Monday, March 27, 2006

Brick-bats And More Bugaboos

Did I mention this rocker musician (at least he was dressed the part) who sat next to me on a Saturday morning in a LAN shop? He smelt fragrant, oozing with such animalistic sex appeal, I was tempted to caress the fine matt of hair on his navel, working my fingers all the way up and down his body, whenever he stretches himself exposing his belly in a-size-too-small tight-fitting tees, rumping down on his LAN (pardon the sexism) chair. On top of all that, he speaks well and he is able to articulate his thoughts and feelings. The SNAG man!

The other rocker next to him had me tingling somewhere in between my groins whenever he shouts the "LJ" expletive while LANNING! It was such a sexy, sex-charged and vulgar word all at the same time! Another swell dude was equally charming, suave and communicative. He seems to be the dude the others hung around or look up to. I really want to know these chaps especially you two!

I have a deaf and mute gay dude on my contactlist. I would like to meet with him one day. But being such a loner (not by choice I guess, I am as gregarious as the next pink dolphin but most people are in their own cliques, their own world, and we do fear rejection, don't we when we initiate the first move and in a crowd like that how are we ever gonna start something?) myself and deprived of good communication for so long, I am communication-starved at home and outside. I really need people whom I can share my thoughts, feelings and experiences on a verbal basis - in the English language. I don't want to live in a world of silence anymore. That is why I blog!

Yes and I am not working not by choice but by circumstance. I mean if I ain't cut out to be a security guard, a taxi-driver or a cleaner (three jobs that are still open to Singaporeans while IT and other "professions" are for the rest) , I just ain't. My true calling lies in education. Not that many of the leaders in educational institutions see their roles as "education of the heart, mind and soul" but rather as solely political or economic appointments. Sad straying off the path of the true meaning of education, I would say and they do get rewarded for "efficiency" and "long and meritorious service" (whatever those terms mean).

The reserve continues to be a source of discoveries of new animal species (at least to me as I have not seen them before). Some time ago, a colourful white, red and black bronzeback (I think it is this) was strewn across between two planks in the boardwalk, making it look like a hooker. I reckoned no right-thinking man (maybe MR PSYHCO?) would take a hooker to the reserve and leave it on the boardwalk and suspected it to be a snake instead. I plucked off a twig and jabbed at it. I wasn't disappointed. MR BRONZEBACK reared its small head with its flickering tongue and slithered away. I have even spotted a lone purple heron wading on shallow waters. It is purple on nearsight and in stills but in flight and further away, it could have been a grey heron. And in the early morning darkness, leafbirds , green with a black face mask, fly low among the shrubbery as if to lead the way for me.

All my time in the reserve I have never seen a flying lemur but the national newspapers actually reported a case of poachers shooting down a mother lemur leaving dear junior helpless. How did this happen when I didn't even get to see one?

I refuse to switch vocation. I have been advised to do something else like sell insurance policies or real estate. I will stick to my guns. Education it is and education it will be. I don't even envisage special education as I am not equipped (though I am sure training is provided). I think I have enough problems of my own and I can't give of my best to these kids who certainly need more attention. I don't mind students in the NA or NT or ITE streams. It will be more rewarding if students are more intellectually up to task.

Even these high brows have problems too, don't they? They need attention all the more. But it is easier to reach out and they can better reason and think through issues. That is why younger children isn't who I would want to teach either, especially in our highly formalised education environment with the stress on exams and grades. They also need more behavioural control and management. As I mentioned before, at their age it should be exploration, discovery and fun learning in an informal way.

Bumping into my ex-student Casper illustrates this point very well. He was just a scrawny primary three kid with a squeaky voice, mischievous , hyperactive and harping on topics any 9 year-old would when I first tutored him. He is about fifteen now, still scrawny, but his voice has matured and his language ability, conversational topics and thoughts are different too. I feel I can communicate with him on a different and higher plane now. I text him to fix a day to meet alone.

I may have bumped into another ex-student of mine at the pool (you guess what kinda pool I mean) and he must be like out of secondary school and into poly, ITE or JC?

In fact I have been bumping into many people. My ex-FT in secondary school (sorry I was in no mood to talk that day), Mediacorp stars (one whom had muscled, chiselled, macho-looking twins as his escort at the pool or were they his friends?), academicians, businesspeople, people from my past life (eg: classmates, schoolmates, oooo one girl from my ex-jc is living near me) and yes, my sister just this morning.

So please people, don't tell me what I should or should not be doing. It is my life and I know what is best for me and what would be most meaningful and satisfying.

I know many people would draw parallels between my experience as a tenant now and formerly as a landlord. They would think the role reversal would be a lesson to teach or learn from . I am so sorry they cannot be any wronger. The contexts in which each operated in were entirely different.

First, my former house was a one-level and compact 4 roomer. At the entrance the control switch for the lights are just there. The places I have lived in were and are now an executive apartment with a long corridor leading to the bedrooms and a duplex terrace house. The lockset to the bedrooms in my current abode is a door handle and a keyhole. If the landlord doesn't want me to have lock and key, I have to change the entire lockset. It is not like my 4-roomer which is only a keyhole and a key to lock/unlock it. I only need to make a key, not an entire lockset.

At my former place, the common bath was exclusively for the sole use of one tenant. At the executive apartment, three of us (possibly even more) were clamouring for just one bath. So if someone is bathing in there, and I am on high-tide, I can't possibly breathe in and hold my bladder. I have to pee somewhere, certainly not in my pants, but perhaps over at the kitchen sink? So if MR BOSSY tells me to call him if I need the bath, can't he at least take his mobile with him inside and I will call as he wants me to ?

I wanted to, at one juncture, to go to MR PSYHCO for a haircut at a whopping $14. Now, seeing how things have turned out, I have decided to withdraw this intended support and have my hair cut at the Malay barber instead for $9.

If the brokerage's online trading system is not as buggy as I think it is and as they claim it isn't, then tell me why on one fine day, I see only a partial contracted list of stocks? What utter fandangle! If they can't check on my bank statement then why when I call in on the bank's hotline, I get transferred to the same person whom I liaise with at the brokerage? A double coincidence or some chuckleheady multi-tasking, cross-over the line thingy?

I had the misfortune to lock up my SIM card and as I don't have a fixed line anymore, I fished into my wallet and was grateful I still have the left-over magnetic-strip telephone cards valued at $3 and $5 respectively. One was depleted in value till the last tens of cents while another was almost full. Now the public phones are operated by SINGTEL but I am on STARHUB. I have to pay $0.60 for a 100 directory assitance call (the 1633 number cannot be dialled and had to have a few more digits placed in front) and when I inserted a dollar coin to make this call, it swallowed it up hook, line and sinker when the call ended even though I still have at least $0.70 credit because it doesnt refund unused portion of the value.

Next was choosing the red or silver phones as the magnetic strips are being phased out and phone chipcards are in. I couldn't use the magnetic strips at the red phones and had to hunt down a silver one. It was a hell of a morning I tell you.

Now I have my mobile phone and SIM card all securely locked up with a password. It is mind-blowing the copious amounts of passwords , PINs , user identities and account numbers I have to remember just to log in online for my various purposes.

While fishing into my wallet, I also scooped out a Seng City Trading photocopy card which was the technology then to use at all public libraries for photo-copying services. But now it is the cashcard. The first person to answer to my call as to what I should do with this technologically outdated dinosaur wasn't helpful. A second call (and this was connected to the Big Boss directly) and I was told I could trade in my card for a deposit refund and whatever value is left with a school. I chose SJI as I wanted to peek at the cuties there ( of course there were CJC and AJC named as well)

The same thing happened when I closed a bank account with several dollars credit due me. They didn't tell me this over the counter and to put it in the bank's frontliner's reply "the bank can't refund you this now as it should have been transacted OTC and thus it will absorb this for you". Absorb my bloody foot. They agreed to send a check and I got my several dollars worth, this after the 24% or 17.5% interest per annum they have been blood-sucking off my account.

I watched "Dorm" and "Date Movie" recently. "Dorm" wasn't exactly a horror flick but more a sentimental and moving story of two boys locked in together in different realms of the physical and spiritual world. One may say it smacks of gayism and love between two dudes. One boy had to help the other unleash himself from the real world to be back in his spiritual one. "Date Movie" was hilarious as it was in the ilk of its writers from "Scary Movie" (the 4th version is gonna be launched soon). It spoofed "Meet The Fokkers" and about everything else.

Now how does one get rich in Singapore? I think I have the answer. In fact the answer seems to be just right under my nose, literally. But I just have to keep my fingers crossed for things to roll and at the right time, BAM, I put my money where it is worth.

Are you guys with me now?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Bric-A-Brac, Bugaboo, Cock-Up And Wishlist

This estate where I am must be a senior citizens' corner. I haven't exactly seen any young and virile man or boy about the place yet. All around me I see sages. In fact, the first couple of days I moved in, there was a funeral wake for someone whose "in memoriam" pic was in monochrome.

The telegraphic poles with overhanging cables must attest further to the age of the place. All the Malay street names have "lembah" (valleys) and ridges in them which shows how this place must once be a hill-top or kampung or some part of the reserve. The residents must also be villagers once, judging from their speeches, mannerism and behaviour.

It is also quirky that each estate may be all terrace or semi-detached properties. Some would be new and spanking while others old and run-down.

Over at the LAN shops, and the reason I don't call them Internet cafes is because I don't see any real cafe here, depending on whether we are following Britain, American, European or South African convention of what constitutes a cafe, there are all these cute dudes. Many caught my eye with not only their good looks , good bods but their communication skills. This is something lacking in our Asian heritage somehow. I crave for love, good sex, good communication and good relationship. And being open about it.

Casper, you are gonna be my conduit to these dudes.

And yes "BrokeBack Mountain" certainly has its setting and theme cut out for it, all the hot action taking place in a dude ranch, if you know what this connotes.

Yes the Cathay Cineplex (and not The Cathay) now has a brand new level opened on its ninth floor. It has all these private chambers, one being a see-through tube all the way from one end to the other, with glass portholes as windows. You can use them for private functions, snuggling up to your loved one watching DVDs or gaming and even for studies. Yeah, I spied a young couple in cosy snuggery all right.

One and half months after I started an investment portfolio, I realised many things are still unsettled. It is only like today that I got a first glimpse of my portfolio online and even then, some aren't even there. It had been a mind-boggling experience to see how our much touted efficiency goes down the drain like this. Worse, some aren't performing and I am currently sitting on a long position. Yes, I even short sold once, unwittingly, thanks to the system's bugs but which the brokerage claims otherwise. If I saw two lines mean I saw two lines and not three.

To think that I actually made the effort to call, prior to the CNY festivities, to effect all changes, closure and so on but all these came to nought when the financial institutions didn't even take note of my instructions and everything just went on without the slightest change. What humongous cock-ups!

And other than being a flambeau, my mobile now takes orders from my voice-command to dial a number. I have decided to put the mail company on this. The woman in charge is Yvonne. Gosh. She does community service (doesn't seem like her, think it is more a lame excuse) on Wednesdays and so it shuts down at 4pm. At other times, I may even have to shuffle my time to suit her irregular hours . This mobile is such an exciting one, I learn new stuff every time about what it can do for me.

Tell me why my wishlist cannot be fulfilled. All I want is to live somewhere near the water's edge like where I am now with a loved one and perhaps a "son"? And to have enough for old age, my loved ones and for my family members. And a car? And to run a school? Is this so wrong or unattainable?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Knick Knacks

Let me correct several things I wrote previously. One, the bathroom scrub was only thigh-high. Two, the gravel at the reserve is reflective but where it is canopied or soiled, it isn't anymore.

There is this man who walks five of his dogs, one dog a day. The Jack Russell doesn't look it as it has grown pudgy. Just this morning I discovered he actually lives literally at the water's edge, in a house filled with dogs and cats. One morning the entire international schools community was out for their X-country run. There were the French, the Australians and the Canadians. As usual, the boy canoeists were the cutie hunks running and working out near the canoe sheds. But it was see-no-touch. What is the point?

My new mobile has proved to be a handy little gadget. It is not only a portable radio but a torchlight in my moments of darkness. Once I hung out with a dude till late in the night and by the time I finished my dilly-dally, it had turned pitch black. I made my way alone in the dark forest with my mobile's beacon showing the way. It is also my appointment scheduler.

Living life with the janitor isn't easy. It kinda reminds me of my life in the "Dark Ages" living out part of my existence with my mom and brother. Now bro isn't exactly the very reasonable sort. I can't blame him either. With the kind of strict upbringing he had, with Mom especially. He was a gangsta. He got picked on by the discipline master, someone whom I don't particularly fancy very much too in my school days (yes we were from the same school) . Nor can I articulate all my feelings or thoughts to my mother in Teochew. She can speak and understand some English but her vocabulary range is limited.

I can imagine all those good kids hanging out the whole time because of all the communication and/or problems they face at home with their parents and siblings. All the naggards, control freaks, unreasonable bums and illogical farts. I did that once before in my life and it seems I am doing it now.

It does strike me that gays aren't very into relationships. Even at cruising spots, it was more hormonally charged quick sex drive thingy, voyeurism and exhibitionism. Hardly any stop and chat to introduce oneself to one another or to strike up a friendship. I have told myself that I will try to do that once the opportunity avails itself.

Well it isn't only at cruising spots. Everywhere you meet people, they are in their own cliques and in their own world. They hardly acknowledge others' presence or stop to chat. So I am not anti-social. They are. And probably they have problems initiating a relationship. They are the problem dudes. Not moi. But it could also be because of down-time that we sometimes don't feel like chatting. Time alone, bad hair day, feeling fucked up, etc. Remember it is worse for gays. We have to second guess who is and who isn't.

I am dying for the day I get myself a boyfriend. I wanna watch the laser displays at Sentosa with him. I am gonna cuddle up to him. I am gonna french him long and deep in the mouth. I am gonna hold his hands. I am gonna have sex with him in exotic places. All these in full view of the public except the last. Dare me! Girls, I am so jealous of all the smooching and stuff you couples do, I am gonna wreak my revenge. See how you feel if I do the same, except this is now a GUY!

Surfing at LAN shops has opened up my eyes to the kids who hang out at such places. The different styles practised at the shops are also varied. This has meant great inconvenience too. Some have this but not that. In a day, I may be surfing at the public library one part of the time and at a LAN shop another part of the time.

Guess what! I met one of my students today! His name is Casper. There are many unresolved issues I want to iron out with him. I remember him as the kid who has this Mom who asks "standard" questions about his son and I have to, like all others do, answer back in "standard" mode. I really regretted not standing up for this kid and saying the things I should have said instead. There were many things I regretted doing and not doing. Just going with the flow of life's convention, I had to do it or not do it . I told myself I will not do this anymore.

Which was the reason why I rejected the offer to teach at a tuition centre. First, it was a paltry $25 an hour which barely covers my transport and food. Second, it had no school materials. It isn't exactly a new start-up, existing as it is for several years now. In fact I had attended one interview eons ago and rejected the offer for the same reasons. It wants moi to go buy materials and reimburse me for the effort. I don't think I am very keen on such an arrangement. In fact I am not keen on teaching at any private commercial schools, if only to pass the time and earn a small keep.

I am really not sure how my life is heading. But I do know I have those dreams which I can't seem to launch. I am not getting any younger and this is a real pain for me to ever start something at an old age. The hate returns of all those who have denied me this. FUCK YOU!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Janitor, The Immutables, Relationships, Security, Privacy And Bugbears

In the beginning, as part of my "interaction with people" and not to be seen as "anti-social", I tried striking up conversations with The Janitor. After a while and spending a good part of the day conversing, I begin to see a pattern emerge. It was about digging deep into my personals, being evasive about himself, trying to raise the rent and rattling a list of "dos and donts" in the house. He was nit-picky , womanish , a real blimp and wimp. That is when I put my foot down, cut off all communication and watch him rot into his own lonely self, moping about the house.

There are three immutables in life. These are stuff I am dead serious about. Number 1, money. I don't use money as a form of extortion, intimidation or withholding tactic. Money is someone's bread and butter. Pay a person on time and do not delay this. Number 2, love and relationships. I do not trifle with someone's affection or love. When I am settled with someone, I do not seek another. Number 3, work. I put my heart and soul into my work and I do not stint on effort, time or hard work.

I am working at my relationships with fellow gays. It isn't easy trying to meet with people , holding a conversation or maintaining contact. I meet them over a meal, drink or outing. You will be surprised most aren't very into "relationships" either, as can be seen from the relunctance, the pre-occupation with work or school (I know some aren't but pretend to be) and so on. I say despite all the busyness, time must be carved out for friends, not only when you are free and think it expedient.

Not that I totally agree with all that they practise. I may be gay but there are pretty a lot I can't identify with them. Like how aromatherapy, branded goods, toiletries, fashion clothes, beauty, looks and bods all seem to be major thingies in their lives.

Singapore is on the verge of implementing "privacy" laws. This is long overdue. I mean anyone, from your employer to your landlord, has your personal particulars while we don't have theirs. Doesn't seem like a fair deal. If we ask me which of the two I pick to be less secure, printed or broadcast, I choose printed. A print is always lying about and its trail more easily sniffed out in hardcopy. Broadcast, on the other hand, compromises only when data is shared or hacked into.

I am sure we have dreadful encounters with all kinds of unnecessary, inane and absolute inconveniences. Take for example this brokerage which wants me to fax out a portfolio statement they generated in the first place. Or how some community club are still wooding the newspapers between two strip planks, the margin of which eats into the words and incapable of holding a Saturday bumper-thick edition. Even the daily free newsheets or classifieds are not inserted so you read in dribs and drabs. Can they sacrifice the 80 cents or 85 cents worth or is this too much to bear? On the other hand, a regional library actually stocked tonnes of copies of "The Sunday Times" on its little news-stand.

Oh well, I am sitting here in a spanking ritzy LAN outlet on the 9th floor of the Cathay Cineplex and time is running out. I have exactly 5 minutes more before this thing shuts down. More on bugbears in the next blog.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

He Is One Fucking Sissy Old Fart (Change Your Sex)

I really like this place I live in now, if only for the spacey room I have, its central and convenient location and the nature reserve in its backyard. Unfortunately, the more I speak with its owner/landlord/janitor (whoever he is), the more convinced I am he is weirder than Boo Radley is in "To Kill A Mockingbird". He must be the most unreasonable, unthinking and illogical old fart living this side of planet Earth.

First, the place is 40 years old (taking the Catholic church in the vicinity as the benchmark which has been around since 1966) and the kitchen is fucking dirty, old and run-down. And this bald-pated, thyroidic, manic-depressive, has-been hair dresser and professional make-up artist for celebrities, wants no foot-print. Holy Toledo! He even does milk baths.......Milk baths? Whose hairy legs is he trying to pull?

Please Mr Baldy, you keep it clean and we will too. Because of that, I now own a pair of flip-flops in the kitchen and another pair of patented CROCS Beach footwear for the hall, dining and the bedroom upstairs. Two pairs in one house! Imagine slipping on a different pair everytime I walk to a different part of the house! Is this sane? Is this normal? Is this human?

He wants my clothes hung out in the open and if it rains, is he going to take them in for me when I am not around? A duplicate defective key and he accuses me of not locking up the main door after I leave home? Not a word of apology even. So what if it is the key-maker's fault? Shouldn't he have checked first before slinging the first shot of accusation?

All the second-hand furniture and he wants me to maintain them in tip-top condition? My brand new red pouch went missing. A mysterious "SPA" word scrawled across my packing carton. My socket panel goes bust. A dent on the surface of the table. All these cannot be the work of the "Ghost" but the work of man - aka MR PSYCHO SICKO BALDY.

He insists on doing up the water taps and latches in the house. He isn't a licensed plumber or keysmith/locksmith, so do you expect the workmanship to be superb? What do we have? Leaky taps and a latch off its hinge.

The rent I pay goes to pay for his clubbing dates till the wee hours of the morning (at his age, I seriously think he should take a second look at himself and his life) , his fag smoking and his acquisition of branded goods. Holy Bald Eagle! Gays do think that aromatherapy is relaxing. I say bullcrap! Exercise , sports and sex do the trick much much better! Now I just don't feel my money's worth paying for his expensive habits.

His soles are as black as coal which testify to the absolute dirt lying among the place. He uses the upstairs bathroom and leaves his filthy footprints which I have to clean up after him. He snores like a pig and sleeps on the floor in the hall, like he were some watchdog (janitor).

The bathroom scrub he has for cleaning up the bath is only waist high. Anyone who has learned first order lever machines knows that the longer the lever is, the less effort it is. A famous philosopher remarked that with this, he could actually move the world. It id really a tedious task but as I am back at running and gymming, I am ok with it still. In fact it provides me with a bout of fresh and challenging exercise fo rmy back and muscles.

On my morning sojourns out for my runs, I notice the throngs of maids up and about, going about their daily chores. I pray they are given the right implements to do their work as I see them using an assorted variety of brooms and rakes (which look suspiciously to be not working very well like the old sapu-lily which must be back-breaking to say the least) to sweep up the dried leaves, wash the cars (usually hosing it down and even in between the tyre rims) and clean the house. I am sure some must be suffering the same fate as me.

Wait! This last one is a BIGGIE. Mr Psycho wants the upstairs corridor lights out! This is like asking the President of the United States to make a public speech naked and then have Monica Lewinsky suck his dick under the rostrum. I mean I can't see in the pitch blackness at dawn when I walk down the stairs! So naturally I switch them on! What does he expect me to do? Run up again to switch it off and then turn it on again when I descend? He wants a circus bozo to entertain him or he needs psychiatric help?

A more viable option would be for him to install another controlling switch down the stairways so I could turn it off below and not run up again! This is absolute madness!

Mr Psycho Sicko Baldy! I hope you have bluetooth technology in your house so you can read all my text messages and blogs! This way, you can see for yourself how sick you are in your mind, body and soul! I hope you burn in hell like the rest of them!