our students even more with this kinda publication?

One Last Comment About My Program Of Study
My last module was taught by a certain Laurence. He wasn't too bad. The Egan's Model he espouses wasn't too bad either in that it provided a structure and framework for counsellors to work with.

Except that application is quite another thing. I deem the skills set too much of a questioning skills set, including asking miracle questions.

Apart from my blog about the materials, I do have some issues with the personalities of the lecturers and some of the things they said. Would I entrust my life and my mind to these people? I would think real hard I guess.

I would rate my lecturers from BEST to WORST thus:

*Karen, Reena, Laurence, Henry, Richard & finally the one who takes the cake.....Chris..TADA!*

At Whose Convenience? Yours Or Mine?
Our transport operators termed it a "convenience fee". I am referring to the CEPAS-linked Giro Reload EZ card which charges $0.25 for every auto top-up.

At whose convenience, I might like to know.

Is it convenient for us, the citizens? Who do we have for travelling companions? Foreign workers of all kinds and sometimes in their working clothes. Loud chatters. A babel of tongues. All kinds of habits.

What use is it to clean and spruce up, modernise and build some of our public amenities and housing to be spanking new architectural marvels? Who patronises them and what happens?

Do citizens get any better in terms of ridership privileges?

I Should Have Been Him And His Job Mine
I came across new Chinese citizens in our midst. They started schools in 2002. Why couldn't I? Because I didn't agree with the fire-safety rules. Then came the licensing agreement. After which a constituency surgery bungle ensued.

And what of Ben? He has been here since his primary school days and yet he is only a PR? Why isn't he committed? Seems like he is here only for the taking. To kill two birds with one stone? Or is he trying to escape NS liabilities, so an older age like 40 would be a better time when liabilities end.

Is this fair? Bigger question is has he made a BIG difference? I don't think so. I don't see it. If he has, it is only to be seen and a political move. No real impact. No real difference.

What he does is actually my job. He took it away from me. Plus he has the advantage of the patronage of his well-to-do father.

At whose convenience again, may I ask.

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