Saturday, February 18, 2006

Updates And Not Blogging As Fully

I am not blogging as much here now, primarily because it is so expensive to surf and blog at public cafes.

Rest assured, many things have happened in my life. I have moved twice so far and I thought I have met someone special. But as things are, it did not come to pass. I can only cross my fingers and I am busy putting together my investment portfolio.

When I have time, I will blog fully again. Right now, moi is holed up in an almost perfect environ. A little of country and city living, right at the edge of the water and of nature. The place is named "a gem of a park or garden" which in many ways it is. My first taste of living on landed property and I am beginning to love it. Each estate has stairways connected to another which isn't shown on any map.

Here are some updates of the past few weeks. My CNY's eve was spent at McDonalds. I observed the foreign maids, the foreign community and our other ethnic groups coming in to dine or take away. There were even pockets of locals who walked in for food. So I don't think the reunion dinner is such a sacred event after all.

I watched a couple of movies. "I Not Stupid 2" was so superbly made, its theme, scenes and storyline strike at our very emotional chord concerning education. It shows up how education fucks people up the wrong way sometimes and how families influence one's orientation.

"BrokeBack Mountain" wasn't what I was really hoping for. Of course it had very good content but I took issue at what it depicts gay love to be. A top and a bottom. With anal intercourse a necessary pre-requisite to consummate it. Gay love should just be what it should be. Concern, love, care and sex in whatever form the couple finds suitable. No wonder all the sluts are asking for a fuck.

This story reinforces the idea that gays will get married and they then have to find sex with each other on the side, with fatal consequences in this case. A broken marriage for one party and death for the other. The film points out the tragic end gays will meet if they should hang around married or straight guys preparing for marriage. They apparently can't be like a real hetero couple living together. This is what a civil union would have conferred.

Anyway I watched this late in the night on Valentine's Day in busy Orchard Road. The really young crowd thronging the whole place was staggering. After beating my way through the herd, I was equally astounded by the kind of audience streaming in to watch the movie. Not only PLUs but a gathering of gals and guys too. I was, by the way, at an extreme corner of the screening, huddled in my plush seat.

If you are beginning to wonder what on earth I am doing on Valentine's Day watching this movie, well I was bored, had no Valentine's date and had a huge misunderstanding with my gay housemate. I shuffled home past the stroke of midnight.

The rift really began when I learned there was a lady agent handling the whole place. As I wasn't any signatory to the lease agreement (an agreement between the main tenant and her) and was being subletted a place, I wasn't about to deal with her, unimpressed as I already am if you care to recall with agents in general and in particular. But she kept imposing her presence upon me, despite me having furnished her my particulars.

The next bone of contention was a sudden turnaround in the profile of the tenant who is supposed to move in. A straight guy with his girlfriend and a fellow colleague of the gay main tenant. That wasn't supposed to be. It was supposed to be a PLU.

It was also the way he and some of the others put it. That we have to be "accepted" by the straight community and so, invite them to live among us, to humour them, to be like one of them, etc . For me, work and home life draws a distinct line. Living under the same roof with a straight and his gal turns me off and I am not exactly in the mood to cross this line. Work life is fine but not home life. If I have sex with my boyfriend, this is sacrosanct, away from his prying (or "accepting") eyes.

My blogging time is up. I really have to go.

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