Friday, January 27, 2006

Window Shopping

It was a complete let-down in some cases. A major in our air force, no less. He rescinded on our deal to buy up my Intel III and I had to scramble for a customer in two days. Another ass bitch from India, who is of Roman Catholic faith, similarly did the same, claiming miscommunication of the price she thought she was buying into.

Look Bitch! I wrote it down for you in very clear numeric terms. If you can't tell the difference between $490 for a high-end PhotoSmart printer from $70 for a cable modem, you can't possibly be the only computerised rubber stamp maker in town! You should be selling rags for your trade instead.

One didn't want to cart away a piece of equipment as we agreed upon before. He had me screaming into his ears before he finally did.

I have met enough of all these Roman Catholic devotees going round, seemingly pious but who turn into were-wolves when matters of money are concerned. These are the hypocrites of the faith who give the religion a bad name. Even me, as a non-practising RC anymore, do not do so. I rather profess agnosticism.

A quick lunch at a food-court turned into window shopping at a reputed retailer. Brands like Elysee do not seem to be around on the shelves anymore. I laugh at "cordless" vacuum and electric jugs. The charging time and purported portablility didn't seem congruous.

My old window air-conditioning unit had a fan option which the new multi-split systems do not. To think I actually washed down tonnes in my 5kg load washer. And a dryer can only dry at half the load? Fridges defy convention when it is a freezer on one side and a cooler on the other for a 2-door side-by-side refrigerator. It used to be top and bottom stacking.

The fine dining and sofa set were exquisitely crafted but expensive. The designs for the wardrobe were functional, practical and useful. When I did a quick estimation, it would cost me at least a cool $20K just for furnishings and appliances alone, going by today's prices.

Some charity organisations are now removal and disposal companies as well. It is a marvellous idea that I pay them to dipose my stuff and they in turn re-use my good furniture. Call it double profit. I am down to my last three items to offload and I pray if anyone would please take them.

Here is the list: (1) A Royal Mail toy truck (2) HP Photosmart 8450 printer (3) Motorola Surfboard cable modem for Internet and Cable TV (4) Maxonline 2000 ownership transfer.

Please give me a call or leave a comment for me to contact you so I can rid myself of these.

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