Sunday, March 26, 2006

Bric-A-Brac, Bugaboo, Cock-Up And Wishlist

This estate where I am must be a senior citizens' corner. I haven't exactly seen any young and virile man or boy about the place yet. All around me I see sages. In fact, the first couple of days I moved in, there was a funeral wake for someone whose "in memoriam" pic was in monochrome.

The telegraphic poles with overhanging cables must attest further to the age of the place. All the Malay street names have "lembah" (valleys) and ridges in them which shows how this place must once be a hill-top or kampung or some part of the reserve. The residents must also be villagers once, judging from their speeches, mannerism and behaviour.

It is also quirky that each estate may be all terrace or semi-detached properties. Some would be new and spanking while others old and run-down.

Over at the LAN shops, and the reason I don't call them Internet cafes is because I don't see any real cafe here, depending on whether we are following Britain, American, European or South African convention of what constitutes a cafe, there are all these cute dudes. Many caught my eye with not only their good looks , good bods but their communication skills. This is something lacking in our Asian heritage somehow. I crave for love, good sex, good communication and good relationship. And being open about it.

Casper, you are gonna be my conduit to these dudes.

And yes "BrokeBack Mountain" certainly has its setting and theme cut out for it, all the hot action taking place in a dude ranch, if you know what this connotes.

Yes the Cathay Cineplex (and not The Cathay) now has a brand new level opened on its ninth floor. It has all these private chambers, one being a see-through tube all the way from one end to the other, with glass portholes as windows. You can use them for private functions, snuggling up to your loved one watching DVDs or gaming and even for studies. Yeah, I spied a young couple in cosy snuggery all right.

One and half months after I started an investment portfolio, I realised many things are still unsettled. It is only like today that I got a first glimpse of my portfolio online and even then, some aren't even there. It had been a mind-boggling experience to see how our much touted efficiency goes down the drain like this. Worse, some aren't performing and I am currently sitting on a long position. Yes, I even short sold once, unwittingly, thanks to the system's bugs but which the brokerage claims otherwise. If I saw two lines mean I saw two lines and not three.

To think that I actually made the effort to call, prior to the CNY festivities, to effect all changes, closure and so on but all these came to nought when the financial institutions didn't even take note of my instructions and everything just went on without the slightest change. What humongous cock-ups!

And other than being a flambeau, my mobile now takes orders from my voice-command to dial a number. I have decided to put the mail company on this. The woman in charge is Yvonne. Gosh. She does community service (doesn't seem like her, think it is more a lame excuse) on Wednesdays and so it shuts down at 4pm. At other times, I may even have to shuffle my time to suit her irregular hours . This mobile is such an exciting one, I learn new stuff every time about what it can do for me.

Tell me why my wishlist cannot be fulfilled. All I want is to live somewhere near the water's edge like where I am now with a loved one and perhaps a "son"? And to have enough for old age, my loved ones and for my family members. And a car? And to run a school? Is this so wrong or unattainable?

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